February 2025


  • Winter Gear Remindeer
  • PBIS Update
  • Monthly SEL update
  • January's Tree-Mendous Students
  • Winter Walk to School
  • Events & Dates
  • Art News
  • Yearbook Orders
  • ALPS Applications
  • Family Nights per grade
  • Referendum Vote Info.
  • Love & Logic Meeting
  • Out-of-Attendance and Open Enrollment Info.
  • OASD Upcoming Events
  • PSC Agenda (Nov.)

Carl Traeger Elementary 
3000 W. 20th Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54904

Principal Message - February

Dear Carl Traeger Elementary Families,

Our 1st semester of the 2024-25 school year is complete! As of January 24th, you could view your child’s report card in Infinite Campus on the Parent Portal and a paper copy will be mailed home to families soon, if you have not received it already. This paper copy will also include additional recent assessment data. Please let the office know if you have questions or problems viewing your child’s report card on IC. The end of the first semester is a great time to reflect and set goals with your student. Staff do that with students during the school day and it is important for us to partner in those conversations at home. Take time to talk with your student to share celebrations they have in their learning, growth they have made, and goals they have set to achieve by the end of the second semester. If you have questions regarding this snapshot of how your child is doing, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, as they are always more than happy to discuss your child’s progress with you.

In February, we will have our final family nights taking place. Stay tuned for more information on family nights for 4th grade, 5th grade, and our self contained programs. Thank you to all the families that were able to attend this year. We are so thankful for the partnership with our families and appreciate you taking the time to come in to visit our school, see the amazing learning taking place, and celebrate your student’s education with them!!  

I hope you are all staying warm, safe and healthy!


Kristin Burgert


If your Student forgets their boots or snow pants, they will play on the blacktop during both recesses. 

Thank You !

If your Student does not have boots or snow pants, they will play on the blacktop for recess, THANKS!



There are three brain states: executive, emotional, and survival. Our executive state is our highest functioning state. Sometimes things do not go our way, we become stressed and our executive state shuts down. As a result, we might feel anxious, upset, triggered and tend to be more reactive. We shift from in control to out of control and respond on auto-pilot. We have lost our composure. 


How do you know when you have lost your composure? 

  • We often focus on what we do not want instead of what we do want. We say things like, “Stop that!” or “You’re driving me crazy!” or “If you are good, we will get ice cream.” 
  • When we are stressed, anxious, and upset, our children can mirror our frustrations and become upset too.

How do we regain composure?

  • Notice you are triggered.
  • Pause, breathe, and relax. Tell yourself you can handle what is happening. Repeat three or more times.
  • Focus on what you do want. For example “You may play quietly with Legos or draw, but you may not run around and yell.” or “You can say ‘help me, please,’ if you need help.”
  • When we are calm, even when feeling stressed, our children take on our calm.

How do we teach composure?

  • We can teach and practice deep breathing techniques during times of calm.
  • We can model and reactivate these techniques when we or they are experiencing an upset.

Helpful composure tips from Conscious Discipline:

Want to know more? Use this LINK to learn more about composure. Listen to this podcast featuring Dr. Becky Bailey and DJ Batiste. 



monthlynewsletter2024-25 (PDF)



January TREE-Mendous Students

TraegerStudentsareTREE-mendousTraegerTales (PDF)







  • Feb 6 - 3rd Grade Trebiatowski Field Trip to Oshkosh Museum

                   - 4th Grade Family Night 4:30 - 6pm. 

  • Feb 7 - NO SCHOOL for students - Professional Day

  • Feb 11 - 3rd Grade Branson Field Trip to Oshkosh Museum

  • Feb 13 - 5th Grade Family Night 4:30 - 6

  • Feb 14 - Classroom Friendship Parties

  • Feb 18 - 3rd Grade Reisler Field Trip to Oshkosh Museum 

  • Feb 21 - NO SCHOOL for Staff & Students - Mid-Winter Break


News from the Art Room

Hello Traeger Families! 

What’s new in the Art room? Most students are still in the process of glazing or painting their clay projects. We will definitely need to display some of them at the large elementary art show at the lower level of the Oshkosh Public Library in April, called Artfest. It will go up on Wednesday, April 2nd and stay up until April 30th. All are welcome to attend a reception celebrating the show on April 13th from 2-3:30 pm. 

Speaking of Art shows, the show at the Masonic Center in January was a wonderful success! The artwork from all age levels was amazing and we saw many artists in attendance, along with their proud families and friends. While I was there, I saw the following artists from Traeger Elementary (clockwise): Talia B., Maura D., Mara B., Aiden D., Bentley T. and Harlynn S. 



As we progress into second semester, we look forward to all of the upcoming projects and (still in the works…) a SOAR residency with a muralist!

THANK YOU to all of the families and staff who have been dropping needed items off in the Art room. Thanks to a large donation of paper bags from Menards, we no longer need paper bags!

Items needed for the Art room:

  • Amazon gift bags for a Rajasthani Indian puppet project
  • Bubble wrap/bubble wrap mailing envelopes for sending home clay projects
  • Yarn - Any type, color or amount

With much gratitude-

-Mrs. Harmon



Yearbook Orders are Due March 10th



First page of the PDF file: Yearbook2425





Oshkosh's Advanced Learning Program has opened their application forms for next school year. 

Click on the image for more enrollment information!







Join us! Learn About the OASD’s April 1 Referendum

The Oshkosh Area School District (OASD) is inviting families and community members to learn more about the upcoming $197.8 million capital referendum, designed to improve student safety and learning spaces while maintaining a $0 tax increase to the debt levy.

To ensure the community is well-informed, the OASD has scheduled a series of information sessions and Q&A opportunities. These events will give you a chance to ask questions and understand the full scope of the referendum projects. The district’s goal is to provide the community with the necessary facts to make an informed decision on April 1.

Information Sessions

Each session will include a presentation followed by a Q&A.

  • Tuesday, February 11 | 6:30 PM | Oshkosh North High School - Auditorium (1100 W Smith Ave)
  • Friday, February 21 | 8:30 AM | South Park Middle School - Gym (1551 Delaware St)
  • Monday, March 3 | 6:30 PM | Oakwood Elementary School - Cafeteria (1225 N. Oakwood Rd)
  • Thursday, March 13 | 6:30 PM | South Park Middle School - Gym (1551 Delaware St)
  • Tuesday, March 18 | 6:30 PM | Franklin Elementary School - Cafeteria (1401 W 5th Ave)
  • Wednesday, March 26 | 10:30 AM | Oshkosh Public Library - Lower Level A/B Room (106 Washington Ave)

Q&A Sessions

These informal sessions allow residents to drop in and get questions answered by Superintendent Dr. Bryan Davis and district leaders.

  • Monday, February 17 | 8:30-9:30 AM | Caramel Crisp (200 City Center Dr)
  • Friday, February 28 | 10-11 AM | Senior Center - Willow Room South Building (200 N Campbell Rd)
  • Wednesday, March 12 | 7:30-8:30 AM | Elsewhere Market (531 N Main St)
  • Monday, March 24 | 7:30-8:30 AM | Delta Family Restaurant (515 N Sawyer St)

Additional Opportunities

District leaders are also available to present at community meetings and group events. To schedule a presentation, please email referendum@oshkosh.k12.wi.us.

Learn More

For more details about the referendum, including frequently asked questions, session schedules, and project plans, visit the district’s dedicated referendum webpage: oshkosh.k12.wi.us/referendum-2025. Community members can also call the district at 920.424.0395 or email referendum@oshkosh.k12.wi.us with any questions.

“We believe it’s crucial for every community member to have access to accurate and timely information about the future of our schools,” said Dr. Bryan Davis, OASD Superintendent. “These sessions provide a valuable opportunity for residents to hear directly from district leaders and get answers to their questions about the referendum.”

The district has been working closely with the community throughout its facilities planning process to ensure the referendum projects address the needs of students while maintaining fiscal responsibility. All residents are encouraged to attend one of the upcoming sessions and visit the website for more information.



READLoveandLogicFlyer20251 (PDF)



Out-of-AttendanceAreaOpenEnrollmentApplicationDeadlines011325docx1 (PDF)




Oshkosh Schools Academy: Learn More About Your School District

Do you want to learn more about how the Oshkosh Area School District works? The Oshkosh Schools Academy is a new six-month program designed to give community members an inside look at the district’s mission, priorities, and initiatives. (See FLYER)

Program Details:

  • Start Date: January 17, 2025
  • Meeting Dates: One Friday a month from 7:30 - 9 a.m. (OASD Administration Office)
    • January 17, February 14, March 14, April 4, May 9, June 13
  • Topics Covered:
    • District operations and governance
    • Leadership principles
    • Academic priorities (e.g., reading, student wellness)
    • Community engagement opportunities

Participants will attend monthly sessions, engage in a book study, and interact directly with district leaders and staff. This is a great way to get involved and make a positive impact on public education in Oshkosh!

How to Apply:

  • Application Deadline: December 11, 2024
  • Limited Spots: 20-30 participants. If more than 30 apply, selections will be made randomly.
  • Those not selected will be placed on the waiting list for the 2025-2026 program.

Apply Today: Visit oshkosh.k12.wi.us/district/oshkosh-schools-academy to learn more and submit your application.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the Oshkosh Area School District!



PSC Agenda
02/11/2025, 6:00pm - 7:00pm 

Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually

PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.

Who are we? PSC Officers:

·        President: Nichole Casper 

·        Vice President: Megan Paulik

·        Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik

·        Communication & Outreach Coordinator: Kelly Zanders

·        Co-Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders

·        Secretary: Kenlin Grams

1.  Icebreaker

2.  Volunteer Opportunities

  • March 11th: 3-5 Post Concert Social Chairperson Needed
    • If we do not have a chair for this event by our meeting, the social will be cancelled
  • April 25th: Bingo Night (Megan)
    • Concession Coordinator Volunteer Needed
    • Front Table/Registration Volunteer Needed
    • Classroom Baskets Volunteer Needed
    • 50/50 Raffle Volunteer Needed (Jolene can help at the beginning)
    •  Prize Patrol Volunteer Needed
    • Pizza (MandyStein)
  • May 12th week: Bike to School Week Chairperson Needed
    • Contact: Steve Stagmeister, 920.688.2356, ssagmstr@aol.com, Oshkosh Community Bike Program
  • EPI School Supply Packs Chairperson Needed 

3.  Upcoming Fundraisers & Events

  • February 7th: Urban Air (Katie Z.)
  • February 21st: Eaton’s Pizza (Karisa)
  • March 1st: Traeger Herd Night (Nichole)
  • May 18th: Golf Outing @ Far Vu (Andrea) Sponsors & Golfers Needed
  • Field Day Sponsors Needed

4.  Fundraiser/Event Updates

  • January 19th: Traeger Family Night at Funset Boulevard (Jolene)
  • January 30th: Restaurant Days @ Red Robin (Megan)

5.  Committee Chairs

  • Position names: Vice President, Treasurers, Communication & Outreach Coordinator

6.  Treasurer Report (Jolene)

7.  Future Agenda Items

8.  Questions

9.  Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 8th (No meeting in March!)

10. Motion to Adjourn