Stay up to date with the latest news from Carl Traeger Elementary!
Carl Traeger Elementary News
- Newsletter - SEPTEMBER 2024
- Newsletter - May 24, 2024
- Newsletter - May 17, 2024
- Newsletter - May 9, 2024
- Newsletter - May 3, 2024
- Newsletter - April 26, 2024
- Newsletter - April 19, 2024
- Newsletter - April 11, 2024
- Newsletter - April 5, 2024
- Newsletter - March 22, 2024
- Newsletter - March 15, 2024
- Newsletter - March 7, 2024
- Newsletter - March 1, 2024
- Newsletter - February 23, 2024
- Newsletter - February 16, 2024
- Newsletter - February 8, 2024
- Newsletter - February 2, 2024
- Newsletter - January 26, 2024
- Newsletter - January 19, 2024
- Newsletter - January 12, 2024
- Newsletter - January 5, 2024
- Newsletter - April 20, 2023
- Newsletter - December 21, 2023
- Newsletter - December 15, 2023
- Newsletter - December 7, 2023
- Newsletter - December 1, 2023
- Newsletter - November 17, 2023
- Newsletter - November 9, 2023
- Newsletter - November 3, 2023
- Newsletter - October 26, 2023
- Newsletter - October 20, 2023
- Newsletter - October 12, 2023
- Newsletter - October 6, 2023
- Newsletter - September 29, 2023
- Newsletter - September 21, 2023
- Newsletter - September 15, 2023
- Newsletter - September 8, 2023
- Newsletter - August 2023
- Newsletter - June 2, 2023
- Newsletter - May 26, 2023
- Newsletter - May 19, 2023
- Newsletter - May 11, 2023
- Newsletter - May 5, 2023
- Newsletter - April 28, 2023
- Newsletter - April 14, 2023
- Newsletter - April 6, 2023
- Newsletter - March 31, 2023
- Newsletter March 17, 2023
- Newsletter - March 9, 2023
- Newsletter - March 3, 2023
- Newsletter - February 24, 2023
- Newsletter - February 17, 2023
- Newsletter - February 9, 2023
- Newsletter - February 3, 2023
- Newsletter - January 27, 2023
- Newsletter - January 20, 2023
- Newsletter - January 13, 2023
- Newsletter - January 6, 2023
- Newsletter - December 22, 2022
- Newsletter - December 16, 2022
- Newsletter - December 8, 2022
- Newsletter - December 2, 2022
- Newsletter - November 18, 2022
- Newsletter - November 10, 2022
- Newsletter - November 4, 2022
- Newsletter - October 27, 2022
- Newsletter - October 21, 2022
- Newsletter - October 13, 2022
- Newsletter - October 7, 2022
- Newsletter - September 30, 2022
- Newsletter - September 22, 2022
- Newsletter September 16, 2022
- Newsletter - September 9, 2022
- Newsletter - August 2022
- Newsletter - May 27, 2022
- Newsletter - May 20, 2022
- Newsletter - May 13, 2022
- Newsletter - May 6, 2022
- Newsletter - April 29, 2022
- Newsletter - April 22, 2022
- Newsletter - April 14, 2022
- Newsletter - April 8, 2022
- Newsletter - April 1, 2022
- Newsletter - March 18, 2022
- Newsletter - March 11, 2022
- Newsletter - March 4, 2022
- Newsletter - February 4, 2022
- Newsletter - February 25. 2022
- Newsletter - February 11, 2022
- Newsletter - January 28. 2022
- Newsletter - January 21, 2022
- Newsletter - January 14, 2022
- Newsletter - January 7, 2022
- Newsletter - January 8, 2021
- Newsletter - December 17, 2021
- Newsletter - December 10, 2021
- Newsletter - December 3, 2021
- Newsletter - November 19, 2021
- Newsletter - November 12, 2021
- Newsletter - November 5, 2021
- Newsletter - October 29, 2021
- Newsletter - October 21. 2021
- Newsletter - October 15, 2021
- Newsletter - October 8. 2021
- Newsletter - October 1, 2021
- Newsletter - September 24, 2021
- Newsletter - September 17, 2021
- Newsletter - September 10, 2021
- Newsletter - September 3, 2021
- Newsletter - August 2021
- Newsletter - May 28, 2021
- Newsletter - May 21, 2021
- Newsletter - May 14, 2021
- Newsletter - May 7, 2021
- Newsetter - April 30, 2021
- Newsletter - April 23, 2021
- Newsletter - April 16, 2021
- Newsletter - April 9, 2021
- Newsletter - March 26, 2021
- Newsletter - March 19, 2021
- Newsletter - March 12, 2021
- Newsletter - March 5, 2021
- Newsletter - February 26, 2021
- Newsletter - February 19, 2021
- Newsletter - February 12, 2021
- Newsletter - February 5, 2021
- Newsletter - January 29, 2021
- Newsletter - January 22, 2021
- Newsletter - January 15, 2021
- Newsletter - December 18, 2020
- Newsletter - December 11, 2020
- Newsletter - December 4, 2020
- Newsletter - November 20, 2020
- Newsletter - November 13, 2020
- Newsletter - November 6, 2020
- Newsletter - October 30, 2020
- Newsletter - October 22, 2020
- Newsletter - October 16, 2020
- Newsletter - October 9, 2020
- Newsletter - October 2, 2020
- Newsletter - September 25, 2020
- Newsletter - September 18, 2020
- Newsletter - September 11, 2020
- Newsletter - September 4, 2020
- Newsletter - August 2020
- Newsletter - Archived
Newsletter - SEPTEMBER 2024
Dear Traeger Elementary Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year and to our Carl Traeger Elementary School Family! I hope you had an enjoyable and fun summer while staying safe and healthy! The 2024-25 school year will begin in a few days and we are so excited to welcome all the students back into the building. Being new to Traeger this year, I am very excited to get to know each of you, work together toward student success, and help make it another wonderful year at CTE. It was nice seeing and meeting so many of you all at Get to Know You Conferences. I know I can speak for the entire Traeger Elementary staff when I say we are excited and ready to begin another great year of learning with all of our students and families!
Here is a link to our Carl Traeger Elementary School Family Handbook. This contains a lot of information about our school and is a great resource to hold onto.
Each month, a school-wide newsletter, Traeger Tales, will be published to our school website and sent to families in Infinite Campus. This communication will contain a variety of information from myself, staff in the building, groups, community events, and much more.
Each week, families will get an IC message with a “Weekly Agenda” document. This will be a shorter, more condensed piece of information that has key updates or information for the week ahead, events happening the next week, etc.
Just a few reminders: On the first day of school, you will be able to recognize staff members on the first day in blue Traeger Timberwolf t-shirts, so please let us know if you have any questions or need any help! Teachers will meet K-5 students in a designated area of the blacktop by the basketball courts the first three days of school (4K meeting plan will be communicated by 4K staff). Meeting spots will be marked with cones. Teachers will be holding a sign with their name. Parents/guardians who want to walk their kids to the playground should PARK IN THE LOT. The circle drive is for kids who are able to exit their vehicle INDEPENDENTLY and walk to the playground blacktop. Beginning the fourth day of school, September 5th, all students may enter the building at Door 21 starting at 7:30. The playground is NOT open before school. Students should not be dropped off early as staff supervision does not begin until 7:30. The first bell will ring at 7:40 signaling for students to line up if they are not there yet. Parents/guardians are welcome to stand with their student until they head into the building with their teacher.
***In case of rain on the first three days of class, students in grades 1-5 should go in Door 21 and go straight to class. Staff will be available to help get students to the right class. Kindergarten students should come to the main entrance and staff will escort them. Parents/guardians will not be allowed into the building to escort their child to class to follow our safety and security protocols.
The school day ends at 2:45pm. Just a reminder that all families need to wait outside of the building for students as they will be dismissed by their teacher. Students walking, biking, or getting picked up on the playground will exit out their pod door near the playground with their teacher. Students without supervision are not able to stay after school to play on the playground. Students that attend after care at Traeger will head to the cafeteria and students utilizing the Y walk to the YMCA will walk to the back of the building to meet a supervisor to help them cross safely. Students picked up in the circle drive will have their pick up numbers called beginning at 2:40 and will exit the front doors to be picked up when your vehicle pulls to the front.
Kindergarten Families: Be sure to check and confirm you know which first day of school your child will be attending. Kindergarten students were sent their staggered start for the first day in June (or August if you moved to us). Students attend either September 3rd OR September 4th. All kindergarten students attend together beginning on September 5th. If you have questions or are unsure, please contact your child’s teacher or call the main office.
The Traeger Elementary Staff and I look forward to a successful school year of growing and learning together! We thank you for your continued support of our school and the students' learning this year.
Wishing you well,
Kristin Burgert, Principal
kristin burgert - carl traeger elementary principal
My husband, Bryan, and I live in Oshkosh with our three boys: Beckett (10), Greyson (6) and Liam (4). We spend a lot of our time together playing sports, especially baseball, football, and basketball. My husband and I both grew up in Oshkosh and actually attended Carl Traeger Middle the first year that it opened!
What hobby or hobbies do you enjoy? I recently picked up golf and I am loving spending my time learning how to play. I also love Wisconsin Badger Athletics, especially football, traveling, reading,
What is your favorite kind of pizza? My favorite kind of pizza is sausage, mushroom and onion.
Jodi guido - math instructional support teacher
My name is Jodi Guido and I will be the new Math Instructional Support Teacher at Carl Traeger Elementary. I am married and have 3 kids. My husband's name is Chris and my kids are Emily, Haley, and Taylor (all CT alumni)! A few of my hobbies are golfing, reading, gardening, and just about anything I can do outside! My favorite pizza is Chicago deep dish with pepperoni and veggies!
Jaci McMahon - Cross Categorical Teacher / empower academy
Family: I have three grown children(John, Morgan and Alex as well as 6 grandchildren ranging from 8 months to 9 years - 2 boys and 4 girls - Elle, Haisley, Lakelynn, Lincoln, Charlotte and Emerson). We all love spending time at our family cabin, sitting around the campfire, 4-wheeling, fishing, hiking, swimming and exploring the trails.
Hobbies: Making maple syrup in the spring, kayaking, fishing, reading, knitting and crocheting
Favorite Pizza: Sausage, Mushroom and Onion or a Hawaiian pizza
Megan Jarosh - Kindergarten teacher
I am a proud mom to my six-year old daughter, Penelope, and my two-year-old son, Sawyer. I was born and raised in New Hampshire, where all of my family still lives! I moved to Wisconsin when I was 21 years old, where I met my husband, Adam!
I enjoy swimming, paddle boarding, exploring new places, spending time with my family, fitness and cooking/baking. I have spent time trying to learn to decorate cakes, but my execution still leaves much to be desired.
My Favorite Pizza : Pineapple and ham!
amy buelow - Literacy instructional support teacher
Hello! My name is Mrs. Amy Buelow and I am a Literacy Instructional Support Teacher who will focus on supporting students in reading and writing in small groups and one on one. I enjoyed a one year, mini-retirement after working at Roosevelt for over nine years. I missed working with students so much I decided to come back part time. My husband and I are empty nesters except for our dog, Jordy. We raised our two children in Oshkosh and both kids continue to live here. As a family, we enjoy boating, hiking and preparing meals together. With friends I like to talk about books, play pickleball, and participate in as many art classes as possible. My favorite kind of pizza is margherita.
Megan ott - Cross categorical special education teacher
My family: My husband Duane and I have 2 children, 1 dog, and a rabbit. Our son Brady is a sophomore at West and he plays soccer, swims, and runs track. Our daughter Kennedy is an 8th grader at Traeger Middle and she plays soccer and basketball, and also runs cross country and track. We enjoy watching our kids' sporting events and also love to travel!
Hobbies: I love to read and try out new recipes. Favorite kind of pizza: I am a vegetarian, so plain old cheese is my favorite!
Michelle reisler - 3rd grade teacher
I have been married to my wonderful husband, Brock for a little over a year. We enjoy watching sports, going to Brewer and Packer games, golfing, traveling, and visiting with family and friends. I am originally from Brillion. My parents are still living in the Brillion area. I also have an older sister and an older brother. My sister lives in Milwaukee and my brother lives in Nebraska with his family. I love when I get to visit them as I love being an Aunt to my niece and two nephews, with another niece on the way! My husband is from Bonduel and his brother and sister-in-law live in the Wausau area. I enjoy watching and playing sports, traveling, playing games, and spending time with family and friends. My favorite pizza: Pepperoni pizza with pineapple and jalapenos.
Hello Traeger Families!
Several years ago Growing Oshkosh, a non-profit urban farm, partnered with OASD to bring raised bed gardens to our schools. While Growing Oshkosh is no longer in existence, we continue to plant and maintain our garden beds for our school community. Again, this year, our Empower Academy class planted veggies and flowers.
All the produce grown in the gardens is free and can be harvested by anyone at any time!
We had great help from families pulling weeds and watering. Our Carl Traeger deer who like to visit REALLY enjoyed our green beans and tomato tops this year. Make sure to stop by and get your photo taken by our annual sunflowers out front!
Walking Field Trip - ALL STUDENTS
All classrooms take turns exploring the grounds around Traeger. The most important part to this permission form is for our EVACUATION Drills. We will need parent permission for all students to practice our evacuation drill to our meeting location across from Traeger Elementary. CLICK HERE for instructions to fill out a field trip permission form. This is also great practice for any future field trip forms you will need to complete this year.
Oct. 1st - Mrs. Witt and Mrs. Sopata
Oct 3rd - Mrs. Alsberg
Location: YMCA on 20th Ave.
Time: 11:15am - 2:15pm
Cost $0!
Swimsuits are REQUIRED!
You will need to sign the permission form, sign the YMCA Waiver, and pay $0 field trip fee.
Visit your Infinite Campus Parent Portal in SCHOOL STORE!
SIDE NOTE: Since we are walking, all students must have their WALKING FIELD TRIP FORMS filled out as well
Sept 18th - Mr. Amel
Sept 19th - Mrs. Kordus and Ms. Aronson
Location: Menominee Park
Time: 11:30am - 2:30pm
Cost $10, but will be $0 for Free/Reduced Students
Suggested items to bring: Sunscreen, comfortable clothes to sail in, and possible towel and change of clothes.
You will need to sign the permission form, sign the Sailing Waiver, and pay the field trip fee.
Visit your Infinite Campus Parent Portal in SCHOOL STORE!
- September 3
- First Day of School!
- September 17th
- 2nd Grade "Safety Around Water" Field Trip
- September 18th
- Mr. Amel's 4th Grade Sailing Trip
- September 19th
- Ms. Aronson & Mrs. Kordus 4th Grade Sailing Trip
- September 20th
- Chew Gum for Charity (Student Council Fundraiser)
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Kristin Burgert can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
PSC Agenda
9/10/24, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers:
President: Nichole Casper
Vice President: Megan Paulik
Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
Communication & Outreach Coordinator: Kelly Zanders
Co-Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
Secretary: Kenlin Grams
Welcome new families & little about the PSC - Nichole
PTBoard - What is it? How to use it?
Upcoming Fundraisers & Events
Papa Murphy’s Restaurant Day (Friday, September 27th)- Mandy
Book Fair & Popcorn Social - Kenlin
Book Fair: September 30th-October 4th
Popcorn Social: Friday, October 4th
Photography Fundraiser - Kelly
Fall Market & Food Fest (Saturday, October 21st)-Nichole
Trunk or Treat (Sunday, October 27th)-Nichole
Teacher Appreciation Monthly Gifts-Nichole
Treasurer Report - Jolene
Future Agenda Items:
Next PSC Meeting: Tuesday, October 8th
Book Fair Update -Kenlin
Trunk or Treat-Nichole
Herd Game - Nichole
Brighten Someone’s Holiday - Katie
K-2 Concert Social Volunteers
Motion to adjourn
Newsletter - May 24, 2024
TRAEGER TALESMay 24, 2024: Issue 43
With the end of this school year in sight, do what you can to make sure your child finishes strong and feels good about the end of the school year—and excited about what’s to come!
- Ask your child about his/her experiences this year. What were the best parts of the year? What were the hardest parts? Is there anything you wish you would have done differently? What new friends did you make?
- Talk about next year. If your child is transitioning to a new school, talk about what the school will be like, and what your child can expect. Check out the school’s website and visit the school if possible.
- Ask your child to start thinking about what he/she would like to accomplish this summer, perhaps read a certain number of books or learn a new skill (e.g., rollerblade, draw on the computer, play tennis).
Toward the end of the school year, student engagement in class (paying attention and participating) can diminish. This can make classes frustrating and unproductive. Here’s how you can help.
- Talk to your child about the importance of finishing the year strong. If you see your child starting to slack off, monitor his/her homework and grades more closely.
- As a way to encourage your child to stay focused on learning, each night at dinner, challenge your child to share two things he/she learned in school that day.
- Remind your child to stay engaged and to ask and answer questions in class. Students are much more engaged when they raise their hands often and participate in class discussions. They also find that the time goes a lot faster.
Talk to your child about how he/she feels about this year coming to a close. Some kids feel excited, nervous, and sad—sometimes all at once. Make sure your child knows that all these feelings are normal.
~Mrs. G. 😃
As school days wind down and the amount of free time your child has sky rockets, many parents find that an increase in screen time (using a tablet, computer, phone, or TV) sky rockets as well. Here are some tips for making sure your child has a healthy relationship with technology over the summer.
Keep it about learning. Your child likely enjoys using technology for entertainment and learning, but without direction from teachers, the learning often falls by the wayside. Look for opportunities to keep it educational, such as restricting technology use to educational games and apps only, or allowing your child to practice writing skills by exchanging emails (with your supervision) with friends and family.
Encourage activity and creativity.
Rather than passively sitting and watching videos for hours, encourage your child to make his/her own videos on a topic of his/her choice. Your child might narrate instructional videos about building LEGO sets, how to do a particular dance, or do a craft. Send the videos to family and friends, or watch them all together.
End-of-Year Celebration
The countdown to the last day of school has begun!
To celebrate and say goodbye for the summer, all Traeger students, staff and parents are invited to attend the end-of-year celebration and dance. This will be held on the playground from 1:30-2:30 pm on Friday, May 31. Ed Eaton from Sound Sensations Entertainment will be our DJ and each student will receive a popsicle during the event.
At 2:30 pm all students must go back inside with their teachers for final wrap-up and goodbyes. Students will be dismissed at 2:45 pm.
Volunteers are needed to help with this event. Please head to to see what volunteer opportunities are available and how you can help.
Old PE shoes that you no longer have a need for? Mrs. Wara will have a shoe donation bucket outside the gym door for gently used gym shoes to be donated!
- What: 5th Grade Advancement/DARE Graduation
- Who: Parents and Family of 5th Grade Students
- When: Thursday, May 30 at 1:30 PM (Gallery Walk at 1:15)
- Where: Carl Traeger Elementary School Gym
We hope you can join us as we celebrate elementary school and bid our 5th graders farewell!
The fifth grade celebration is Thursday, May 30 at 1:30. Parents are invited to come watch their fifth graders be recognized for successful completion of the elementary years and the DARE curriculum!
This year students will be participating in one of many ways: greeting guests, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the school song, sharing a favorite memory, presenting the class gift, or participating in a gallery walk of their favorite projects. Students are encouraged to dress nicely for this event.
Parents will have the opportunity to enjoy the gallery walk from 1:15 to 1:30 or immediately after the ceremony. The gallery walk will be set up in the elementary school gym. After the ceremony we will have a reception in the cafeteria with with cookies and lemonade. Students and families can mingle and reminisce about all the great times we have had together.
Join us in the elementary school gym as we honor our fifth grade students and send them off to middle school!
Harmon’s Hellos
Greetings Traeger Families!
Can you believe the year is almost over? What a whirlwind of a year it has been, and an amazing first year for me as a member of the CTE family. I want to take this opportunity to thank the CTE families for their support of both me and their children’s Art experiences, the staff for helping me adjust to how we roll at Traeger and mostly to our CTE students, who have spent countless hours growing as artists and all-around great citizens!
As we finish out the year and students bring their artwork home, please ask them about what they learned with each project, what they’re especially proud of, what they would change if they did it again. I know that nothing means more to them than how much you value their thoughts and effort.
Lastly, I’d like to leave you with a photo of Eli Shaw (2nd grade) and me with his Larry Loudmouth project. In this project, students learned about Greg Mike, an Atlanta artist who creates bright, fun, big-mouthed characters in mural street art. 2nd graders made their own Larry Loudmouths in a Greg Mike style that shout out positive messages to the world. Eli created a pizza-themed character that reads, “It’s okay. It’s always a new day.” What a wonderful message to remember when we feel defeated!
See you next year!
-Mrs. Harmon
Each month our students have the opportunity to exchange their Pride Prints for a variety of incentives ranging from school supplies to books to time with staff. After the last Pride Print Cart visit, we want to be able to provide motivation for students to continue to follow the Traeger Way. We are looking for donations that can be used for drawings on the last day of school at the dance party. Students can place their Pride Prints in the containers of the items they would love to win. We are hoping parents can help out with donations. Our theme is Summer Fun! We can put smaller items together – all donations are appreciated!
Last Day of School Dismissal traffic on the last day of school is typically VERY heavy. It is often difficult to get in or out of the driveway on that day. Please plan ahead and consider walking or biking to school next week. If you do drive to school on the last day, please be prepared for long traffic lines upon departure. Thank you!
Income Based Back to School Fair -Space is limited
Hello Traeger Families!
Several years ago Growing Oshkosh, a non-profit urban farm, partnered with OASD to bring raised bed gardens to our schools. While Growing Oshkosh is no longer in existence, we continue to plant and maintain our garden beds for our school community. Again, this year, our Empower Academy class will be planting our beds. We need help from our families to maintain the beds throughout the summer.
All families are welcome to enjoy and work with the school gardens throughout the spring, summer, and fall. The school gardens will require some watering and light weeding throughout the growing season.
Families are encouraged to bring their children to the gardens throughout the summer to see how the plants are progressing and take home any produce that is ready. All the produce grown in the gardens is free and can be harvested by anyone at any time!
We invite families to sign up for one week over the summer months to water the gardens if needed.
If you are interested, please click on this LINK and sign up for a week to water.
Note: A watering “key” is needed to turn on the outdoor watering spout. The key will need to be passed from one family to another. Please include your contact info on the sign up document so you can plan how to hand off the key to the next person/family.
- May 27
- No School - Memorial Day
- May 29
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Grade 2 to Green Bay Botanical Gardens
- May 30
- Fifth Grade Advancement 1:30pm
- May 31
- Last Day of School!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - May 17, 2024
TRAEGER TALESMay 17, 2024: Issue 42
It’s normal to get anxious in a new situation. When your child has to face something new, here are some concrete steps you can take as a parent to help ease them in.
1. Validate, validate, validate.
Tell your child that what they’re feeling is normal. It is perfectly okay for a child to feel their feelings, even if those emotions aren’t comfortable. Gently commenting on those feelings won’t make them worse—it will actually help your child feel understood. Try something like, “It’s okay to feel worried,” or “It’s hard to try new things sometimes.”
2. Keep a “You can do it!” attitude.
Express full confidence in your child’s ability to manage the situation they are in. Let them know that you believe they can handle the new challenge (even if it is hard). You can say statements like, “You’ve got this,” or “I know you can handle this.”
This confidence will work really well with your validation to show your child that you understand what they’re going through but still know they can do it. It might sound like, “I know you’re worried about going to the birthday party, AND I know you can do it.”
3. Take small steps toward a goal.
Some situations are harder for kids than others. Before you put your child in a new environment, think about whether you believe they can handle it right now. If it is too difficult, set them up for success by breaking up the task beforehand. Then start with a mini-step instead. For example, instead of just dropping your child off at soccer practice, let them know you will stay and watch. For the next week, make a plan to stay for only half of practice and then build toward dropping off and leaving. Make sure to tell the truth — no sneaking off if they seem more comfortable than you expected!
4. Practice makes progress.
For some kids, it’s going to take more than one time to warm up to a new situation. Give your kids time and don’t give up on something just because the first time was a little rough. Most things take a couple tries to get good at. Think of a skill you’ve been working on for yourself and compare it to the first time you tried it. I’d imagine you’re better now than when you first started. Putting kids in a new environment is the same—the more they do it, the easier it will get. If they quit piano after just one lesson, they’re probably never going to learn that it gets easier with time. Set a specific number of practices or lessons in advance and stick to it so your child can learn what happens to their worries when they keep trying.
5. Praise goes a long way.
It feels great when someone tells you they notice your hard work, doesn’t it? Let your child know they are doing an awesome job just by trying something new. Say something like, “I’m so proud of you for going to a new school even though you were worried,” or “Awesome job walking to the bus stop by yourself. I know that was a hard one.” You can praise effort toward a goal, even if your child hasn’t fully gotten to the end goal yet.
6. Check yourself.
As caregivers, it can be tough to see a child worrying. Children are emotional sponges; they pick up on what the adults in their lives are feeling. Make a plan to manage your emotions so that you can help your child through a new situation. Remind yourself that your child is safe—you wouldn’t put them in a dangerous situation. We can’t protect children from their feelings because feelings are natural, but we can help them through their feelings by supporting, validating, and giving them confidence.
Mrs. G. 😃 ~Source Read Brightly
End-of-Year Celebration
The countdown to the last day of school has begun!
To celebrate and say goodbye for the summer, all Traeger students, staff and parents are invited to attend the end-of-year celebration and dance. This will be held on the playground from 1:30-2:30 pm on Friday, May 31. Ed Eaton from Sound Sensations Entertainment will be our DJ and each student will receive a popsicle during the event.
At 2:30 pm all students must go back inside with their teachers for final wrap-up and goodbyes. Students will be dismissed at 2:45 pm.
Volunteers are needed to help with this event. Please head to to see what volunteer opportunities are available and how you can help.
Every month each class recognizes a student who consistently follows the Traeger Way! Congratulations to our April students who are also featured on the bulletin board in the cafeteria!
- What: 5th Grade Advancement/DARE Graduation
- Who: Parents and Family of 5th Grade Students
- When: Thursday, May 30 at 1:30 PM (Gallery Walk at 1:15)
- Where: Carl Traeger Elementary School Gym
We hope you can join us as we celebrate elementary school and bid our 5th graders farewell!
The fifth grade celebration is Thursday, May 30 at 1:30. Parents are invited to come watch their fifth graders be recognized for successful completion of the elementary years and the DARE curriculum!
This year students will be participating in one of many ways: greeting guests, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the school song, sharing a favorite memory, presenting the class gift, or participating in a gallery walk of their favorite projects. Students are encouraged to dress nicely for this event.
Parents will have the opportunity to enjoy the gallery walk from 1:15 to 1:30 or immediately after the ceremony. The gallery walk will be set up in the elementary school gym. After the ceremony we will have a reception in the cafeteria with with cookies and lemonade. Students and families can mingle and reminisce about all the great times we have had together.
Join us in the elementary school gym as we honor our fifth grade students and send them off to middle school!
Each month our students have the opportunity to exchange their Pride Prints for a variety of incentives ranging from school supplies to books to time with staff. After the last Pride Print Cart visit, we want to be able to provide motivation for students to continue to follow the Traeger Way. We are looking for donations that can be used for drawings on the last day of school at the dance party. Students can place their Pride Prints in the containers of the items they would love to win. We are hoping parents can help out with donations. Our theme is Summer Fun! We can put smaller items together – all donations are appreciated!
Income Based Back to School Fair -Space is limited
Hello Traeger Families!
Several years ago Growing Oshkosh, a non-profit urban farm, partnered with OASD to bring raised bed gardens to our schools. While Growing Oshkosh is no longer in existence, we continue to plant and maintain our garden beds for our school community. Again, this year, our Empower Academy class will be planting our beds. We need help from our families to maintain the beds throughout the summer.
All families are welcome to enjoy and work with the school gardens throughout the spring, summer, and fall. The school gardens will require some watering and light weeding throughout the growing season.
Families are encouraged to bring their children to the gardens throughout the summer to see how the plants are progressing and take home any produce that is ready. All the produce grown in the gardens is free and can be harvested by anyone at any time!
We invite families to sign up for one week over the summer months to water the gardens if needed.
If you are interested, please click on this LINK and sign up for a week to water.
Note: A watering “key” is needed to turn on the outdoor watering spout. The key will need to be passed from one family to another. Please include your contact info on the sign up document so you can plan how to hand off the key to the next person/family.
PSC Agenda
5/14/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President and Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
Meet the incoming Principal - Kristen Burgert
Volunteer Opportunities & Upcoming Events
Last Day of school dance
Pass out popsicles
Need 1,000 total for Field day too
Gluten free needed
Golf Outing
Date is Sunday, May 19th
Sponsorships currently $5100
Kindergarten Playdate
After GTKYC but before school starts (Kenlin and another mom)
Goodies from Costco - Nichole can get if needed
Chalk Walk
Day before school starts so will be on Labory Day, Monday, 9/2
Thursday, 8/22 & Tuesday, 8/27 from 3:30-7
Fundraiser Updates
50/50 - $748
Pick of pack - $660
Registration - 425 participants
Pizzas - 113 pizzas
Raffles - about $1900
Heads or Tails - $109.50
Staff Appreciation
Eatons - $7.99 per box lunch (drink, chip and sandwich) - remained under budget
$250 from EPI/school supply fundraiser used to purchase cups for teachers
Extra funds for next year
Bike to school Week
9 kids requested bikes
3 kids requested helmets
Extra bikes went to siblings (11 bikes total)
PSC purchased 3 additional helmets
5th grade advancement
Raised $532 to get a tree
Looking to use extra funds for story walk and library
Plaque is in trophy case - Nichole will get updated
Gabe’s Trivia Night
Tuesday, June 18th
20% of food sales during event donated back to Traeger
Upcoming Year Chair Appreciation ideas
Currently: Reserved seating for either concert or BINGO. Do we want to change this? Do we do anything for people who chair more than 1 event?
End of year party for volunteers? Include school volunteers?
Gift cards to chairs?
Promote PSC meeting attendance with teachers?
Post photos of volunteers
Add thank you to Traeger Tales
Treasurer Update
Budget approval for 2024-2025
Reviewed proposed budget which balanced for next year
Amended to add $25 expense for concert flowers - balanced by adding increased income $25 for photo fundraiser
Motion to approve budget by Karisa; 2nd Julia
Budget approved
Potential options for excess funds
CD - recommendation to add $10k for 6 months or 1 year
Motion to do a 6 month CD by Jolene; 2nd by Mandy
6 month CD for $10k approved
Carpets - was a site expense but district moving to standard carpets and moving to district expense - approximately $10k-$14k - estimate Traeger will be modernized in 3 years
Digital sign - promote events, etc.- have to share with middle school - estimate $20k - district wants this unified so need to research further
Scholorship - former Traeger student, potentially going into education - need to have a board established to determine who is chosen and need to have a sustainable fund
Vinyl triangular sign for main events
New titles for classroom libraries
Survey teachers to get other ideas
Next meeting date, time, and location:
Library Media Center on September 10, 2024!
Next year’s PSC meeting dates - Tuesdays: 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 1/14, 2/11, 4/8, 5/13
Farewell to our outgoing board members
Any suggestions over the summer - email
Motions to Adjourn - Brenna; 2nd by Mandy
Thank you for to all the families who donated for BINGO Basket items to classrooms, the following families for adult BINGO baskets: Heimos, Nigl, Wissing, Sanchez, McBrair, Halbach, Zurawski, Finch, Zanders, Fisher and Casper Family.
Thank you to all the families who donated items or monetary donations or their time for Staff appreciation week. We could not have spoiled the staff all week without your help.
Thank you Steve Sagmeister for donating 9 Bikes to bike to school week for children who did not have bikes & the PSC families for helping us purchase helmets for those individuals.
Thank you to all the families who have donated, attended an event, participated and supported the PSC this year. We couldn't do everything we do without the help of each one of you. We hope to see you at the last meeting of the year and in the new school year!
- May 19
- PSC Golf Outing
- May 20
- K-Kids at 6:00pm
- May 23
- Grade 3 to Bubolz
- May 24
- Field Day!
- May 27
- No School - Memorial Day
- May 29
- Grade 2 to Green Bay Botanical Gardens
- May 30
- Fifth Grade Advancement 1:30pm
- May 31
- Last Day of School!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - May 9, 2024
TRAEGER TALESMay 9, 2024: Issue 41
Hey Traeger families! In an effort to promote physical health and an active lifestyle, next week May 13-17, is Bike to School Week at Traeger. All week long your kids will have a chance to earn tickets for prizes! On Thursday we will give away prizes donated by Safe Routes to School and a bike donated by the PSC! All kids have to do is get themselves to school by any means other than a motorized vehicle. This could include walking, biking, scootering, or rip sticking. It’s that easy! Each day that they do this, they will earn a ticket to go into the prize drawings at the end of the week. Wearing a helmet will earn them a ticket too! We realize that these non-motorized means of transportation just aren’t realistic in some cases. If this is the case, just send your child to school with a helmet to earn a ticket each day.
On Wednesday, May 15, we have some staff and local celebrities leading bike trains. If your child would like to participate in this, check out the map.
Just to add to the excitement, we are going to be having some fun theme days next week:
We hope to see lots of bikes and helmets at school next week! ~Mrs. Wara & Mrs. G. 😃
Income Based Back to School Fair -Space is limited
Each month our students have the opportunity to exchange their Pride Prints for a variety of incentives ranging from school supplies to books to time with staff. After the last Pride Print Cart visit, we want to be able to provide motivation for students to continue to follow the Traeger Way. We are looking for donations that can be used for drawings on the last day of school at the dance party. Students can place their Pride Prints in the containers of the items they would love to win. We are hoping parents can help out with donations. Our theme is Summer Fun! We can put smaller items together – all donations are appreciated!
PSC Agenda
5/14/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President and Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
Meet the incoming Principal- Kristen Burgert
Volunteer Opportunities/ Upcoming Events
Last Day of school dance
Pass out popsicles
Golf Outing- May 19th
Kindergarten Playdate
Fundraiser Updates
Pick of pack
Staff Appreciation
Bike to school Week
5th grade advancement
Upcoming Year Chair Appreciation ideas
Currently: reserved seating for either concert or BINGO. Do we want to change this? Do we do anything for people who chair more than 1 event?
Treasurer Update
Budget approval for 2024-2025
Potential Option - digital sign,CD, or Scholarship, carpet for classrooms
Next meeting date, time, and location: September 10, 2024!
PSC Meeting Dates - Tuesdays: 9/10, 10/8, 11/12, 1/14, 2/11, 4/8, 5/13
Farewell to our outgoing board members
Motions to Adjourn
Thank you for to all the families who donated for BINGO Basket items to classrooms, the following families for adult BINGO baskets: Heimos, Nigl, Wissing, Sanchez, McBrair, Halbach, Zurawski, Finch, Zanders, Fisher and Casper Family.
Thank you to all the families who donated items or monetary donations or their time for Staff appreciation week. We could not have spoiled the staff all week without your help.
Thank you Steve Sagmeister for donating 9 Bikes to bike to school week for children who did not have bikes & the PSC families for helping us purchase helmets for those individuals.
Thank you to all the families who have donated, attended an event, participated and supported the PSC this year. We couldn't do everything we do without the help of each one of you. We hope to see you at the last meeting of the year and in the new school year!
Fifth Grade Advancement and DARE Graduation
Thursday, May 30
Elementary Gym
- May 13-17
- Bike to School Week
- May 14
- PSC 6:00pm in LMC
- May 15
- Join the Bike Train!
- May 16
- Kordus to Paine Art Center
- May 19
- PSC Golf Outing
- May 20
- K-Kids at 6:00pm
- May 23
- Grade 3 to Bubolz
- May 24
- Field Day!
- May 27
- No School - Memorial Day
- May 29
- Grade 2 to Green Bay Botanical Gardens
- May 30
- Fifth Grade Advancement 1:30pm
- May 31
- Last Day of School!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - May 3, 2024
TRAEGER TALESMay 3, 2024: Issue 40
Next week is Staff Appreciation Week! It is a time to thank the men and women who dedicate their days to educating and supporting your children each day. If your child/family would like to write a personal message to a staff member follow this LINK or this LINK for a template. Children can bring completed notes to school any time next week.
The Traeger Staff is a dedicated team, focused on helping students achieve their fullest potential while engaging them in the learning process. As a staff we also recognize the important role that parents and families play in a child’s education. Thank you for your involvement with your child. The partnership between home and school is important and we appreciate you!
Thank you for sharing your children with us each day!
~Mrs. G. 😃
A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others."
I Am A Teacher
By John Wayne "Jack" Schlatter (Adapted from his book I Am A Teacher)
I was born the first moment that a question leaped from the mouth of a child.
Throughout the course of a day I am called upon to be an actor, friend, nurse and doctor, coach, finder of lost articles, money lender, psychologist, substitute parent and a keeper of the faith.
I am the most fortunate of all who labor. I know that what I build with love and truth, will last forever. I am privileged to see that life is reborn each day with new questions, ideas and friendships.
And who do I have to thank for this wonderful life I am so fortunate to experience? You, the public and the parents who entrust to me their greatest contribution to eternity, their children.
I have wept for joy at the weddings of former students, laughed with glee at the birth of their children and stood with head bowed in grief and confusion by graves dug too soon for bodies far too young.
I have a past that is rich in memories, I have a present that is challenging, and fun, because I am allowed to spend my days with the future.
I Am A Teacher And I Am Thankful For It Every Day.
See Ms. Gill at Caramel Crisp!
Medications at school
All medications are to be picked up by parent/guardian on or before the last day of school – May 31, 2023. Our policy will not allow us to keep them for the next school year.
If you know your student will need medication next school year, we are asking you to obtain an order from your doctor/nurse practitioner before the start of the next school year. You can pick up this Medication/ Treatment Request form from your school secretary before the end of this school year. A physician/nurse practitioner signature must accompany all medications/treatments.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the Health office at 424-0065 Ext 1483.
The medication/treatment form, when completed by you and your doctor, can be given to the school secretary along with the properly labeled container of medication at the start of the next school year.
This year is going to be our best field day yet!! Field day is set for Friday, May 24. There will be opportunities to volunteer in the morning (with set up) or in the afternoon to help run stations. Volunteer sign up will come out in May!! If you would like to make a donation to help cover costs of our field day events, check out the PT board or contact Heidi Wara
Each month our students have the opportunity to exchange their Pride Prints for a variety of incentives ranging from school supplies to books to time with staff. After the last Pride Print Cart visit, we want to be able to provide motivation for students to continue to follow the Traeger Way. We are looking for donations that can be used for drawings on the last day of school at the dance party. Students can place their Pride Prints in the containers of the items they would love to win. We are hoping parents can help out with donations. Our theme is Summer Fun! We can put smaller items together – all donations are appreciated!
- May 8
- Walk to School Wednesday
- May 10
- No School for Students
- May 13-17
- Bike to School Week
- May 14
- PSC 6:00pm in LMC
- May 16
- Kordus to Paine Art Center
- May 19
- PSC Golf Outing
- May 20
- K-Kids at 6:00pm
- May 23
- Grade 3 to Bubolz
- May 24
- Field Day!
- May 27
- No School - Memorial Day
- May 29
- Grade 2 to Green Bay Botanical Gardens
- May 30
- Fifth Grade Advancement 1:30pm
- May 31
- Last Day of School!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - April 26, 2024
TRAEGER TALESApril 24, 2024: Issue 39
How did Barack Obama become president? Why is Serena Williams such a good tennis player? We often look at the end of the story – the A+ or the star athlete – and think that success came without effort. Instead, success often takes great effort and planning. Parents and teachers build children’s goal setting and problem solving skills by talking about the little steps needed to reach large goals. Here’s how to do it.
Teach children how to think rather than what to think by asking questions and offering choices.
What We Know:
You can help your child move from “what do I want to be?” to “how can I be that?” by helping them identify simple steps that can lead to their long-term goal. Even young children are capable of thinking about the steps to solving a problem. As early as age 4, children can offer many solutions to a problem. And, by age 8, children can think of the steps needed to reach a goal and the problems they might have along the way.
Parents can teach children how to think rather than what to think by asking questions and offering choices. For very young children the questions are simple: “Would you like the door open or closed?” “Would you like one book or two books?” By elementary school, the questions can be more complicated: “What could you do differently?” “How did that make you feel?” “What can you try next?”
Try This:
Help your child set and achieve big personal goals by reading picture books that show how lots of little steps are needed to reach a goal. (The We Are Teachers website has a list of 12 books about reaching goals to check out from your library.) While you are reading, ask questions about how the character becomes successful like: “Was she always good at playing the violin?” “How did he become a better runner?” “What happened when she made a mistake?”
For Fun:
Watch Dr. Becky Bailey’s TedX Talk “Wiring the Brain for Success” for an entertaining look at the brain science behind how our mental state prepares us to reach goals. (Source: UW Extension)
Mrs. G. 😃
This year is going to be our best field day yet!! Field day is set for Friday, May 24. There will be opportunities to volunteer in the morning (with set up) or in the afternoon to help run stations. Volunteer sign up will come out in May!! If you would like to make a donation to help cover costs of our field day events, check out the PT board or contact Heidi Wara
Each month our students have the opportunity to exchange their Pride Prints for a variety of incentives ranging from school supplies to books to time with staff. After the last Pride Print Cart visit, we want to be able to provide motivation for students to continue to follow the Traeger Way. We are looking for donations that can be used for drawings on the last day of school at the dance party. Students can place their Pride Prints in the containers of the items they would love to win. We are hoping parents can help out with donations. Our theme is Summer Fun! We can put smaller items together – all donations are appreciated!
It’s Tick Season!!
I know, it’s not something to be excited about, but we can learn about ticks to make tick season more tolerable. The beautiful playground and woods surrounding our school are the exact type of area that ticks love to live in. So, what can our students do to prevent ticks from attaching to their skin?
Students should watch for ticks on their clothes when entering the building in the morning and after any recess. If the tick is crawling on their skin or clothes they should remove the tick immediately and notify a teacher or recess supervisor. If a student finds a tick that is already attached to their skin they should come to the health office as soon as they notify their teacher. While we are unable to remove the attached tick at school, we will call and notify parents what we have found. Parents can then come to school and remove the tick or take the child home to remove the tick. Please remember that if you do remove an attached tick at home it is best to keep the tick in a clear baggie in case you later need to identify the type of tick.
The CDC has great information on tick removal, bite prevention and when to contact a doctor after a tick bite. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at
- April 26
- PSC Bingo Night!
- May 1
- Walk to School Wednesday
- 5th Grade to Timber Rattlers Stadium
- May 8
- Walk to School Wednesday
- May 10
- No School for Students
- May 13-17
- Bike to School Week
- May 14
- PSC 6:00pm in LMC
- May 16
- Kordus to Paine Art Center
- May 19
- PSC Golf Outing
- May 20
- K-Kids at 6:00pm
- May 23
- Grade 3 to Bubolz
- May 24
- Field Day!
- May 27
- No School - Memorial Day
- May 29
- Grade 2 to Green Bay Botanical Gardens
- May 30
- Fifth Grade Advancement 1:30pm
- May 31
- Last Day of School!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - April 19, 2024
TRAEGER TALESApril 19, 2024: Issue 38
Friday evening, April 26, the cries of “Bingo!” will echo through the school cafeterias as we gather for our annual Spring Bingo & Basket Raffle event! Join us for a fabulous evening of fun! Doors will open at 4:30 with concessions available and browsing of the popular classroom baskets, which will be given away at the end of the evening. Back this year is a special basket raffle called Pick of the Pack! Here is how it works:
- 5 of the BEST baskets will be set aside for this special raffle opportunity
- Each ticket is $10. We will sell 100 tickets.
- People can buy as many tickets as they want.
- The winning ticket will be pulled at the start of BINGO.
- The winner gets to pick one of the 5 baskets to keep and win before BINGO begins!
- The other 4 baskets will go back into the BINGO basket drawings for the end of the night winners.
Admission is $2 per person, and each child will receive 5 basket tickets as they enter. As we play BINGO from 5:30 to 7:00, the prizes will include additional basket tickets. At 7:00, we will stop playing BINGO and all tickets will be turned in for the basket drawings. The drawings will begin at about 7:10 and conclude around 7:30. There will also be adult raffle tickets on sale for $1 or 6 for $5. Back for another year! We will play "Heads or Tails" - free for the children, $1.00 for adults. We will also have tickets available for purchase for a 50/50 raffle and a chance to win one of our adult raffle baskets. Volunteer information can be found below. We need your help to make this wonderful event possible! Classroom theme basket information went home. Basket items are due back Monday, April 22. Basket themes can be found at the LINK. Join us for the fun! I look forward to seeing you at BINGO! ~Mrs. G. 😃
TREE-mendous Traeger Students!
Every month each class recognizes a student who consistently follows the Traeger Way! Congratulations to this month's students who are also featured on the bulletin board in the cafeteria!
This year is going to be our best field day yet!! Field day is set for Friday, May 24. There will be opportunities to volunteer in the morning (with set up) or in the afternoon to help run stations. Volunteer sign up will come out in May!!
Your Voice Shapes Our School’s Future
The Oshkosh Area School District values the voices of our families. That's why we're inviting all parents and guardians to participate in our annual OASD Climate Survey.
Now in its second year, this independent survey (by Hannover Research) provides important feedback about your experiences in our school and district. Your open and honest input helps guide improvements across the district.
Survey Details:
Covers all aspects of the school environment
Completely anonymous and confidential
Available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Swahili, and Arabic
Takes only 10-15 minutes to complete
Open now through April 25th at midnight
Don't miss this opportunity to share your perspectives!
Get started now!
We're committed to continuously improving based on your valued feedback. Help shape an even brighter future for our students and school!
- April 24
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 25
- Aronson/Amel to Paine Art Center
- April 26
- PSC Bingo Night!
- May 1
- Walk to School Wednesday
- 5th Grade to Timber Rattlers Stadium
- May 8
- Walk to School Wednesday
- May 10
- No School for Students
- May 16
- Kordus to Paine Art Center
- May 19
- PSC Golf Outing
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - April 11, 2024
TRAEGER TALESApril 11, 2024: Issue 37
severe weather awareness week
This week was Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week in the state of Wisconsin. On Wednesday we had a practice a tornado watch followed by a drill. In this situation, students are asked to move to their safe area and take the safety “tuck” position.
Did you know...
Wisconsin averages 23 tornadoes annually? Last year Wisconsin had 21 confirmed tornadoes, but the state has had as many as 62 in one year! We set a record earlier this year experiencing the first tornado of the season on February 8.
Peak tornado season in Wisconsin is April to August but can occur any time. Kenosha had tornadoes as part of the January 7, 2008 storms.
Tornadoes are most frequent between 4 PM and 9 PM.
About 80% of tornadoes that hit Wisconsin are relatively weak, with winds under 110 mph. Only 1% are violent with winds over 170 mph.
~Source: Wisconsin Department of Emergency Management
Our school tornado drill is a great reminder to families to be sure everyone knows the safest place at home to go in the event of a tornado. Wishing you a safe spring! ~Mrs. G. 😃
Wisconsin Forward Exam testing is in process! Please ensure that your child is in school on their scheduled testing days. Makeups are challenging to schedule and result in lost instructional time.
Traeger Way Family Survey
Thank you to the families who filled out our Traeger Way family survey! This information was helpful to our leadership team. Our four core values are Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe and Be Trustworthy. This is the language we use with students when communicating expectations. About half of the respondents were able to identify these four core values on the survey. We had some confusing distractors on the survey-be kind and be helpful. Those are also great values, but we were trying to find out if our language has taken hold outside of school. Considering that the question was pretty tricky, we are happy with the response.
73% of families reported that their children have spoken about Pride Prints. Families were able to identify that Pride Prints are given out when children are observed following the Traeger Way-ie for being responsible, respectful, safe and trustworthy. Families are aware that children can spend their pride prints on our cart. They can be used for tangible goods and experiences with staff. Lastly, families are aware that the class can earn a pride print. Classes set a goal, which when achieved results in a classroom celebration.
Families felt there are a number of benefits to The Traeger Way. Some overarching themes were:
It provides clear examples of how the child should act in the lunchroom/classroom/playground etc.
It instills positive morals and values
It provides consistent expectations that kids understand
It’s an easy and consistent message for kids and families to understand expectations on how to act and engage at school and outside of school
Lastly, families had the opportunity to share any other comments. We heard some great feedback and a couple of suggestions. One idea was to highlight more students exemplifying the Traeger Way. We do appreciate this thought and need to be mindful that we are naming and noticing what students are doing well all day long. One family would like a summary of if/when/why their child has received prints or prizes. Unfortunately, that would be an impossible task for teachers. Kids can receive Pride Prints from any staff member in the building throughout the day. With 90 people on staff we would not be able to manage that. Additionally, students earn many pride prints and it would be a daunting task for a teacher to manage the why behind each and then report it out to parents. This would be a great topic of conversation at home. Sometimes kids might not remember why they received a Pride Print, but follow up questions like what was going on at the time?, What might you have done that was responsible, respectful, safe or trustworthy? might trigger the memory. The more often you engage in conversations about following the Traeger Way, whether or not it was acknowledged with a Pride Print, increases the likelihood that children will follow our expectations.
Thank you again to all the families who participated in the survey! Congratulations to the Buck family who was the winner of the participation drawing and will receive the brain teaser game, Kanoodle.
Harmon’s Hellos
Greetings Traeger Families!
It’s that Art show time of year! What a wonderful way to showcase our Traeger students’ hard work this year.
Michaela Vang represented CTE in the YAM show at the Artspace Collective with her Illuminated Letter mixed media piece during the month of March.
From now through April 30th, you can see more student work from all of the public elementary schools in Oshkosh in the children’s area of the Oshkosh Public Library. All are welcome to celebrate the show at a special reception on Sunday, April 21st from 2-4 pm.
The following CTE students have artwork in the library Artfest show:
Kindergarten: Jenna Stini, Merrick Van Elzen, Sofia Hernandez
- 1st: Oliver Burns
- 2nd: Steven Casper
- 3rd: Luca Bolanos
- 4th: Inara Koeppl, Landon Stinski, Ty Bauer
- 5th: Vivien Leslie, Tieran Hunt, Addyson Good
Steven Casper’s clay cardinal Michaela Vang’s Illuminated Letter
Items needed for the Art room:
- Paper grocery bags for taking artwork home
- Yarn - Any type or color
- Bubble wrap and bubble mailing envelopes
Thank you for your continued support!
-Mrs. Harmon
Recently our first grade classes had some special guests from Voiture 751-40 & 8. The program includes a magic show that has the first graders putting red and white ribbons, 50 stars, and some thread into a magic container.
With the help of some magic dust and the kids providing the magic word “abracadabra” at the top of their lungs, a flag is magically formed. With the newly formed flag in place the students recite the Pledge Of Allegiance. The program also includes a little flag history, flag etiquette, the proper flag folding procedure, and a short question and answer period. The program concludes with the students receiving their own small flag on a wood base. The wood bases for the flags are made using wood donated by local businesses and are manufactured by local high school industrial arts classes.
This year’s schedule will visit every public and parochial school in Winnebago County and provide flags to over 2000 first graders. The 40 & 8 is an independent veteran's organization of men and women U.S. Veterans. The name originates from World War I when troops were transported to the front lines in French boxcars called voitures. On the side of each boxcar was stamped the numbers 40/8, meaning the boxcar could hold either forty men or eight horses. Thank you members of the 40 & 8 for your generosity!
Mark your calendars for another Carl Traeger Elementary Restaurant Days! Next Monday, we're excited to partner with Qdoba, who will be giving our school 25% of the proceeds on orders between 4:00pm - 8:00pm.
*Note: You need to show the flyer at checkout, or apply the code QDOBAGIVES online.
Thank you for your support!
It's April, which means it's Bingo month! We cannot wait for one of our biggest and best events of the year and we know you can't either as signups are rolling in! Don't forget to grab your spot before it sells out (because it will) at
Help us show the Carl Traeger Elementary staff some love! Teacher Appreciation Week kicks off the beginning of May and we have a few ways we can shower the team. Signup to contribute at
The annual Carl Traeger Elementary golf outing is already next month and we're still looking for teams and sponsors.
Team signup:
Sponsor signup:…
See more
PSC Minutes
4/9/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President and Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
Icebreaker-making cards
Volunteers Needed
Bike to school Week
Willing to donate 10-15 bikes but need to determine need
Alicia sent half sheet flyer last year; will look if she has a copy and send it for review
Teacher Appreciation Week
Still looking for donations - drop off by Tues 4/30
Looking into places to cater lunch but cost is over $1000
Looking for vegan options
Upcoming Events
BINGO-April 26th
Student council support prize patrol
187 spots left; registration deadline 4/18
Golf Outing
Will send outreach to teachers to include in communication to parents
Early bird registration ends early May
Qdoba - Monday, 4/15
Fundraiser Updates
Panera Bread
Didn’t get anything because didn’t meet minimum during designated hours
Look into teacher appreciation donation
Concert Social
$345 compared to $593.50 in fall but always less at 3-5
Funds are dedicated to playground so discussed if field day sponsorships could go to this instead of t-shirts
Update that we may not have to support playground costs in future
Won’t be doing field day shirts this year since we don’t have the funds
Consider carnation sales in the future
Funset - About $150 profit
Treasurer Update
Next meeting date, time, and location: May 14th, 6pm in Library Media Center (LMC)
Motions to Adjourn - Kelly 1st; Karissa 2nd
With the advent of warmer weather we have noticed kids arriving earlier to school. Our staff work day begins at 7:30am so kids should not be arriving before that time. Thank you for your help in ensuring that kids are safe and supervised!
Unnecessary vehicle idling is a contributor to air pollution and increased health risk in our community.
One of the areas where unnecessary idling occurs the most is at our school when children are being
dropped off or picked up. High concentrations of idling vehicles greatly increase the presence of toxic
chemicals such as; nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds. By turning our
engines off in school zones, we can drastically decrease the amount of toxic chemicals that we release
near our children. Join us in creating a healthier environment for our children.
Facts about vehicle idling:
1. Children take in more air than adults per pound of body weight, therefore children near idling
take in more harmful emissions than adults.
2. Athletes take in even more air during practices and games.
3. Idling prolongs the cold start period for an engine, leading to increased amounts of emissions.
4. Stopping an engine for a short time ( from several seconds to a few minutes) reduces the fuel
consumption of gasoline vehicles, while idling vehicles continued to consume fuel during the
idling process.
5. The higher the concentration of idling cars, the higher the concentration of
pollutants/ particulates entering the air.
6. Emissions have shown an increased effect of asthma symptoms in 7- 8% of the population,
especially for young children ( American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,
What you can do:
1. Reduce your idling in school zones and near children' s sporting events.
2. Talk with other parents about idling. Pass along the message to stop vehicle idling in school
3. Consider carpooling to reduce emissions.
4. Reduce your idling during other times of non-moving traffic (trains, open bridges, etc.)
Please join us as we seek to reduce the level of idling in the City of Oshkosh, and, in particular, at our
Oshkosh Area Schools. Thank you for taking steps to provide your child with a healthier school
Your Voice Shapes Our School’s Future
The Oshkosh Area School District values the voices of our families. That's why we're inviting all parents and guardians to participate in our annual OASD Climate Survey.
Now in its second year, this independent survey (by Hannover Research) provides important feedback about your experiences in our school and district. Your open and honest input helps guide improvements across the district.
Survey Details:
Covers all aspects of the school environment
Completely anonymous and confidential
Available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Swahili, and Arabic
Takes only 10-15 minutes to complete
Open now through April 25th at midnight
Don't miss this opportunity to share your perspectives!
Get started now!
We're committed to continuously improving based on your valued feedback. Help shape an even brighter future for our students and school!
- April 15
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- PSC Qdoba Restaurant Days 4-8pm
- April 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 24
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 25
- Aronson/Amel to Paine Art Center
- April 26
- PSC Bingo Night!
- May 1
- Walk to School Wednesday
- May 8
- Walk to School Wednesday
- May 10
- No School for Students
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - April 5, 2024
TRAEGER TALESApril 5, 2024: Issue 36
The Power of Dining Together: Strengthening Family Bonds, One Meal at a Time
In today's fast-paced world, where schedules are packed and priorities shift constantly, finding time for quality family moments can be challenging. However, amidst the chaos, one simple yet profound tradition stands out: eating dinner together as a family. Beyond just satisfying hunger, this time-honored ritual holds numerous benefits for both children and adults alike, fostering stronger relationships, better communication, and healthier lifestyles. Let's delve into why dining together matters and explore some strategies for making it a regular part of your family routine.
Why Family Dinner Matters:
Building Stronger Bonds: Shared meals provide a valuable opportunity for family members to connect and bond. They offer a space for meaningful conversations, laughter, and the sharing of daily experiences, helping everyone feel more connected and supported.
Promoting Healthy Habits: Studies have shown that families who dine together tend to have healthier eating habits. Sitting down to a home-cooked meal allows parents to model balanced nutrition and portion control, encouraging children to develop healthier eating habits that can last a lifetime.
Improving Communication Skills: Regular family dinners offer a natural setting for practicing communication skills. Children learn to express themselves, listen actively, and engage in respectful dialogue—a vital foundation for healthy relationships both within the family and beyond.
Fostering a Sense of Routine and Stability: Amidst the busyness of modern life, regular family dinners provide a comforting routine and a sense of stability for children. Knowing that there is dedicated time each day to come together as a family can offer reassurance and security.
Strategies for Implementing Family Dinners:
Schedule Regular Dinner Times: Set aside specific times each day for family dinners and prioritize them as non-negotiable commitments. Whether it's every evening or a few times a week, consistency is key to making family meals a habit.
Involve Everyone in Meal Planning: Get the whole family involved in meal planning and preparation. Let children help choose recipes, shop for ingredients, and assist with cooking tasks appropriate for their age. This not only teaches valuable life skills but also fosters a sense of ownership and excitement about mealtime.
Create a Welcoming Atmosphere: Make family dinners an enjoyable experience by creating a welcoming atmosphere. Set the table with care, dim the lights, and eliminate distractions such as phones or TVs. Encourage everyone to share highlights from their day or engage in conversation starters to keep the mood light and engaging.
Keep It Simple: Family dinners don't have to be elaborate affairs. Focus on simple, nutritious meals that are easy to prepare, such as one-pot dishes, salads, or stir-fries. The goal is to enjoy each other's company, not stress over culinary perfection.
Be Flexible: Life can be unpredictable, and there may be days when family dinners aren't possible due to conflicting schedules or unforeseen circumstances. Be flexible and don't beat yourself up over missed meals. What's important is the effort to prioritize family time whenever possible.
In conclusion, the tradition of eating dinner together as a family holds immense benefits for both physical and emotional well-being. By making family meals a priority and implementing simple strategies to facilitate them, you can strengthen your family bonds, promote healthier lifestyles, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. So, gather around the table, share a meal, and savor the moments spent together as a family.
~Mrs. G. 😃
Get ready for Oshkosh Summer School 2024
Registration deadline extended to April 5!
OASD Summer School offers a variety of in-person and virtual classes for students entering kindergarten through high school, including athletic camps, music camps, and eAcademy options. While remedial courses are available, the majority of courses are designed to keep students thinking and exploring during the summer.
COURSE GUIDE: Detailed information about all course options, including special camps and registration instructions, are available on the OASD Summer School webpage in the Summer School Course Guide.
Summer School enrollment is FREE and available for all OASD students, students who live within the district boundaries, and students who are open-enrolled in the OASD.
LEARN MORE: OASD Update 02.22.24 - Summer School 2024 Dates, Locations, and Details
IMAGE - below, and link:
Wisconsin Forward Exam testing is in process! Please ensure that your child is in school on their scheduled testing days. Makeups are challenging to schedule and result in lost instructional time.
PSC Agenda
4/9/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President and Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
Icebreaker-making cards
Volunteers Needed
Bike to school Week
Teacher Appreciation Week
Upcoming Events
BINGO-April 26th
Golf Outing
Fundraiser Updates
Panera Bread
Concert Social
Treasurer Update
Next meeting date, time, and location: May 14th, 6pm in Library Media Center (LMC)
Motions to Adjourn
Consistent, predictable routines for learning every day can create a sense of safety and are essential to attendance, engagement and achievement. ~Attendance Works
Showing up matters for R.E.A.L. It is an opportunity to:
Build Routines
Increase Engagement
Provide Access to resources
Support Learning
Is Your Child Missing School Due to Anxiety?
Follow the LINK for more information to support your child.
If you are interested in presenting a display to our students, please fill out this form and return it to the school office by Friday, April 5th. You can fill out a digital copy here.
- April 9
- Grade 5 Historical Fair
- PSC 6:00 in LMC
- April 10
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 12
- No School for Students
- April 15
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- April 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 24
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 25
- Aronson/Amel to Paine Art Center
- April 26
- PSC Bingo Night!
- May 1
- Walk to School Wednesday
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - March 22, 2024
TRAEGER TALESMarch 22, 2024: Issue 35
How to Really Love a Child
The end of March is near!! The longer days and warmer sunshine are pleasant reminders that spring is just around the corner. With the “dog days” of winter behind us, it is time to refocus on this opportunity for renewal. I have inserted a poem which I find inspirational, and most importantly, a great reminder of how simple it is to truly LOVE a child. Enjoy!!
How to Really Love a Child
Be there. Say yes as often as possible. Let them bang on pots and pans. If they’re crabby, put them in water. If they’re unlovable, love yourself. Realize how important it is to be a child. Go to a movie theatre in your pajamas. Read books out loud with joy. Invent pleasures together. Remember how really small they are. Giggle a lot.
Surprise them. Say no when necessary. Teach feelings. Heal your own inner child. Learn about parenting. Hug trees together. Make loving safe. Bake a cake and eat it with no hands. Go find elephants and kiss them. Plan to build a rocketship. Imagine yourself magic. Make lots of forts with blankets. Let your angel fly. Reveal your own dreams. Search out the positive. Keep the gleam in your eye. Encourage silly. Plant licorice in your garden. Open up. Stop yelling. Express your love. A lot. Speak kindly. Paint their tennis shoes. Handle with caring. Children are miraculous. By Sark
~Mrs. G. 😃
Help Light It Up Blue for Autism Awareness
Every year, people from around the world join together in support of Autism Awareness Month by lighting up their communities or wearing blue. Join us on April 2 as we Light it Up Blue at Traeger!
Wisconsin Forward Exam testing has begun! Please ensure that your child is in school on their scheduled testing days. Makeups are challenging to schedule and result in additional lost instructional time for students.
If you are interested in presenting a display to our students, please fill out this form and return it to the school office by Friday, April 5th. You can fill out a digital copy here.
Get ready for Oshkosh Summer School 2024
Registration Opens March 6, Course Guide Now Available
Starting March 6, families may begin registering their child(ren) for Summer School 2024! Be sure to sign up early because classes do fill up and those that do not have enough students enrolled may be canceled.
OASD Summer School offers a variety of in-person and virtual classes for students entering kindergarten through high school, including athletic camps, music camps, and eAcademy options. While remedial courses are available, the majority of courses are designed to keep students thinking and exploring during the summer.
COURSE GUIDE: Detailed information about all course options, including special camps and registration instructions, are available on the OASD Summer School webpage in the Summer School Course Guide.
Summer School enrollment is FREE and available for all OASD students, students who live within the district boundaries, and students who are open-enrolled in the OASD.
LEARN MORE: OASD Update 02.22.24 - Summer School 2024 Dates, Locations, and Details
IMAGE - below, and link:
- March 25-29
- Spring Break!
- April 1
- School Resumes
- April 3
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 9
- Grade 5 Historical Fair
- PSC 6:00 in LMC
- April 10
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 12
- No School for Students
- April 15
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- April 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 24
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 25
- Aronson/Amel to Paine Art Center
- April 26
- PSC Bingo Night!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - March 15, 2024
TRAEGER TALESMarch 15, 2024: Issue 34
How Hard Should You Push Your Child to Try New Things?
One of the many challenges of being a parent is knowing how hard to push your child into something new — or to stick with something they’re thinking of giving up on — and when to back off. I’m a mom of two and I often feel myself bouncing between being pushy and relaxed. Like: No, you don’t have to play sports if you don’t think it’s your thing. Sure, you can skip that camp you’re nervous about. But also, you need to be brave when things feel frightening and learn to seize new opportunities even when you feel unsure. And on it goes.
Of course, knowing when you’re pushing too hard, or not pushing enough, is an art, not a science, and a very specific one at that. No one can ever really say where that sweet spot is, and parents and kids might never see eye to eye. (Twenty years later, my own mom still sometimes laments that I gave up the trumpet, an instrument I was truly terrible at, in high school.)
Are you trying to figure out when to push your child to try something new, or empowering them to quit something they say they’re not into? Here’s some guidance to have in mind.
“Ask yourself: Am I doing this for me or for them?”
Again, no one can tell you whether you’re doing the right thing by pushing your child to try something that they’re not particularly excited about. But a quick gut check can help.
“Get clear about why you’re asking your child to do something new,” said Robbin McManne, founder of Parenting for Connection.
Ask yourself: Are they doing this for me? Or am I doing this for them?
As parents, we sometimes push kids into things that have more to do with ourselves for any number of reasons. We may be comparing them and ourselves to other kids and families, and are feeling worried about falling behind. Or maybe we were pushed into certain things when we were a child. Maybe we’re holding on to the idea that kids “should” do certain things, but we’re not even really clear where that idea comes from.
On the other hand, you might be pushing your kiddo because you really think this is an important experience, whatever it is, and one that will really help them in the long run. And there are benefits to pushing kids beyond their comfort zone — for the right reasons.
“We know that being able to tolerate discomfort is a wonderful life trait, and in addition to that, it makes [kids] grittier and more resilient,” said Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and the founding president of the Child Mind Institute, in a blog post on the group’s website.
So really ask yourself: “Are you meeting them where they’re at, or where you think they should be?” McManne said.
Get curious
In order to determine how hard you should push your child, it is essential to have a good understanding of why they’re resisting or putting up boundaries.
“Curiosity is everything,” McManne said. “Ask them why? How come?”
That might sound obvious, but when we’re busy parenting — and feeling frustrated that our kids aren’t just going along with our plans — it’s easy to stop taking that time to get to the root of children’s hesitancy. Maybe there’s a problem you can solve together. Or maybe your child is really showing you a personal boundary that you should respect.
“Ask yourself: Are they doing this for me? Or am I doing this for them?”
Helping children develop emotional intelligence, or EQ, from a young age can help with this process, because it helps them name what they’re feeling.
Sometimes when you probe why your child isn’t interested in something you think they should be, you might uncover a bigger underlying issue that you can help with.
“Sometimes when pushing kids you bump into a real limitation. It can be an anxiety disorder, or a learning disability,” Koplewicz explained on the CMI website. It’s not that they don’t want to do it; it’s that it’s genuinely too hard without additional and specific support.
Ease them in
When your child is really reluctant to try something new, it is important to be respectful of that, McManne said, and go slow. Just like you’d probably like someone to take their time and be gentle with you if you were learning a new skill or, say, starting a new job and trying to learn the ropes.
“You offer compromises,” she said. So say you have a toddler who is really reluctant to go into the pool at swim lessons. Model confidence, McManne said, and take it slow. Maybe they just put their feet in at first. Maybe you sit at the edge of the pool with them. Again, your goal is to meet them where they are — then nudge them forward.
McManne said she often talks to clients about an idea from the book “The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity and Resilience in Your Child,” which talks about how parents have to provide some “pushin’” while also acting as the “cushion.”
Encourage your child to try new things and work through discomfort, as that is a skill that will help them develop resilience and serve them well in life. But respect their boundaries and be empathetic.
“You need to be that soft place for your child to land,” McManne said. (Source: Huffington Post)
~Mrs G. 😃
TREE-mendous Traeger Students!
Every month each class recognizes a student who consistently follows the Traeger Way! Congratulations to this month's students who are also featured on the bulletin board in the cafeteria!
The majority of crashes in our region involving a person walking or riding a bike occur at intersections and driveways. Stay alert while driving.
Get ready for Oshkosh Summer School 2024
Registration Opens March 6, Course Guide Now Available
Starting March 6, families may begin registering their child(ren) for Summer School 2024! Be sure to sign up early because classes do fill up and those that do not have enough students enrolled may be canceled.
OASD Summer School offers a variety of in-person and virtual classes for students entering kindergarten through high school, including athletic camps, music camps, and eAcademy options. While remedial courses are available, the majority of courses are designed to keep students thinking and exploring during the summer.
COURSE GUIDE: Detailed information about all course options, including special camps and registration instructions, are available on the OASD Summer School webpage in the Summer School Course Guide.
Summer School enrollment is FREE and available for all OASD students, students who live within the district boundaries, and students who are open-enrolled in the OASD.
LEARN MORE: OASD Update 02.22.24 - Summer School 2024 Dates, Locations, and Details
IMAGE - below, and link:
Wisconsin Forward Exam testing will begin soon. Please ensure that your child is in school on their scheduled testing days. Makeups are challenging to schedule and result in additional lost instructional time for students.
Help Light It Up Blue for Autism Awareness
Every year, people from around the world join together in support of Autism Awareness Month by lighting up their communities or wearing blue. Join us on April 2 as we Light it Up Blue at Traeger!
- March 19
- K-Kids 6:00pm in LMC
- March 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- March 21
- World Down Syndrome Day - Wear Blue and Yellow
- March 24
- PSC Funset Event 4-8pm
- March 25-29
- Spring Break!
- April 1
- School Resumes
- April 3
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 9
- Grade 5 Historical Fair
- PSC 6:00 in LMC
- April 10
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 12
- No School for Students
- April 15
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- April 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - March 7, 2024
TRAEGER TALESMarch 7, 2024: Issue 33
Planning for the 2024-2025 School YearDear Parents/Guardians,
Class lists are created with the belief that student needs are best met through heterogeneous/mixed groups that take into consideration such variables as student numbers, boy/girl ratios, student behaviors, and achievement levels. The services of our special education teachers and other academic specialists also impact a student’s placement.
The talents of our teachers at Traeger Elementary are diverse. Matching teaching and learning styles requires appropriate knowledge of both the learner and the teacher. The staff at Traeger Elementary firmly believe in an equal opportunity for all students.
We know that it is important to place children with a teacher who fits their personality and needs. Due to the need to balance classes, distribute learning abilities, place students together in workable groups, and numerous other variables that must be considered, we are not able to accept requests for a specific teacher. If parents would like to provide feedback on the environmental classroom qualities that are most important to them, please ask for a form from the office. You will be able to mark the qualities that are most important to you, and we will use this to guide our classroom placements. In addition, if you have other information that may help us with placement, you may leave a note about that on the form.
All feedback must be received in the office no later than Friday, April 5. Feedback received after this date will not be able to be considered. All families will be notified of their child’s classroom placement in August, 2024.
The staff at Traeger Elementary is charged with the significant task of creating balanced classes to contribute to the learning environment for ALL students. We appreciate our parents as partners in their child’s education. Classroom placements are a very difficult task for our school each year. Thank you for your understanding of the magnitude of this task and its challenges.
~Mrs. G. 😃
Traeger Spring Concert
(Featuring the 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders)
Mark your calendars...TUESDAY, MARCH 12
(6pm at Alberta Kimball Auditorium-West High School).
See the map below for seating information!
Get ready for Oshkosh Summer School 2024
Registration Opens March 6, Course Guide Now Available
Starting March 6, families may begin registering their child(ren) for Summer School 2024! Be sure to sign up early because classes do fill up and those that do not have enough students enrolled may be canceled.
OASD Summer School offers a variety of in-person and virtual classes for students entering kindergarten through high school, including athletic camps, music camps, and eAcademy options. While remedial courses are available, the majority of courses are designed to keep students thinking and exploring during the summer.
COURSE GUIDE: Detailed information about all course options, including special camps and registration instructions, are available on the OASD Summer School webpage in the Summer School Course Guide.
Summer School enrollment is FREE and available for all OASD students, students who live within the district boundaries, and students who are open-enrolled in the OASD.
LEARN MORE: OASD Update 02.22.24 - Summer School 2024 Dates, Locations, and Details
IMAGE - below, and link:
Is there a staff member that has had a significant impact on your child/family's life? Consider nominating him/her for an Employee of the Year award!
Here are the categories our staff are eligible for:
- Grade 4K-5 Certified Staff
- Support Staff
- Administrator
- First-year Educator (first year in the profession)
It's a chance to show appreciation for those who go above and beyond and make a real difference for our students, schools, and families.
If you know an employee who displays exceptional dedication, service, leadership, innovation, or other qualities that embody our district mission and values, please take a moment to nominate them. The nomination process is simple!
NOMINATION FORM: To nominate a colleague please complete this form: OASD Employee of the Year Nomination
DEADLINE: The nomination period will be close on March 15.
Wisconsin Forward Exam testing will begin soon. Please ensure that your child is in school on their scheduled testing days. Makeups are challenging to schedule and result in additional lost instructional time for students.
I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped our school raise money for our Kids Heart Challenge event this year. Our school raised $7,130 for the American Heart Association. Congratulations to all students who helped our school contribute to the American Heart Association. Congratulations to our top grade level earners as well as anyone that raised $250+ who will get to silly string a teacher during our field day event on May 24.
Congratulations to Kara C, Waylon G, Charlotte B, Emmalynn S, Bennett N, Maddux H, Lennon K, Lucille R, Chloe B, Solly B.
“Almost every family in America is touched by heart disease or stroke, and your school's contribution will significantly impact our fight against these devastating illnesses.”
Check out my FaceBook page at “Traeger Elementary Physical Education” for pictures of our event!.
Mrs. Wara
PSC Minutes
3/5/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President and Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
Ice breaker
Nominating Committee Report for President & Co-secretary - Kenlin & Kelly
Vote for President Position
Nicole Casper nominated, unanimously elected and motioned.
Vote Co-Secretaries Position
Kenlin Grams nominated, unanimously elected and motioned.
Upcoming Events
Panera Bread-March 8th
Concert Social- March 12th, order forms due March 7th for cookies and hot cocoa
Funset-March 24th, forms due by March 15th
Qdoba-April 15th
Bowling - April 12th - more details to follow
BINGO- April 26th
Concession Coordinator: Heather and Megan
Front Table/Registration: Jenny and Kenlin
Classroom baskets
50/50 raffle: Dustin Montalvo & Possibly Mr. Amel
Prize Patrol - student council can help. Looking for someone to be in charge. Everything is ordered for it.
Pizza Pre-Orders-Mandy
Golf-May 19th, Sign up is available online NOW
Looking for sponsors & raffle baskets
Teacher Appreciation Week (check out flyer below)
You can sign up for items or days online
5th Grade graduation gift
Moved to April Agenda. Alicia Alsberg will speak with 5th grades to get ideas on gifts and fundraising.
Bike to school week-NEED CHAIR
Field Day
Looking for sponsors for bouncy house
Verve cannot bring out the big truck. They can donate other things and will be in touch with Nichole.
Our budget is $1300.
Fundraiser Updates
Eatons - $300-400 profit
Urban Air - $125 profit
Herd - we sold 88 tickets.
Treasurer Update - Jolene Halbach updated
Ask local businesses if they support schools, send information to Jolene Halbach for future fundraiser ideas.
Brighten Someone’s Holiday
Rummage Sale is not happening at this time
Changing it to 1 toy and 1 outfit for next time
Looking to promote in October with Facebook and a flier/video/testimonial/pamphlet to educate others on program
Next meeting date, time, and location: April 9th, 6pm in Library Media Center (LMC)
How can we increase attendance to meetings and help with events?
Texts day of to parents
Stickers on students day of
Raffles at end of the meeting
Grade Level or Class Contests for attendance
Motions to Adjourn -
- March 10
- Daylight Savings Begins - Spring Forward!
- March 12
- 3-5 Concert 6:00 at Alberta Kimball
- March 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- March 19
- K-Kids 6:00pm in LMC
- March 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- March 21
- World Down Syndrome Day - Wear Blue and Yellow
- March 24
- PSC Funset Event 4-8pm
- March 25-29
- Spring Break!
- April 1
- School Resumes
- April 3
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 9
- Grade 5 Historical Fair
- PSC 6:00 in LMC
- April 10
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 12
- No School for Students
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - March 1, 2024
TRAEGER TALESMarch 1, 2024: Issue 32
Step Outside and Play: The Importance of Outdoor Fun and Physical Activity
As the days grow longer and the weather becomes more inviting, it's the perfect time to encourage children to step outside and embrace the wonders of outdoor play. Not only is it a source of endless fun, but it also contributes significantly to their overall well-being and development.
The Benefits of Outdoor Play:
Physical Health: Outdoor play is a fantastic way for children to get the physical activity they need. Running, jumping, climbing, and playing games help develop their muscles, bones, and coordination.
Mental Well-being: Spending time outdoors has been linked to improved mental health in children. The fresh air and sunlight boost mood and reduce stress, promoting a positive mindset.
Creativity and Imagination: The great outdoors is a canvas for imaginative play. Whether it's building forts, exploring nature, or pretending to be explorers, outdoor environments foster creativity and problem-solving skills.
Social Skills: Playing with others in the neighborhood or at the local park helps children develop essential social skills. They learn to share, take turns, and communicate effectively, laying the foundation for strong relationships.
Practical Suggestions for Families:
Family Outdoor Time: Make outdoor activities a family affair. Whether it's a weekend hike, a picnic in the park, or a bike ride around the neighborhood, spending time outdoors together creates lasting memories and encourages physical activity.
Create a Play Space: Set up a designated play area in your backyard with age-appropriate equipment like swings, slides, or a sandbox. Having a dedicated space for play encourages children to go outside regularly.
Limit Screen Time: Establish a balance between screen time and outdoor play. Set specific time limits for electronic devices and encourage children to engage in outdoor activities instead.
Join Community Programs: Many communities offer sports leagues, nature walks, or outdoor events for children. Look for local programs that align with your child's interests and encourage their participation.
Seasonal Fun: Embrace the changing seasons and tailor outdoor activities accordingly. In the winter, try sledding or building snowmen, while spring and summer offer opportunities for water play, gardening, and exploring nature.
Safety First: Remind children about safety rules, such as looking both ways before crossing the street and wearing helmets while riding bikes. Creating a safe environment ensures worry-free outdoor play.
Encouraging outdoor play not only contributes to physical health but also fosters a love for the great outdoors and a lifelong appreciation for a healthy, active lifestyle. So, let's put on our sunscreen, lace up those sneakers, and step outside for some family fun!
Happy playing! ~Mrs. G. 😃
PSC Agenda
3/5/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President and Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
Ice breaker
Nominating Committee Report for President & Co-secretary - Kenlin & Kelly
Vote for President Position
Vote Co-Secretary Position
Upcoming Events
Panera Bread-March 8th
Concert Social- March 12th, order forms due March 7th
Funset-March 24th
Qdoba-April 15th
BINGO- April 26th
Concession Coordinator
Front Table/Registration: Jenny and Kenlin
Classroom baskets
50/50 raffle: Dustin Montalvo & Possibly Mr. Amel
Prize Patrol
Pizza Pre-Orders-Mandy
Golf-May 19th, Sign up is available online NOW
Looking for sponsors & raffle baskets
Teacher Appreciation Week (check out flyer)
5th Grade graduation gift
Bike to school week-NEED CHAIR
Field Day
Sponsors for bouncy house
Fundraiser Updates
Urban Air
Treasurer Update
Next meeting date, time, and location: April 9th, 6pm in Library Media Center (LMC)
Motions to Adjourn
Donations are needed coming up for May 6th through 10th!
We hope you enjoyed the first four stories in The Ice Cream Machine anthology! It's time to get started on the fifth story - The Ice Cream Machine: The one with the Sorcerer's Assistant. Check out the video for an introduction to the story. Enjoy your time together as a family reading this story and mark your calendars for the next story sneak peek in April.
Traeger Spring Concert
(Featuring the 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders)
Mark your calendars...TUESDAY, MARCH 12
(6pm at Alberta Kimball Auditorium-West High School).
You are NOT going to want to miss this year’s Spring Concert brought to you by the 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Students. We have created an amazing show for you. This concert will feature our Traeger students sharing their amazing voices and a wide variety of talents such as dancing, featured singers, baton twirling, student announcers, dynamic drumming and some super kids having a really great time on stage! We will be featuring a variety of songs that will be sure to have you singing along!
We cannot wait to perform for everyone and we are again expecting a full auditorium. We will feature so many great songs and the students are really going to be ROCKING the stage. Doors will open at 5:15 pm and students will meet their classroom teachers and sit with their class, in an assigned seat, at 5:45 pm. The concert starts promptly at 6:00 pm.
We sincerely hope you join us and enjoy this wonderful night of fun and great music!!!
See you Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at Alberta Kimball Auditorium (West HS)
Mrs. Schmidt (Music Teacher for Grades 3 and 4) and Mrs. Cibula (Music Teacher for Grade 5)
We are so excited for our 3-5 concert & the post concert social! Don't forget to signup to guarantee you & your loved ones some delicious cookies immediately following the concert at
We are also looking for donations, so if you're willing & able, we would appreciate you contributing at
Restaurant Days @ Panera: Friday, March 8th
Our next Restaurant Days is with Panera on Friday, March 8th: Grab a delicious dinner on Friday, March 8th all for a good cause! If you dine in or order out from Panera between 4:00pm - 7:00pm on this no school day, CTE gets a 20% kickback. You need to show the flyer at checkout, or apply the code FUND4U at online checkout, in the Panera app, or at the kiosk in-cafe.
So make your Friday night dinner plans easy and stop by Panera for what's sure to be a yummy meal for the whole family!
Traeger Family Night @ Funset: Sunday, March 24th
UPDATE: Our Traeger Family Night @ Funset has been rescheduled for Sunday, March 24th!
Families are invited to the best indoor playground and arcade around! Join us at Funset for an exclusive Traeger offer plus a portion of the proceeds go to our PSC. Wristband price is $6 each and adults are free (wristbands must be purchased in advance).
Forms will be sent home with children the beginning of March, so you can complete and return that with the appropriate payment via cash or check, or you can fill out the online form on PTBoard at and pay via credit card. Forms and payment are due Friday, March 15th and wristbands will be sent home with the oldest child the beginning to middle of March.
Mark your calendars and be sure to bring the whole family for an evening full of fun!
* All PSC events and fundraisers are some great options we're all able to participate in if interested. The organizations we’ve partnered with provide our CTE PSC a portion of the proceeds, so that if families are looking for something to do in the area, they have great options like these that also benefit our school and bring the community into their businesses as well. Please do not feel obligated to attend or participate. We understand some of these events occur around the same time, so when we share the details on social media, it can seem like a lot. Again, this is just to offer different opportunities if you’re on the hunt for interactive and entertaining activities in and around Oshkosh.
Let's celebrate reading! Here is a fun reading challenge you can do with your family at home. Sign up here to commit to reading 15 minutes a day for 21 days starting March 1st. They will provide you with fun activities too. Check it out!
- March 5
- PSC Meeting 6:00pm
- March 7
- Grade 5 Family Night 3:30-5:30
- March 8
- No School for Students
- March 10
- Daylight Savings Begins - Spring Forward!
- March 12
- 3-5 Concert 6:00 at Alberta Kimball
- March 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- March 19
- K-Kids 6:00pm in LMC
- March 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- March 21
- World Down Syndrome Day - Wear Blue and Yellow
- March 24
- PSC Funset Event 4-8pm
- March 25-29
- Spring Break!
- April 1
- School Resumes
- April 3
- Walk to School Wednesday
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - February 23, 2024
TRAEGER TALESFebruary 23, 2024: Issue 31
Nurturing Resilience: A Guide for Parents on Helping Children Navigate Disappointment
As we journey through the academic calendar, it's inevitable that our children will encounter disappointments, both big and small. These moments can be challenging for children, but they also present valuable opportunities for growth and resilience.
Disappointment is a natural part of life, and learning to navigate these emotions is a crucial skill that will serve our children well into adulthood. As parents, our role is not to shield our children from disappointment, but rather to support and guide them through these experiences, helping them develop the emotional tools needed for a healthy and balanced life.
Here are some strategies to assist your child in handling disappointment and foster their growth into resilient, adaptable individuals:
1. Acknowledge Feelings:
Encourage open communication by creating a safe space for your child to express their emotions. Let them know that it's okay to feel disappointed, and reassure them that their feelings are valid. This validation helps build emotional intelligence and establishes trust between you and your child.
2. Teach Coping Skills:
Work together to identify healthy coping mechanisms. Whether it's taking a few deep breaths, going for a walk, or engaging in a favorite hobby, having coping strategies can empower children to manage their emotions effectively.
3. Set Realistic Expectations:
Help your child understand that not every situation will go as planned. Discussing and setting realistic expectations can prepare them for potential disappointments and reduce the impact when things don't go the way they hoped.
4. Encourage Problem-Solving:
Guide your child in finding positive solutions to the challenges they face. Encouraging them to brainstorm ideas and explore alternatives fosters a sense of agency and resilience, teaching them that setbacks can be overcome with creative problem-solving.
5. Model Resilience:
Children often learn best by observing their parents. Share your own experiences of facing disappointment and how you navigated through those moments. Modeling resilience helps normalize the ups and downs of life and demonstrates that setbacks can lead to personal growth.
6. Celebrate Effort, Not Just Results:
Shift the focus from solely celebrating achievements to acknowledging the effort your child puts into various endeavors. This promotes a growth mindset, teaching them that the journey and effort invested are valuable, even if the outcome differs from their initial expectations.
7. Reinforce Positive Self-Talk:
Help your child develop a positive inner dialogue. Encourage them to reframe negative thoughts into more constructive ones. Teaching self-compassion and optimism can significantly contribute to their overall well-being.
By guiding our children through disappointments, we equip them with the skills needed to navigate life's challenges and uncertainties. Remember that resilience is a lifelong journey, and each experience builds upon the last. Together, as a supportive community, we can empower our children to grow into confident, adaptable, and emotionally intelligent adults.
Wishing you and your families a resilient and joy-filled school year!
~Mrs. G. 😃
Harmon’s Hellos
Greetings Traeger Families!
With Spring approaching, Art teachers begin preparing for ART SHOWS! With the exception of the large K-12 show at the Masonic Center in the fall, all of our other shows happen in the 2nd semester. We begin with the Central Office display: Parker Christensen and Laci Wara will represent CTE by having their Marc Chagall stained glass window paintings hung up at the Central Administration building for the next year. Laci and Parker will be acknowledged at the February 28th school board meeting and will receive certificates for their accomplishments.
Next up is the Youth Art Month show at the ArtSpace Collective gallery in Oshkosh, March 2-21, 2024. Michaela Vang will represent CTE with an illuminated letter, like those found in medieval books. The show opening will be on March 2 from 6-9pm. Regular gallery hours will be Wed/Thurs 5-8pm, Sat 10am-1pm, and Sun 1-4pm.
We are also preparing for the last show of the year, the Elementary Art Show at the Oshkosh Public Library during the month of April. More information to come!
Items needed for the Art room:
Paper grocery bags for taking artwork home
Yarn - Any type or color
Grocery bags to take home artwork
Bubble wrap and bubble mailing envelopes
Thank you for your amazing support!
-Mrs. Harmon
Traeger Spring Concert
(Featuring the 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders)
Mark your calendars...TUESDAY, MARCH 12
(6pm at Alberta Kimball Auditorium-West High School).
You are NOT going to want to miss this year’s Spring Concert brought to you by the 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Students. We have created an amazing show for you. This concert will feature our Traeger students sharing their amazing voices and a wide variety of talents such as dancing, featured singers, baton twirling, student announcers, dynamic drumming and some super kids having a really great time on stage! We will be featuring a variety of songs that will be sure to have you singing along!
We cannot wait to perform for everyone and we are again expecting a full auditorium. We will feature so many great songs and the students are really going to be ROCKING the stage. Doors will open at 5:15 pm and students will meet their classroom teachers and sit with their class, in an assigned seat, at 5:45 pm. The concert starts promptly at 6:00 pm.
We sincerely hope you join us and enjoy this wonderful night of fun and great music!!!
See you Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at Alberta Kimball Auditorium (West HS)
Mrs. Schmidt (Music Teacher for Grades 3 and 4) and Mrs. Cibula (Music Teacher for Grade 5)
Let's celebrate reading! Here is a fun reading challenge you can do with your family at home. Sign up here to commit to reading 15 minutes a day for 21 days starting March 1st. They will provide you with fun activities too. Check it out!
Winter Walk to School Day!
We will be participating in the annual state-wide Winter Walk to School Day on February 28 (weather date Match 4). Students who walk to school that day will be eligible for prizes from the Safe Routes to School program! We will have a special Polar Bear Walk and Roll day to help cut down on the greenhouse gas emissions which are harmful to polar bears and the Arctic. Walking to school will help us accomplish this!
Do you live too far away from school for your child to walk? Consider dropping him/her a couple blocks away and letting him/her walk the rest of the way. We have many parents who use the path on Woodstock as a drop off point. Walking up the path does not really meet the concept of walking to school. However, if you drop your child off a block or two from the path that would count!
We have our second Carl Traeger Elementary Herd Night of the school year and cannot wait! Don't forget to grab your tickets for the big game on Friday, March 1st at & even better, get some fun CTE x Wisconsin Herd apparel from Fourfold Apparel & Designs at #HerdUp
- February 28
- Winter Walk to School Day
- Polar Bear Theme Day
- March 1
- PSC Herd Night 7:00pm
- March 5
- PSC Meeting 6:00pm
- March 7
- Grade 5 Family Night 3:30-5:30
- March 8
- No School for Students
- March 10
- Daylight Savings Begins - Spring Forward!
- March 12
- 3-5 Concert 6:00 at Alberta Kimball
- March 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- March 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- March 21
- World Down Syndrome Day - Wear Blue and Yellow
- March 25-29
- Spring Break!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - February 16, 2024
TRAEGER TALESFebruary 16, 2024: Issue 30
This week we will take a look at the 2024 Newbery award winning books. The Newbery Medal was named for eighteenth century British bookseller John Newbery. It is awarded annually to the author of the most distinguished contribution to literature for children.
2024 Medal Winner
“The Eyes and the Impossible,” written by Dave Eggers and illustrated by Shawn Harris. Johannes, a free dog, lives in an urban park by the sea. His job is to be the Eyes—to see everything that happens within the park and report back to the park’s elders, three ancient Bison. His friends—a seagull, a raccoon, a squirrel, and a pelican—work with him as the Assistant Eyes, observing the humans and other animals who share the park and making sure the Equilibrium is in balance.
But changes are afoot. More humans, including Trouble Travelers, arrive in the park. A new building, containing mysterious and hypnotic rectangles, goes up. And then there are the goats—an actual boatload of goats—who appear, along with a shocking revelation that changes Johannes’s view of the world.
and published by Arthur A. Levine, an imprint of Levine Querido.
2024 Newbery Honor Books
“Eagle Drums,” written and illustrated by Nasuġraq Rainey. As his family prepares for winter, a young, skilled hunter must travel up the mountain to collect obsidian for knapping―the same mountain where his two older brothers died.
When he reaches the mountaintop, he is immediately confronted by a terrifying eagle god named Savik. Savik gives the boy a follow me or die like your brothers.
What comes next is a harrowing journey to the home of the eagle gods and unexpected lessons on the natural world, the past that shapes us, and the community that binds us.
“Elf Dog and Owl Head,” written by M.T. Anderson, illustrated by Junyi Wu. Clay has had his fill of home life. A global plague has brought the world to a screeching halt, and with little to look forward to but a summer of video-calling friends, vying with annoying sisters for the family computer, and tuning out his parents’ financial worries, he’s only too happy to retreat to the woods. From the moment the elegant little dog with the ornate collar appears like an apparition among the trees, Clay sees something uncanny in her. With this mysterious Elphinore as guide, he’ll glimpse ancient secrets folded all but invisibly into the forest. Each day the dog leads Clay down paths he never knew existed, deeper into the unknown. But they aren’t alone in their surreal adventures. There are traps and terrors in the woods, too, and if Clay isn’t careful, he might stray off the path and lose his way forever.
“Mexikid: A Graphic Memoir,” written and illustrated by Pedro Martín. Pedro Martín has grown up hearing stories about his abuelito—his legendary crime-fighting, grandfather who was once a part of the Mexican Revolution! But that doesn't mean Pedro is excited at the news that Abuelito is coming to live with their family. After all, Pedro has 8 brothers and sisters and the house is crowded enough! Still, Pedro piles into the Winnebago with his family for a road trip to Mexico to bring Abuelito home, and what follows is the trip of a lifetime, one filled with laughs and heartache. Along the way, Pedro finally connects with his abuelito and learns what it means to grow up and find his grito.
“Simon Sort of Says,” written by Erin Bow. Two years after the infamous event, twelve-year-old Simon and his family move to the National Quiet Zone—the only place in America where the internet is banned. Instead of talking about Simon, the astronomers who flock to the area are busy listening for signs of life in space. And when Simon makes a friend who’s determined to give the scientists what they’re looking for, he’ll finally have the chance to spin a new story for the world to tell.
“The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams,” written by Daniel Nayeri, illustrated by Daniel Miyares. This is the tale of an exciting journey along the Silk Road with a young Monk and his newfound guardian, Samir, a larger than life character and the so-called “Seller of Dreams”. The man is a scammer; his biggest skill being the ability to talk his way into getting what he wants. While that talking did save Monkey’s life, it has left a lot of people furious with Samir— furious enough to hire assassins. Monkey decides to try and save Samir from the attempts on his life—as a way to pay off his debt! If he can save Samir six times, he’ll be a free man...but will they all survive that long?
Happy New Readings! ~Mrs. G. 😃
Traeger Spring Concert
(Featuring the 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders)
Mark your calendars...TUESDAY, MARCH 12
(6pm at Alberta Kimball Auditorium-West High School).
You are NOT going to want to miss this year’s Spring Concert brought to you by the 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Students. We have created an amazing show for you. This concert will feature our Traeger students sharing their amazing voices and a wide variety of talents such as dancing, featured singers, baton twirling, student announcers, dynamic drumming and some super kids having a really great time on stage! We will be featuring a variety of songs that will be sure to have you singing along!
We cannot wait to perform for everyone and we are again expecting a full auditorium. We will feature so many great songs and the students are really going to be ROCKING the stage. Doors will open at 5:15 pm and students will meet their classroom teachers and sit with their class, in an assigned seat, at 5:45 pm. The concert starts promptly at 6:00 pm.
We sincerely hope you join us and enjoy this wonderful night of fun and great music!!!
See you Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at Alberta Kimball Auditorium (West HS)
Mrs. Schmidt (Music Teacher for Grades 3 and 4) and Mrs. Cibula (Music Teacher for Grade 5)
PSC Agenda
2/13/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President and Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for sponsors for upcoming Golf Event & Field Day
We need at least 2 more for bouncy houses.
Election Committee for President, Secretary & Co-Secretary
Kenlin and Kelly will look for candidates to bring to the March meeting for nominations.
3-5 Concert Social
The last social (fall concert)l made almost $600. This money goes towards the playground fund.
If we don’t have a chair by Feb. 27th we have to cancel the social.
Chairs can change it up. $100 budget for this. You can do lemonade and cookies, ice cream, anything goes.
Staff Appreciation Week
May 6th-10th No school on 10th but teachers will be here and can enjoy a lunch.
Looking for a chair or chairs for this event. You can choose what you do for each day. You can chair 1 day or all 5 days. Nicole has some ideas: 90s, Spatactular, Travel the World. $900 budget for the week.
Bingo- April 26th
Need Chairs for Following:
Concession Coordinator
Front Table/Registration: Jenny and Kenlin
Classroom baskets
50/50 raffle: Dustin Montalvo & Possibly Mr. Amel
Prize Patrol
Pizza Pre-Orders
Fundraiser Updates
Herd - $108 raised
K2 Concert - $593 raised for Playground
Brighten Someone’s Holiday - 2-$500 donors helped this year. Need is high, donations and funds are low, requires a lot of volunteers (getting and organizing items, wrapping, etc), and we are worried about the sustainability of this program. Possible rummage sale with donations going towards Brighten Someone’s Holiday. 1st weekend in June.
Fire Escape - $260 raised
Rocky’s- $340 raised
Panda Express- $166 raised
Glow in the Park- $200 raised
Photo Fundraiser - Just over $1000 raised
Urban Air-Haven’t heard back yet
Bikes for Bike Week
Need Chair
Contact: Steve Stagmeister (920)688-2356 Oshkosh Community Bike Program
Treasurer update
Upcoming events
Herd- Sold 77 tickets so far. 1 family will win courtside tickets. You can still get tickets.
Funset - Sunday March 24th, 3-8pm, $6 per child
Panera Bread - March 8th 20% that day, have to show flier
QDoba - April 15th
Bingo Night - April 26th
Eatons - Both Locations 10am-10pm, Sunday Feb. 18th
Golf Outing - May 19th at Far View Golf Course
School Supplies Fundraiser
Free $250 gift card if we try it out.
Package of school supplies delivered to house.
You have to do it for all grades.
School Supply lists would be due by April.
Next meeting date, time, and location: March 5th, 6pm in Library Media Center (LMC)
Motions to Adjourn
Kelly Zanders
Megan Paulik
We’re excited for our next Carl Traeger Elementary Restaurant Day with Eaton's Fresh Pizza of Oshkosh Mark you calendars to grab some take and bake pizzas on Sunday, February 18th all for a good cause!
Click on the image above to place your order of our 2023-2024 Yearbook.
Price is $15.75 and orders are due by: February 23rd!
There was NOT an option to order yearbooks with photo orders. If you want a yearbook for your child you will need to order it by February 23. NO YEARBOOKS WILL BE ORDERED AFTER THIS SUBMISSION.
Winter Walk to School Day!
We will be participating in the annual state-wide Winter Walk to School Day on February 28 (weather date Match 4). Students who walk to school that day will be eligible for prizes from the Safe Routes to School program! We will have a special Polar Bear Walk and Roll day to help cut down on the greenhouse gas emissions which are harmful to polar bears and the Arctic. Walking to school will help us accomplish this!
Do you live too far away from school for your child to walk? Consider dropping him/her a couple blocks away and letting him/her walk the rest of the way. We have many parents who use the path on Woodstock as a drop off point. Walking up the path does not really meet the concept of walking to school. However, if you drop your child off a block or two from the path that would count!
We have our second Carl Traeger Elementary Herd Night of the school year and cannot wait! Don't forget to grab your tickets for the big game on Friday, March 1st at & even better, get some fun CTE x Wisconsin Herd apparel from Fourfold Apparel & Designs at #HerdUp
- February 18
- PSC Restaurant Day at Eatons!
- February 19
- No 4K Classes - Parent Teacher Conferences for 4K only
- February 20
- First grade to Bubolz
- 3:00pm 4K Parent Teacher Conferences
- 6:00pm K-Kids
- February 28
- Winter Walk to School Day
- Polar Bear Theme Day
- March 7
- Grade 5 Family Night 3:30-5:30
- March 8
- No School for Students
- March 12
- 3-5 Concert 6:00 at Alberta Kimball
- March 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - February 8, 2024
TRAEGER TALESFebruary 8, 2024: Issue 29
February is a great month to take a look at the newest award winning children's books! Recently the American Library Association (ALA) announced the Randolph Caldecott Medal and the John Newbery medal winners! This week I am sharing the Caldecott winners and next week we will look at the Newbery awards. The Caldecott Medal was named in honor of nineteenth-century English illustrator Randolph Caldecott. It is awarded annually to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children.
The 2024 Caldecott Medal Winner is "Big," illustrated and written by Vashti Harrison. This deeply moving story shares valuable lessons about fitting in, standing out, and the beauty of joyful acceptance, from an award-winning creator.
2024 Honor Books
“In Every Life,” illustrated and written by Marla Frazee. In every life, there is love and loss, hope and joy, wonder and mystery. With glowing art and spare, powerful text, Frazee celebrates the moments, feelings, and experiences, both big and small, that make up a life.
“Jovita Wore Pants: The Story of a Mexican Freedom Fighter,” illustrated by Molly Mendoza, written by Aida Salazar. Jovita dreamed of wearing pants! She hated the big skirts Abuela made her wear. She wanted to scale the tallest mesquite tree on her rancho, ride her horse, and feel the wind curl her face into a smile. This remarkable true story about a little-known maverick Mexican heroine is brought vividly to life by her great-niece.
“There Was a Party for Langston,” illustrated by Jerome Pumphrey and Jarrett Pumphrey, written by Jason Reynolds. Back in the day, there was a heckuva party, a jam, for a word-making man. The King of Letters. Langston Hughes. His ABCs became drums, bumping jumping thumping like a heart the size of the whole country. They sent some people yelling and others, his word-children, to write their own glory. Oh, yeah, there was hoopla in Harlem, for its Renaissance man. A party for Langston.
“The Truth About Dragons,” illustrated by Hanna Cha, written by Julie Leung. Brought to life with lavish and ornate illustrations, The Truth About Dragons follows a young child on a journey guided by his mother's bedtime storytelling. He quests into two very different forests, as his two grandmothers help him discover two different, but equally enchanting, truths about dragons.
Happy New Readings! ~Mrs. G. 😃
TREE-mendous Traeger Students!
Every month each class recognizes a student who consistently follows the Traeger Way! Congratulations to this month's students who are also featured on the bulletin board in the cafeteria!
URBAN AIR PSC EVENT!Kickoff your weekend (and a no school day) with our Traeger Spirit Night @ Urban Air! Bring your families and friends to get out alllll of the energy at this incredible trampoline park in Appleton anytime between 4:00pm - 9:00pm, and our school gets 20% of the proceeds. CTE get exclusive pricing for this event at $26.99 for all platinum attractions, too! NOTE: You must mentioned this fundraiser upon arrival to the front desk. Socks are not included. So be sure to mark your calendars for another fun indoor winter event!
* All PSC events and fundraisers are some great options we're all able to participate in if interested. The organizations we’ve partnered with provide our CTE PSC a portion of the proceeds, so that if families are looking for something to do in the area, they have great options like these that also benefit our school and bring the community into their businesses as well. Please do not feel obligated to attend or participate. We understand some of these events occur around the same time, so when we share the details on social media, it can seem like a lot. Again, this is just to offer different opportunities if you’re on the hunt for interactive and entertaining activities in and around Oshkosh.
PSC Agenda
2/13/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President and Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for sponsors for upcoming Golf Event & Field Day
Election Committee for President, Secretary & Co-Secretary
3-5 Concert Social
Teacher Appreciation Week
Bingo-Need Chairs for Following:
Concession Coordinator
Front Table/Registration
Classroom baskets
50/50 raffle
Prize Patrol
Fundraiser Updates
K2 Concert
Brighten Someone’s Holiday
Fire Escape
Panda Express
Glow in the Park
Urban Air
Treasurer update
Upcoming events
Bingo Night
Golf Outing
School Supplies Fundraiser
Next meeting date, time, and location: March 12th, 6pm in Library Media Center (LMC)
Motions to Adjourn
School is better with you! In school, every day.
When a student misses 2 days of school a month:
They will miss 20 days a year.
They will miss a minimum of 30 hours of math.
They will miss a minimum of 60 hours of reading.
They will miss over 1 year of school by graduation.
Missed instruction time can add up quickly and put students behind.
Digital Learning Day Hot Spots
If we were to have a digital learning day rather than a snow day later this year, the district is trying to determine the number of WiFi hotspots to have available for elementary families. At this time we are just gathering numbers, so it is not guaranteed that your family will get one in this instance. We will reach out if this will be available.
If your oldest child is in elementary school and you would need an internet hotspot if your child brought their chromebook home, please fill out this form by Monday, February 19th. Thank you!
Winter Walk to School Day!
We will be participating in the annual state-wide Winter Walk to School Day on February 28 (weather date Match 4). Students who walk to school that day will be eligible for prizes from the Safe Routes to School program! We will have a special Polar Bear Walk and Roll day to help cut down on the greenhouse gas emissions which are harmful to polar bears and the Arctic. Walking to school will help us accomplish this!
Do you live too far away from school for your child to walk? Consider dropping him/her a couple blocks away and letting him/her walk the rest of the way. We have many parents who use the path on Woodstock as a drop off point. Walking up the path does not really meet the concept of walking to school. However, if you drop your child off a block or two from the path that would count!
We’re excited for our next Carl Traeger Elementary Restaurant Day with Eaton's Fresh Pizza of Oshkosh Mark you calendars to grab some take and bake pizzas on Sunday, February 18th all for a good cause!
We have our second Carl Traeger Elementary Herd Night of the school year and cannot wait! Don't forget to grab your tickets for the big game on Friday, March 1st at & even better, get some fun CTE x Wisconsin Herd apparel from Fourfold Apparel & Designs at #HerdUp
Click on the image above to place your order of our 2023-2024 Yearbook.
Price is $15.75 and orders are due by: February 23rd!
There was NOT an option to order yearbooks with photo orders. If you want a yearbook for your child you will need to order it by February 23. NO YEARBOOKS WILL BE ORDERED AFTER THIS SUBMISSION.
- February 9
- No School for Students
- February 13
- PSC 6:00 in LMC
- February 14
- Friendship Theme Day-wear red, white or pink
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Classroom Friendship Celebrations
- February 18
- PSC Restaurant Day at Eatons!
- February 19
- No 4K Classes - Parent Teacher Conferences for 4K only
- February 20
- First grade to Bubolz
- 3:00pm 4K Parent Teacher Conferences
- 6:00pm K-Kids
- February 28
- Winter Walk to School Day
- Polar Bear Theme Day
- March 7
- Grade 5 Family Night 3:30-5:30
- March 8
- No School for Students
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - February 2, 2024
TRAEGER TALESFebruary 2, 2024: Issue 28
A day of promoting the importance of regular, unstructured play for the best development of children
In 2015, a small group of six educators took action and created Global School Play Day because of their concern that adults and technology were encroaching on playtime for children. Schools are eliminating recess. Teachers assigning more and more homework. Parents scheduled every waking minute for their kids. Young children becoming addicted to their devices. Skyrocketing anxiety and stress. Severe mental health issues and the highest suicide rates in younger and younger children in recorded history. The GSPD team were compelled to take action after seeing the effects in their schools and after hearing Dr. Peter Gray’s TEDx talk. In his talk, he argues the case that today's kids are losing much more than play time and from that the grassroots effort to bring awareness to this problem was born. On February 4, 2015, over 65,000 children participated in the first ever Global School Play Day after only four weeks of social media promotion from those six educators.
Since 2015, over a million students from 75 Nations were given the gift of unstructured play time. Can we reach 1,500,000 students in 2023? We think so! We hope schools from around the world stood together to say, “Unstructured play is a vital part of proper child development!”
Global School Play Day is for public schools, private schools and homeschool families! Even adults and businesses are starting to join in the movement. Many are helping to spread the word about the benefits of play. Why has this movement been so well-received? Because kids have started forgetting how to play and so many parents and educators are seeing the negative impacts. We need, want and will turn things around!
Traeger will again be joining the Global School Play Day movement on February 7. Our students will engage in unstructured play from 12:30-2:30pm. Students will have the opportunity to bring non-electronic toys to school that day. A permission slip went home this week. Play isn’t all fun and games — it’s also an important teaching tool! Through play, kids learn how to interact with others and develop critical lifelong skills.
~Mrs. G. 😃
We hope you enjoyed the first three stories in The Ice Cream Machine anthology! It's time to get started on the fourth story - The Ice Cream Machine: The one with the evil ice cream man. Check out the video for an introduction to the story. Enjoy your time together as a family reading this story and mark your calendars for the next story sneak peek in March.
February 5th-9th is National School Counseling Week!
Hi there! I’m Kaelee Heideman, Carl Traeger Elementary’s school counselor and I love my job! The best part of being a school counselor is connecting with students and staff each day. Spartacus, Traeger’s therapy dog, is also a great part of the job. It is amazing to watch how students instantly relax when they are around him, especially if they are having a hard time.
The most common question I get asked is “what does a school counselor do every day?” It is sometimes hard to answer that question because things change for me every day. I teach classroom lessons and work with students in group and one-on-one settings, but there is so much more to my job and every day is different. It’s another reason why I love what I do so much! This year I decided to give you a glimpse into what one week of school has looked like for me so that you can get a better idea of what exactly school counselors do! Here’s a look at what school looked like for me one week!
- No School
- Door duty 7:30
- Sparty student response 8:00-8:15 (Missed district level elementary counselor collab meeting)
- Student Sparty job 8:20
- Add new students to Mash Up groups 8:30
- Sparty student response 8:45-9:00
- Sparty student response 9:20-9:30
- Classroom Counseling lesson 9:30-10:00
- Sparty reading buddies with Empower Academy 10:40-11:00
- Meet with student 11:00-11:25
- Students visit Sparty on the way to lunch/recess
- Meet with student- social skills 11:25-11:45
- Student Sparty job 11:45
- Lunch 11:50-12:15
- Classroom Counseling lesson (make up from snow day)12:30-1:00
- Receive walkie call from Mrs. G asking for support with student
- 1:20-2:05 (Missed Classroom Counseling lesson 1:30-2:00 for student support)
- Classroom Counseling lesson 2:10-2:40 (arrived late due to student support and missed family meeting due to being late to lesson)
- Student Sparty job 2:40-2:45
In Milwaukee for Wisconsin Association of School Boards Conference- presenting on student mental health and Teacher of the Year Council meeting (Required door duty coverage and lunch duty coverage)
- Teacher collaboration regarding student 7:15
- Family meeting 7:30-8:20 (missed Classroom Counseling lesson, had to get door duty coverage)
- Classroom Counseling lesson 8:30-9:00
- Email community resources regarding student support
- Email teachers regarding lesson rescheduling from morning and upcoming Monday off school
- Walkie call from main office regarding student support 9:20
- Sparty student response/support 9:20-9:45
- Meet with Mrs. G 9:45-10
- Meet with student and teacher 11:00-11:50 (missed student Sparty job)
- Lunch 11:50-12:10
- Meet with student 12:10-12:35
- Finish lunch 12:35-12:50
- Supervise student work 1:00-1:20
- Unplanned family meeting 1:10-1:35 (missed Classroom Counseling lesson that was rescheduled from Wednesday)
- Email teacher to reschedule missed lesson 1:40
- Classroom Counseling lesson 2:00-2:30
- Meet with student about video announcements 2:45
- Interviews with Mrs. G 3:00-3:30
- Meet with Mrs. G 3:30-5:00
- Door Duty 7:30
- Classroom Counseling lesson (Make up from Monday) 8:00-8:30
- Classroom Counseling lesson (Make up from Thursday) 8:30-9:00
- All-school celebration 9:30
- Student Sparty support 9:40-10:20 (Missed all-school celebration)
- Classroom Counseling lesson (Reschedule from Wednesday) 10:30-11:00
- Lunch Duty (Door duty swap from Wednesday) 11:00-11:25
- Students drop in to see Sparty 11:25
- Meet with teacher 11:25-11:35
- Family phone call 11:40
- Student Sparty job 11:45
- Lunch Duty 11:45-12:10
- Lunch while student sees Sparty/Writing intervention 12:20-12:30
- Classroom Counseling lesson (Reschedule from
- Wednesday/Thursday) 1:20-1:50
- Finish lunch 1:15-1:20
- Cover for classroom teacher/Classroom Counseling lesson (make up from Monday) 2:00-2:45
**Please note that the schedule from this week does not include the six small groups I am currently running because there was no time for me to get to them this week. This schedule does not include the lesson planning I do before/after school. This was not a Staff Pride Print Cart Prize redemption week so I did not need to schedule additional craft, game, or Sparty time with students. I did not need to stock the Pride Print Cart this week or take pictures of our monthly TREE-mendous students. I spent time at home organizing the Sparty t-shirt fundraiser that is currently going on and worked on putting together information about class plants.
Sparty’s Legacy T-Shirt Fundraiser!
Traeger Elementary is very lucky to have our very own therapy dog, Sparty! We have seen the incredible ways Sparty helps students and staff every single day, so we are hoping to raise money to get therapy dogs in other Oshkosh schools!
Since Sparty joined our school family in January of 2023, he has…
Sparty has worked wonders for Traeger Elementary and we think other Oshkosh schools should get to experience their own therapy dog magic. You can support this effort by buying a t-shirt or sweatshirt to benefit Sparty’s Legacy, a fundraiser established through the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation to purchase therapy dogs.
You can also sponsor a shirt for a Traeger student whose family may not be able to afford their own shirt by purchasing any youth-sized shirt and sending it to Carl Traeger Elementary, 3000 W 20th Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54904. You can purchase a shirt at
We have our second Carl Traeger Elementary Herd Night of the school year and cannot wait! Don't forget to grab your tickets for the big game on Friday, March 1st at & even better, get some fun CTE x Wisconsin Herd apparel from Fourfold Apparel & Designs at #HerdUp
Click on the image above to place your order of our 2023-2024 Yearbook.
Price is $15.75 and orders are due by: February 23rd!
There was NOT an option to order yearbooks with photo orders. If you want a yearbook for your child you will need to order it by February 23. NO YEARBOOKS WILL BE ORDERED AFTER THIS SUBMISSION.
We’re excited for our next Carl Traeger Elementary Restaurant Day with Eaton's Fresh Pizza of Oshkosh Mark you calendars to grab some take and bake pizzas on Sunday, February 18th all for a good cause!
Winter Walk to School Day!
We will be participating in the annual state-wide Winter Walk to School Day on February 28 (weather date Match 4). Students who walk to school that day will be eligible for prizes from the Safe Routes to School program! We will have a special Polar Bear Walk and Roll day to help cut down on the greenhouse gas emissions which are harmful to polar bears and the Arctic. Walking to school will help us accomplish this!
Do you live too far away from school for your child to walk? Consider dropping him/her a couple blocks away and letting him/her walk the rest of the way. We have many parents who use the path on Woodstock as a drop off point. Walking up the path does not really meet the concept of walking to school. However, if you drop your child off a block or two from the path that would count!
- February 5
- Grade 3 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 6
- Grade 2 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 7
- Walk to School Wednesday
- February 8
- Grade 4 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 9
- No School for Students
- February 13
- PSC 6:00 in LMC
- February 14
- Friendship Theme Day-wear red, white or pink
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Classroom Friendship Celebrations
- February 18
- PSC Restaurant Day at Eatons!
- February 19
- No 4K Classes - Parent Teacher Conferences for 4K only
- February 20
- First grade to Bubolz
- 3:00pm 4K Parent Teacher Conferences
- 6:00pm K-Kids
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - January 26, 2024
TRAEGER TALESJanuary 26, 2024: Issue 27
As we navigate the exciting journey of raising curious and energetic young minds, it's crucial to explore the delicate balance between nurturing independence and setting limits. Today, we're delving into the importance of saying "no" and establishing boundaries for our children's well-being.
Why Set Limits?
In a world filled with endless possibilities, it might seem counterintuitive to place restrictions on our children. However, setting limits is not about stifling creativity or stifling their spirit. Instead, it's a way of providing structure and security. Children, like adults, thrive when they know what to expect and understand the consequences of their actions.
The Art of Saying "No"
Saying "no" is a powerful tool in your parenting arsenal. It teaches children that boundaries exist for their safety and well-being. Here are some strategies to make saying "no" a positive and constructive experience:
Explain the Reasoning: Rather than a simple "no," offer a brief explanation. For example, "I'm saying no to the extra cookie because we want to keep our bodies healthy, and too many sweets aren't good for us."
Be Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to setting limits. If you say "no" to something one day and allow it the next, it can create confusion. Establishing consistent boundaries helps children understand what is expected of them.
Offer Alternatives: When saying "no," provide alternative options or compromises. This allows children to feel a sense of control and autonomy. For instance, "We can't play with toys at the dinner table, but you can choose one special toy to bring to the table after we finish eating."
Tips for Setting Effective Limits:
Establish Clear Rules: Clearly communicate the rules and expectations for behavior. Make sure your child understands the consequences of not adhering to these guidelines.
Encourage Open Communication: Create an environment where your child feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings. This fosters a healthy dialogue and helps them understand the reasons behind the limits.
Lead by Example: Children learn by observing. Demonstrate the behavior you expect from them, such as respecting others' boundaries and accepting limits gracefully.
Real-Life Examples:
Screen Time Limits: Set specific time limits for screen use, explaining that too much screen time can affect sleep and overall well-being.
Bedtime Routine: Establish a consistent bedtime routine to ensure your child gets enough rest. This promotes better concentration, mood, and overall health.
Healthy Eating Habits: Say "no" to excessive sweets and encourage a balanced diet. Explain that nutritious foods help them grow, learn, and play.
Remember, setting limits and saying "no" is an essential part of fostering a nurturing and secure environment for your child to thrive. By providing consistent guidance, offering alternatives, and explaining the reasoning behind your decisions, you are helping shape resilient, respectful, and responsible individuals.
Happy parenting!
~Mrs. G. 😃
TREE-mendous Traeger Students!
Every month each class recognizes a student who consistently follows the Traeger Way! Congratulations to this month's students who are also featured on the bulletin board in the cafeteria!
Sparty’s Legacy T-Shirt Fundraiser!
Traeger Elementary is very lucky to have our very own therapy dog, Sparty! We have seen the incredible ways Sparty helps students and staff every single day, so we are hoping to raise money to get therapy dogs in other Oshkosh schools!
Since Sparty joined our school family in January of 2023, he has…
Sparty has worked wonders for Traeger Elementary and we think other Oshkosh schools should get to experience their own therapy dog magic. You can support this effort by buying a t-shirt or sweatshirt to benefit Sparty’s Legacy, a fundraiser established through the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation to purchase therapy dogs.
You can also sponsor a shirt for a Traeger student whose family may not be able to afford their own shirt by purchasing any youth-sized shirt and sending it to Carl Traeger Elementary, 3000 W 20th Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54904. You can purchase a shirt at
We have our second Carl Traeger Elementary Herd Night of the school year and cannot wait! Don't forget to grab your tickets for the big game on Friday, March 1st at & even better, get some fun CTE x Wisconsin Herd apparel from Fourfold Apparel & Designs at #HerdUp
- January 26
- Gus/Reisler to Oshkosh Public Museum
- January 31
- Walk to School Wednesday
- February 1
- Grade 1 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 5
- Grade 3 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 6
- Grade 2 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 7
- Walk to School Wednesday
- February 8
- Grade 4 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 9
- No School for Students
- February 13
- PSC 6:00 in LMC
- February 14
- Friendship Theme Day-wear red, white or pink
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Classroom Friendship Celebrations
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - January 19, 2024
TRAEGER TALESJanuary 19, 2024: Issue 26
Discussing Your Child’s Report Card
A report card is one way teachers communicate with parents and students. The following tips may be helpful to parents in discussing a child’s report card with the child:
Meet privately with your child, without distractions.
o Be sure you have enough time.
o Your child deserves your attention without interruptions. Be sure you allow enough time for a relaxed discussion.
Focus on the Positive.
o Regardless of the grades your child brings home, you must first focus on positive aspects of the report. This is not always an easy task. For some, this might mean highlighting a strong score in life and career skills, or praising an academic accomplishment or a perfect attendance record. Starting on a positive note shows your child that you truly care about the accomplishments, not only areas that need improvement.
Review what your child has learned in each subject during the past grading period.
o Ask your child to tell you about the activity in each subject. Talk about what the child has learned.
o Ask your child to tell you how the report card grade was determined in each subject. Tests? Daily Assignments? Exit Slips? Reports? Special Projects?
o Ask your child to tell you if he/she is satisfied with the grade. If not, what could the child do to improve the grade? Discuss concrete steps your child could take. How can parents help?
o Review other indicators on the report card. Teacher’s comments, number of absences, marks for effort, conduct, and attitude. Listen to your child’s explanation of each indicator.
Discuss your child’s goals for the next grading period.
o Are the goals reasonable and challenging?
Help your child plan his or her next steps.
o Should your child talk with the teacher to discuss concerns, explain new goals, or ask for the teacher’s suggestions?
o Are changes needed in your child’s study habits at home? Is your child interested in learning more about certain topics?
Discuss your next steps.
o If your child is to talk with the teacher, will you discuss the meeting with your child afterwards?
o How will you help your child meet his/her goals?
o If your child is interested in learning more about certain topics, what can you do to help?
If you don’t understand something or have any questions about your child’s report card, please contact the teacher. It is important to us that parents are informed so we can work together as a team to help each child reach his/her potential. Thank you for all you do to support your child’s education! ~Mrs. G. 😃
First semester report cards were posted to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal on Wednesday, January 24. The office will be mailing report cards to families after that date. If you need help setting up your Parent Portal access please contact the office for assistance. |
WINTER WALK BINGOUse Winter Walk Bingo to compete against family or friends or against yourself. Try to complete a row a day, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. And, for an extra challenge see if you can complete the entire board. Turn your next nature walk or walk to school into a fun game with our winter Bingo card!
The PTBoard is a PSC hub filled with many helpful tools and resources for our Traeger families and staff. You can access information regarding our PSC events including how you can get involved and volunteer your time, sponsorship and partner opportunities, and where to donate to and pay for specific fundraisers and items. To learn more and create your account today, visit
Harmon’s Hellos
Greetings Traeger Families!
Whew! We are about halfway through the school year and we have been growing and learning big time in Art class!
Kindergarten-fourth grades have sailed through their clay projects in December and all projects have been heated in the kiln for the first time (bisque fired). Now our clay will never get soft again and it is ready to be carefully glazed or painted. When a project is glazed, the ingredients to colored glass are essentially suspended in a liquid form and the glaze is painted onto the bisqued clay. Then the projects get fired in the kiln a second time and the ingredients melt together to form a layer of beautiful colored glass onto the clay. I have to be VERY careful not to let any projects touch in the kiln during a glaze firing, or the two pieces will be fused together! (Break out the chisel and file!)
During our clay unit, when students finished their projects, they had the opportunity to work with the clay for fun. Sometimes I gave them challenges (make your favorite food and see if your table partners can guess what it is), and sometimes they created things as a group (first graders deciding to make a Jurassic World). Here’s Kaylee Yang’s fun snowman:
Kinlee Van Elzen shows us how the Kindergarteners started basic weaving techniques with plastic mesh and pipe cleaners, except Kinlee went ALL OUT by taking her project home and turning it into a flower! WOW!
Coming up we have an art display at the district’s Central Administration, a Youth Art Month show and a large elementary art show at the Oshkosh Public Library. More news to come!
Items needed for the Art room:
Amazon gift bags for a Rajasthani Indian puppet project
Bubble wrap/bubble wrap mailing envelopes for sending home clay projects
Paper grocery bags for taking artwork home
Yarn - Any type, color or amount
Thank you for your amazing support!
-Mrs. Harmon
- January 22
- No School for Students
- PSC Glow in the Park event 2-9pm
- January 23
- Trebiatowski to Oshkosh Public Museum
- K-Kds 6:00pm
- January 24
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 26
- Gus/Reisler to Oshkosh Public Museum
- January 31
- Walk to School Wednesday
- February 1
- Grade 1 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 5
- Grade 3 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 6
- Grade 2 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 7
- Walk to School Wednesday
- February 8
- Grade 4 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30pm
- February 9
- No School for Students
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - January 12, 2024
TRAEGER TALESJanuary 12, 2024: Issue 25
Teaching Children About Diversity
People have many different personality traits and physical features. So, it seems normal when we pick out the differences between ourselves and others. However, making judgments about these differences can interfere with our openness, our willingness to try new experiences, and our acceptance of others who are different from us. As adults, we have the ability to reflect on our own biases, expand our understanding of differences, and challenge our preconceptions about different groups of people. Children need examples of others who are open and accepting of differences because they are heavily influenced by the behaviors of adults. Parents can play an active role in shaping their children’s behaviors, helping them to be more accepting of and kind toward those who look different from them.
Children tend to base their stereotyping on physical traits, such as race, gender, or age. Children understand their environment through categorization, so they make sense of the world by grouping people together according to how they look. As a result, children will most likely identify with a group of people who have a similar appearance to them, and they will become disengaged from people who appear different from them. For example, if a Latina girl's family or classroom divides people by race or gender, she will most likely believe that someone who is physically dissimilar from her is very different from her. This experience of sub-grouping in her family or classroom will reinforce any differences and create negative judgments or behaviors toward the other group of people. Likewise, when parents or teachers talk about the differences among groups of people in a negative way, children learn to separate themselves from others who appear different.
Parents can help their children value and appreciate diversity in everyday experiences by modeling behaviors that are open and kind toward others.
- Practice Unity. Do not segregate yourselves from people based on gender, age, disability, race or ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. Parents can provide their children with living examples of equality when interacting in a kind way with people who appear different from them.
- Use Kind Language. Refrain from using explicit remarks that categorize people. For example, there is a popular saying, “boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider, girls go to college to get more knowledge.” Even though this may seem harmless, it instills an idea in children that girls are smarter than boys, which could lead to segregation. As parents, it would be beneficial to be neutral or affirming of different groups.
- Be Kind in Action. Sometimes, we are not aware of our body language around others. For example, a white individual might act standoffish around an African American individual. By increasing our awareness of our nonverbal behaviors and treating everyone the same, we model for our children how to treat others with equality and kindness.
- Have Multicultural Experiences. As a family, becoming engaged in multicultural experiences could be a fun learning experience for everyone. Diversity experiences lead to fewer stereotypes. Introduce your children to diverse groups, such as a new religious setting or cultural community events. The whole family will discover new things about themselves and others through participation in new cultural experiences.
- Redirect Intolerant Behavior. If you witness your child acting or speaking out in judgment of diverse groups, speak with him about it. Talk with them about why it is important to treat everyone with kindness and equality.
It is important for children to have role models who motivate them to engage in multicultural activities. While children are in many different learning environments, parents have the greatest impact on how their children perceive and act toward others. These strategies for valuing diversity can also be shared with other family members, friends, or teachers. Through collaboration, caregivers can reduce stereotyping in children, leading to stronger relationships with all types of people. As children become more comfortable with diverse people, they will gain mutual acceptance of themselves and others. They will no longer think of themselves as different from others. Rather, they will feel more connected with their peers and become more accepting of peoples’ differences.
~Mrs. G. 😃
Source: Melissa M. Gericke, B.A. & Janet L. Muse-Burke, Ph.D., Marywood University
All PSC events and fundraisers are some great options we're all able to participate in if interested. The organizations we’ve partnered with provide our CTE PSC a portion of the proceeds, so that if families are looking for something to do in the area, they have great options like these that also benefit our school and bring the community into their businesses as well. Please do not feel obligated to attend or participate. We understand some of these events occur around the same time, so when we share the details on social media, it can seem like a lot. Again, this is just to offer different opportunities if you’re on the hunt for interactive and entertaining activities in and around Oshkosh.
- January 15
- MLK Day - No School
- January 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 19
- Branson to Oshkosh Public Museum
- January 22
- No School for Students
- PSC Glow in the Park event 2-9pm
- January 23
- Trebiatowski to Oshkosh Public Museum
- K-Kds 6:00pm
- January 24
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 26
- Gus/Reisler to Oshkosh Public Museum
- January 31
- Walk to School Wednesday
- February 1
- Grade 1 Family Engagement Night 3:30-5:30
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - January 5, 2024
TRAEGER TALESJanuary 5, 2024: Issue 24
Happy New Year!
Many people use the passing of another year as a time to reflect on the past and set goals for the New Year. The end of the second quarter is approaching and report cards will be posted in Infinite Campus on January 23. One area in which students will be receiving grades is Life and Career skills:
Flexibility and Adaptability - Applies problem solving skills in a changing environment.
Initiative and Self-Direction - Works towards goals with pride.
Social and Cross-Cultural Skills - Interacts effectively with others.
Productivity and Accountability – Accountable for group or individual tasks in a timely manner.
Leadership and Responsibility- Encourages others to contribute positively to school and/or larger community.
As a parent you can support your child in these areas by discussing and reinforcing these concepts with your child at home. You can also help by ensuring that your child has a nutritious breakfast each day. Studies show that kids who eat breakfast behave better than kids who don't. But what can a parent do when a child refuses to eat this most important meal of the day? If the child says he or she isn't hungry, be patient and allow him or her to begin slowly. Eventually, most children will get accustomed to eating early in the morning before school. They begin to understand that it helps improve their all-around performance and ward off hunger before lunch.
Many simple but healthy food choices are available. Just find a few that your child agrees upon and you will eliminate morning squabbles. Here are some suggestions on the types of foods to stock up on and other ways to get through the breakfast controversy:
• Cheese sticks or cubes, yogurt or fruit can be a great, fast start. It may not be a full breakfast in your mind, but at least your son or daughter is eating something nutritious.
• Get out the blender and make smoothies together. A varied combination of such things as bananas, strawberries, yogurt, frozen yogurt and fruit juices can give a child a great start to any day. There are also pre-packaged instant breakfast drinks that offer a lot of nutrients.
• Whole grain toast with peanut butter can be a healthy choice as well as instant oatmeal. The flavors of oatmeal available these days can satisfy even the fussiest of eaters.
• Granola bars and healthy breakfast bars can also be a quick alternative. Make sure to read the labels to identify if the bars really do have any nutrients instead of just sugar and sodium.
• Frozen waffles, pancakes and French toast are fast and can be made even healthier with a helping of strawberries or blueberries on top.
• Don't turn on the television, computer or radio while you sit down with your child to eat breakfast.
• Have your child set his or her alarm 15 minutes early to allow for breakfast time.
As a busy parent, I know it can be challenging to prepare breakfast on top of all the other tasks necessary to get kids to school on time each day. At Traeger we are fortunate to have a school breakfast program. All students have the opportunity to receive a nutritious breakfast right in their classroom. Whether your child has breakfast at home or school, we thank you for your support in helping each child start the day ready to learn!
~ Mrs. G 😀
We hope you enjoyed the first two stories in The Ice Cream Machine anthology! It's time to get started on the third story - The Ice Cream Machine: The one with the genius inventor. Check out the video for an introduction to the story. Enjoy your time together as a family reading this story and mark your calendars for the next story sneak peek in February.
Children and Social NetworkingIt's all about hanging with friends -- online.
Many students received new electronics during the holiday season. Now is a good time to have a conversation with your child about social networking. The following information may be helpful to families to guide discussions and for monitoring your child's online presence.
Posts, status updates, comments, instant messages, video uploads, tweets, and texts have become a regular part of our kids' lives. In today's 24/7 digital world, kids are logging on from everywhere, including smartphones, gaming devices, tablets, and laptops, and many parents simply don't know what their kids are up to, or much about the social media they're using.
The reality is that most kids start developing online relationships around the age of 8, usually through virtual worlds like Club Penguin. By age 10, they've progressed to multiplayer games and sharing their digital creations and homemade videos on sites like YouTube. By age 13, millions of kids have already created accounts on social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok.
There are many positives to social media. It's a fun way for kids to interact with friends. It can also be a great way to learn new things, collaborate with others, express creativity, and safely experiment with identity.
Why social networking matters
The problem comes when kids share their private thoughts, photos, videos, and personal information. These revealing posts can become very public and last a long time. A post of a provocative photo or a picture with a beer bottle in hand could end up damaging a kid's reputation.
Even more troubling are the privacy and safety issues that come with social networking. Marketers collect data based on your kids' online activity and then target ads to them. And now with the ability to easily post your location, physical safety becomes a concern.
While no one knows what effect increased social networking has on kids' development, it's clear that young people do need some guidance regarding use. So how can you help your kids make good decisions as they navigate their virtual lives?
Parent tips
· Stick with age-appropriate sites. For elementary age children, there are sites with strong safety features that help kids play without risking inappropriate content or contact.
· Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all require children to be at least 13 years old to join. That's because of the "Children's Online Privacy Protection Act," which limits companies from collecting personal information about kids under 13. Some kids younger than 13 dodge those age limits by faking their birth date and setting up an account, whether their parents know it or not. "Parents need to ask their children on a regular basis, ‘Do you have a Facebook account? Do your friends?'" says Shawn Marie Edgington, author of The Parent's Guide to Texting, Facebook and Social Media. She recommends that when you buy your child a cell phone, one of the conditions is that she can't get a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account until age 13 and you approve it. If you’re tempted to make an exception for them, you might want to consider the message you're sending if you allow them to break the rules by lying, about whether they're mature enough to behave safely and responsibly, and about what you will do to monitor their activity (such as "friending" them).
· Tell your kids to think before they post. Remind them that everything can be seen by a vast, invisible audience (otherwise known as friends of friends of friends). Each family is different, but for middle school kids, it's a good idea for parents to have access to their kids' pages, at least at first, to be sure that what's being posted is appropriate. Parents can help keep their children from doing something they'll regret later.
· Make sure kids set their privacy settings. Privacy settings aren't foolproof, but they're important. Take the time to learn how privacy settings work on your kids' favorite sites, and teach your kids how to control their privacy.
· Kindness counts. Lots of sites have anonymous applications like "bathroom wall" or "honesty boxes" that allow users to tell their friends what they think of them. Rule of thumb: If your children wouldn't say it to someone's face, they shouldn't post it.
· Go online. If you don't have one already, get an account for yourself. See what kids can and can't do.
Sources: Common Sense Media, Web MD, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Winter Safety
Safety is important in the winter, especially on the playground at school! Please take some time to review with your child a few of our playground rules for winter:
• Boots and snow pants must be worn to play in the woodchip area or on the field. If children do not wear boots, they bring in water on their shoes with the snow. The classrooms then get wet and it is difficult to manage an orderly learning environment throughout the day.
• Snow is NEVER to be thrown.
• No sliding on the ice is allowed. The threat of injury is too great.
• The slide must be used one child at a time, feet first. Ice can accumulate on the slides, so children should always be careful when using them in winter.
• No tunnels or snow forts with roofs will be allowed on the playground. The danger of collapsing on top of children is too great. Please respect the
“creations” of other students and leave their forts and large snow “boulders” in tact. (This means do not knock over someone else’s fort.)
• No climbing on snow hills. The threat of injury is too great.
Thank you! We want our winter fun at school to be safe and enjoyable for everyone!
Hello Traeger Elementary Families,
The American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge program will be kicking off starting January 8 and we invite you to join us as we Celebrate a Legacy of Lifesavers and continue the fight against heart disease and stroke!
Get started NOW:
- Download the AHA Schools APP and Register:
2. Click “Send a Message” and TEXT 10 Friends and Family asking for support.
3. Be a Heart Hero and Complete Finn’s Mission and learn TWO life-saving skills as a family TONIGHT!
When 50% of the school registers online with a parent/guardian email address (250 students) our school will earn $500!
Top Student = Name the Gym
Buster (Leader) Keychain = Complete Finn’s Mission Online and go in the drawing for Buster!
Top Grade Level Earned and Anyone Who Raises $250 or More Gets to Choose a Teacher to Silly String!
Click Here to hear Damar Hamlin, in his own words, talk about why our work together matters now more than ever.
NFL Bonus: The American Heart Association is excited to extend our work with the NFL to support improving health outcomes at home and beyond through the Hands-Only CPR education. Students that complete the Finn’s Mission learning module will earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl LIX in 2025 and your school will be entered to receive a $10,000 fitness equipment makeover for every 18 completed Finn’s Mission.
Thank you!
Mrs. Wara
Are you looking to provide your child with some additional storytelling and writing practice? The Oshkosh Public Library is gathering submissions from children in Oshkosh through their Young Author's program through Feb. 1. Check out this LINK for the awesome opportunity for your child to be published in this year's anthology and encourage your child to share their stories!
PSC Agenda
1/9/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurer: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
- Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
Ice breaker-Crossing Guard Poster
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for sponsors
Election Committee for President, Secretary & Co Secretary Positions
Fundraiser Updates
K2 concert
Brighten Someone's Holiday- Katie/Jenny
Fire Escape
Treasurer Update
Upcoming Events- ALL ON
Panda Express, January 15th: receiving 50% back
Glow Park, January 22nd
Urban Air, February 9th
Family Night- Mrs. Runde
School Supplies Fundraiser
Next meeting date, time, and location: Feb 13th, 6pm in library media center (LMC)
Motions to Adjourn
- January 5
- Grade1 to Barlow Planetarium
- January 9
- PSC Meeting 6:00 in LMC
- January 10
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 11
- Kindergarten Family Night 3:15-5:30pm
- January 15
- MLK Day - No School
- January 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 19
- Branson to Oshkosh Public Museum
- January 22
- No School for Students
- PSC Glow in the Park event 2-9pm
- January 23
- Trebiatowski to Oshkosh Public Museum
- K-Kds 6:00pm
- January 24
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 26
- Gus/Reisler to Oshkosh Public Museum
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - April 20, 2023
TRAEGER TALESApril 20, 2023: Issue 31
Friday evening, April 28, the cries of “Bingo!” will echo through the school cafeterias as we gather for our annual Spring Bingo & Basket Raffle event! Join us for a fabulous evening of fun! Doors will open at 4:30 with concessions available and browsing of the popular classroom baskets, which will be given away at the end of the evening. New this year is a special basket raffle called Pick of the Pack! Here is how it works:
- 5 of the BEST baskets will be set aside for this special raffle opportunity
- Each ticket is $5. We will sell 100 tickets.
- People can buy as many tickets as they want.
- The winning ticket will be pulled at the start of BINGO.
- The winner gets to pick one of the 5 baskets to keep and win before BINGO begins!
- The other 4 baskets will go back into the BINGO basket drawings for the end of the night winners.
Admission is $2 per person, and each child will receive 5 basket tickets as they enter. As we play BINGO from 5:30 to 7:00, the prizes will include additional basket tickets. At 7:00, we will stop playing BINGO and all tickets will be turned in for the basket drawings. The drawings will begin at about 7:10 and conclude around 7:30. There will also be adult raffle tickets on sale for $1 or 6 for $5. Back for another year! We will play "Heads or Tails" - free for the children, $1.00 for adults. We will also have tickets available for purchase for a 50/50 raffle and a chance to win one of our adult raffle baskets. Volunteer information can be found below. We need your help to make this wonderful event possible! Classroom theme basket information went home. Basket items are due back Monday, April 24. Basket themes can be found at the LINK. Join us for the fun! I look forward to seeing you at BINGO! ~Mrs. G. 😃
Date Change
Due to a schedule conflict the May PSC meeting will be held on May 11 at 6:00pm.
This year is going to be our best field day yet!! Field day is set for Friday, May 26. There will be opportunities to volunteer in the morning (with set up) or in the afternoon to help run stations. Volunteer sign up will come out in May!!
From the Health Office
If your child has a current health plan or emergency plan on file with school, you will receive a copy during the summer to update for the upcoming school year.
If your child has a change in their health or has a healthcare need at school, please contact our school district nurse, Liz Lynch, via email during the summer and she will contact you at the beginning of the school year to discuss.
If your child will need to take medication at school, please work with your doctor to have the following form completed and signed before the start of the school year. As a reminder, the directions on the medication bottle must match the written order on the medication request form.
Medication Treatment/Request Form
If you have a child with a severe allergy and/or asthma, or seizures the following forms will need to be completed for our school nurse. Inhalers, Epi-Pens, Allergy medications, etc., must be in their original containers. Expiration dates will be monitored.
Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
Asthma Action Plan for Home and School
Continue to stay healthy and enjoy your summer.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Liz Lynch, BSN, RN, NCSN
Bingo Night: Friday, April 28th One of our biggest events of the year is on the books: Bingo Night on Friday, April 28th! This is one of our most popular events and always sells out, so if you haven’t already, be sure to get your Bingo cards and pizza at today! We’re also looking for volunteers as this event in particular takes so many wonderful people to make this happen. To help with this fun evening, grab a friend and signup at
Golf Outing: Sunday, May 21st Our golf outing is back! Join us for the 3rd annual Carl Traeger Elementary PSC Golf Outing scheduled for Sunday, May 21st at Lake Breeze Golf Course in Winneconne. We invite all CTE families, staff, and friends to participate in this 18-hole foursome scramble. Registration is open with early bird pricing at $65 per person or $260 per foursome with breakfast, snacks, and lunch included. Plus, there will be hole events with fun prizes throughout the course. Learn more and signup today before the event sells out at:
- April 26
- Walk to School Wednesday
- April 27
- Kindergarten to Heckrodt
- April 28
- Bingo Night!
- May 3
- Walk to School Wedneday
- Amel to Paine Art Center
- May 5
- Kordus to Paine Art Center
- May 10
- Bike to School Day
- May 11
- PSC 6:00pm
- May 12
- No School for Students
- May 16
- Demeny Aronson to Paine Art Center
- May 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - December 21, 2023
TRAEGER TALESDecember 21, 2023: Issue 23
Season's GreetingsThis time of year brings a unique opportunity for us to come together, appreciate the moments that matter, and create lasting memories with our loved ones. As we prepare to embark on a well-deserved break, we want to encourage you to make the most of this special time with your children.
Celebrate the Season: Take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life and indulge in the magic of the season. Whether it's decorating your home, baking festive treats, or crafting handmade ornaments, these shared activities create bonds that last a lifetime. Encourage your children to express their creativity and embrace the joy of giving.
Quality Family Time: Winter break is the perfect opportunity to enjoy quality time with your family. Consider scheduling activities that everyone can participate in, such as game nights, movie marathons, or even a cozy afternoon of reading together. These simple yet meaningful moments strengthen family bonds and create cherished traditions.
Embrace Gratitude: Encourage your children to reflect on the year gone by and express gratitude for the things that bring them joy. This practice fosters a positive mindset and teaches them the importance of appreciating the little things in life. Consider creating a family gratitude jar where each member can add notes of thanks and revisit them in the years to come.
Unplug and Reconnect: In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in technology. Use the holiday break as an opportunity to unplug from screens and reconnect with each other. Whether it's a nature walk, a visit to a local museum, or simply playing board games, embracing the present moment fosters deeper connections.
Rest and Recharge: Lastly, don't forget the importance of rest and relaxation. Winter break offers a chance to recharge and prepare for the new year ahead. Encourage your children to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, whether it's a lazy morning in pajamas or a quiet day of reading their favorite books.
As we bid farewell to another remarkable year at Carl Traeger Elementary, we want to express our gratitude for being part of our extended school family. May this holiday season bring you peace, joy, and an abundance of love. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year, refreshed and ready for exciting adventures.
Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a Happy New Year!
Ring in the New Year with the Carl Traeger PSC January 9, 2023 at 6:00! It's our first meeting of the New Year and it's time to make some resolutions. Want to make a difference in your child's life? Start by attending a PSC meeting and become knowledgeable about all the great ways you can get involved or just find out what is going on at Carl Traeger! Never been to a meeting before? There is not a better time to start!
Traeger Way Snow Play
When we return from break we will be reviewing the Traeger Way with all classes. Starting on Monday, January 8 classes will be recognized for following the Traeger Way. As a way to review and practice our school-wide expectations, staff members will be naming and noticing classrooms that follow the Traeger Way by being respectful, responsible, safe and trustworthy. Classes will receive snowballs to add to their class snow piles. Classes will receive an entry to win an Amazon gift card for their classroom for every 10 snowballs that they receive between January 9 and January 23. There will be a $25 Amazon gift card awarded at the K/1, 2/3 and 4/5 grade levels.
We hope you enjoyed the first story in The Ice Cream Machine anthology! It's time to get started on the second story - The Ice Cream Machine: The one with the ice cream eating contest. Read to find out who the Ice Cream Machine is! Check out the video for an introduction to the story. Enjoy your time together as a family reading this first story and mark your calendars for the next story sneak peek in mid-January.
Brighten Someone’s Holiday
The program this year benefited 34 Traeger families and their 94 kids! Thanks to those who helped shop and deliver items: Jenny Hunt, Kenlin Grams, Samantha Rice, Amy Walter and Kara Bos. Thanks to Kelly Zanders for her support with the PTboard sign up. Special thanks to Katie Zurawski and Kaelee Heideman for their leadership. And a big thank you to those that supported the program through their generous donations and financial support!
- December 21
- PSC Rocky Rococo Restaurant Day
- December 22-January 1
- Winter Break
- January 2
- School Resumes
- January 3
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 5
- Grade1 to Barlow Planetarium
- January 9
- PSC Meeting 6:00 in LMC
- January 10
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 11
- Kindergarten Family Night 3:15-5:30pm
- January 15
- MLK Day - No School
- January 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 19
- Branson to Oshkosh Public Museum
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - December 15, 2023
TRAEGER TALESDecember 15, 2023: Issue 15
Being able to read independently for long stretches helps your child make deeper connections with challenging text. That same focus also sets the stage for them to discover the true meaning of the story they’re reading.
“When you can read longer, you can ask better questions,” says Karen Burke, senior vice president of data analysis and academic planning at Scholastic Education. “You probe and then you discover the deeper essence of the text.”
Kids also begin to take ownership of learning when they have greater endurance for reading — and not only in literacy, but in other subjects and areas of life, as well. “That ‘stick-to-it-ness’ that we want to have students demonstrate is critical for tasks beyond reading and school,” says Burke.
When it comes to sports, video games, art projects, or other hands-on activities, you’ve probably noticed that your child has a seemingly endless supply of focus and energy. Here are a few tips and strategies to ensure they have that same level of stamina and perseverance when they open a book.
1. Set a Purpose
Whether it’s just for pleasure, to learn something new, or to find out what happens next in their favorite series, kids need a reason to read. Before your child picks up a book, encourage them to set a purpose for reading that day. This will inspire them to reflect upon what they’re reading, which in turn, will deepen learning and build reading stamina, says Burke.
After they’re done, set aside time to talk to them about what they’ve just read to promote even deeper reflection.
2. Make Reading a Special Family Activity
If your child has older siblings, Burke recommends inviting them to read the same books or different books on a similar topic. (Here’s why everyone wins when siblings read together.) Having someone reading alongside them may be just the encouragement they need to keep going.
Also build a general interest around reading: When your family gathers at the dinner table or is in the car together, have a conversation about what your kids are reading, while sharing information and thinking deeper about the stories. Your child will be more encouraged to finish a book when they have opportunities to share what they’ve learned.
3. Jump-Start Independent Reading With a Read-Aloud
To help get your child in the swing of reading for longer, start independent reading time with a read-aloud and then hand it off to your child to finish.
Burke also suggests reading every other chapter aloud with your child to get started, increasing the amount of reading they’re doing silently on their own. The goal is for them to be doing real reading, unsupervised, she says.
4. Create a Special Reading Area
Burke suggests talking to your child about where they like to read and work, and creating a special, comfy place where high-interest books they’ll enjoy are within easy reach.
“Once the mind grabs onto a story or text and finds it enjoyable, the muscle memory kicks in,” says Burke. Don’t forget to cut out distractions like TV, computers, and phones.
Looking for more tips? See all expert advice about establishing reading routines at home.
~Happy Reading! Mrs. G. 😀 (Source: Scholastic)
Dear Families,
During the December 22-January 1 winter break from school, we are grateful to everyone for helping to restore a routine for showing up to school while supporting students and families.
We appreciate everyone’s efforts to avoid taking extra time off during the winter break. As long as your child is healthy, please encourage showing up to class when school is in session.
Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as to connect to their peers and teachers.
We thank:
● Our students and their families who do their best to show up daily even when it isn’t easy.
● Our teachers who go above and beyond to make school a welcoming and safe place for all students to learn.
● Our administrators who help us work together to ensure we create a physically and emotionally safe and engaging learning environment.
● Our many, many healers and helpers - the support staff and community volunteers who provide the extra hands and attention our children need.
We appreciate each one of you. May these days off be restful and healing.
● If your family or your child needs support, please reach out to Ms. Heideman or Mrs. Wolters for help.
● We look forward to seeing you again when school resumes on January 2.
Thank you for partnering with us!
Carl Traeger Elementary Staff
Morning Drop Off
As the weather gets colder we see more traffic at morning drop off. In order to have a safe and efficient morning drop off, we ask people to pull forward as far as possible. This allows us to maximize the number of people who can drop off at one time. Please do not block the left hand lane in the drive as it makes traffic back up even more. We have staff assisting with traffic direction from 7:30-7:40. Please follow directions of the staff on duty so we can keep everyone safe. At 7:40 the bell rings and staff are needed inside the building to assist with children. The closer you come to the start of the school day you will experience more traffic due to middle school drop off. Some ideas to make things go smoother include: consider dropping off near one of the trails that access our grounds or carpooling would reduce the number of vehicles altogether! If everyone brought just one neighbor to school we could reduce traffic by half! WOW!
- December 19
- Gustafson to Paine Art Center
- December 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 21
- PSC Rocky Rococo Restaurant Day
- December 22-January 1
- Winter Break
- January 2
- School Resumes
- January 3
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 5
- Grade1 to Barlow Planetarium
- January 9
- PSC Meeting 6:00 in LMC
- January 10
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 11
- Kindergarten Family Night 3:15-5:30pm
- January 15
- MLK Day - No School
- January 17
- Walk to School Wednesday
- January 19
- Branson to Oshkosh Public Museum
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - December 7, 2023
TRAEGER TALESDecember 7, 2023: Issue 14
Easy Ways To Take Control of the Holiday Hustle and Bustle
This was shared by a colleague and resonated with me. I hope it can be helpful in not letting the holiday bustle take the joy out of the season! ~Mrs. G. 😀
As the holiday season approaches, our lives tend to accelerate into a chaotic whirlwind. There are bustling crowds, never-ending shopping lists, decorations to hang, cookies to bake, wrapping paper to wrestle with … it’s a lot of extras to add to our already busy lives.
Last year, when my to-do list seemed to stretch as long as Santa’s Naughty or Nice List, I knew it was time for a change. I was feeling burnt out creating Christmas magic for my kids when a simpler celebration would be just as special. So, this is me telling you, and myself, to take a step back this year. Here are a few ways I'm planning for a less frenzied (and more festive!) holiday season.
Don’t stress about finding that “perfect” present. This year’s hottest toy? It probably won’t be so hot in a month. For me, books are more meaningful gifts that will hold their allure long after that must-have toy has been tossed. Plus, there’s a whole world of books out there to suit every kind of kid. You’re guaranteed to find something that matches your child’s age, personality, and interests.
Focus on the things you enjoy doing. I’m not one for elaborate crafts, and as for holiday cooking … well, let’s just say you’d find canned tuna and Goldfish® crackers on my Feast of the Seven Fishes menu. Focusing on traditions that hold sentimental value, like our Book Advent Calendar or making our own gift tags, allows my family and I to enjoy the season without feeling overwhelmed by unnecessary extravagance.
Remember what truly matters about the holiday season. At the end of the day, the holidays are all about connection. I’d rather invest in quality, stress-free time with those I love than check all the holiday boxes of twinkly light shows, fancy dinners, and Santa parades.
As 2023 comes to a close, let this be the perfect time to prioritize what really matters: spending quality time with loved ones, savoring cherished traditions, and relishing the magic of the season. (Source: Brightly)
Research shows that students who don’t have meaningful social connections are at risk for attendance and behavior problems, dropping out, and committing suicide. ~Panorama
New research shows that chronic absenteeism was significantly lower at schools with strong family engagement.
Building strong, trusting relationships that promote a feeling of belonging is fundamental to improving student attendance & engagement. #SchoolEveryDay
Harmon’s Hellos
Hello CTE families! We have some exciting times coming up in Art!
Our biggest art show of the year will take place on Saturday, December 9th from 4-7pm at the Masonic Center in Oshkosh. This show will represent every school in the Oshkosh Area School District and feature artwork from Kindergarten through 12th grade. You will be amazed at the skill and talent and it will make a fun family night out. All are welcome and it is free of charge!
The following students will represent Carl Traeger Elementary by having artwork featured at this show:
Kindergarten: Lucas H., Liam D., Maliyah P.
1st: Burke W., Emmalynn S., Natalie B., Claire H., Aleah D., Leo Y., Lily Z.
2nd: Audrey L., Landon P., Hudson S., Lincoln S.
3rd: Maggie F., Will R., Calvin W., Keaton O. Mariyam T.
4th: Ethan L., Hazel S., Rylee S.
5th: Myles K., Greyson M., Adelyn A., Briza B., Thomas H., Lucy A., Melody S., Alexis T., Addelyn K., Abigail T., Allyana T., Aubrey W.
The other excitement here at Traeger is the ever-popular CLAY unit! From December 11th through the 21st, Kindergarten - 4th grade students will be learning all about clay, how it is used, the properties of clay, as well as experimenting with and creating our own clay projects. It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
It will take most of our winter break for our clay projects to properly dry, and then the first (bisque) firing will begin. Then our projects will need painting, staining or glazing. If your child uses glaze for their project, it will require a second firing. It’s a long process, but one your child will never forget. So expect a little clay under your child’s nails, maybe a little on their clothes, too, but also much excitement!
With much gratitude,
Mrs. Harmon
Be on the lookout for busses. It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus that has a stop sign extended and lights on. This indicates that children are getting on or off the bus.
- December 8
- No School for Students
- December 11
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- December 12
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- December 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 14
- Treb to Paine Art Center
- December 15
- Branson to Paine Art Center
- December 19
- Gustafson to Paine Art Center
- December 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 22-January 1
- Winter Break
- January 2
- School Resumes
- January 3
- Walk to School Wednesday
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - December 1, 2023
TRAEGER TALESDecember 1, 2023: Issue 13
Children love the gifts of the holidays! At school we hear all sorts of wishes for the gifts children will receive this Christmas. While material gifts are fun, they break down over time. Children lose interest in them and move on to another toy they “have” to have.
One gift your child will never tire of is your undivided attention. Take time over the next few weeks to spend some quality time with your child. Invest in your child and watch the payback and returns for years to come.
Imagine there is a bank which credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day, allows you to keep no cash balance, and every evening cancels whatever part of the amount you had failed to use during the day.
What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course! Well, everyone has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose.
It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day’s deposits, the loss is yours.
There is no going back. There is no drawing against the “tomorrow”. You must live in the present on today’s deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running. Make the most of today. ~Anonymous
I hope this holiday season is filled with many wonderful memories together with your children! ~ Mrs. G. 😀
Stuffed Animal Sleepover!!!
The media center has a group of wolves who live in the media center and are lonely! Last month they invited kindergartners and first graders to bring in a stuffed animal to play with them for the long weekend. They had a blast! See the video from their time together here.
Since they mostly followed the Traeger Way, we decided to do this again! Right now we are only going to invite our 2nd and 3rd grade students to bring in 1 stuffed animal friend on Thursday, December 7th. This animal friend will be invited to spend the whole 3 day weekend at school in the media center! We have some fun activities planned for them during their stay. If your family is interested, send 1 stuffed animal friend to school on Thursday, December 7th with your second or third grader. Classes will drop off their friends in the media center before the end of the day and will pick up on Monday, December 11th. Thanks for considering!
~ Mrs. Miller, Ms. Gill & wolves
Harmon’s Hellos
Greetings Traeger Families!
The Art room has been a busy place; creating, thinking and honing our skills. Each grade level has so far completed at least two major projects and we’re moving along toward many more. Here’s a sampling of some of the projects we have completed: Burke’s Wassily Kandinsky tree, Maggie’s bottle study, Ethan’s watercolor chameleon and Audrey’s African elephant!
In December we will be doing everyone’s favorite - our CLAY unit!
Items needed for the Art room:
- Paper grocery bags for taking artwork home
- Yarn - Any type or color
- Wooden rolling pins
Thank you!
-Mrs. Harmon
Thank you to everyone who brought in donations for our food drive during the first week! We will continue to collect items through December 11.
Did you know in 2022, 12.8 percent of U.S. households were food insecure at least some time during the year, meaning they had difficulty providing enough food for all their members because of a lack of resources. The 12.8 percent of food-insecure households (17.0 million households) includes 5.1 percent (6.8 million) that experienced very low food security, a more severe form of food insecurity in which the food intake of some household members was reduced, and normal eating patterns were disrupted. The 2022 prevalence rates for both food insecurity and very low food security were statistically significantly higher than the rates recorded in 2021 (10.2 percent and 3.8 percent).
Thank you in advance for your support to families in Oshkosh who are struggling with food insecurity!
- November 29
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 1
- PSC Paint Night 5-7pm
- December 5
- Grade 2 to Grand Opera House
- December 6
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 8
- No School for Students
- December 11
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- December 12
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- December 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 14
- Treb to Paine Art Center
- December 15
- Branson to Paine Art Center
- December 19
- Gustafson to Paine Art Center
- December 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 22-January 1
- Winter Break
- January 2
- School Resumes
- January 3
- Walk to School Wednesday
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - November 17, 2023
TRAEGER TALESNovember 17, 2023: Issue 12
Dear Traeger Families,
Carl Traeger Elementary K-Kids is partnering with the Mid-Morning Kiwanis Club in sponsoring a food drive to support the Salvation Army Food Pantry. Each year, Oshkosh Area School District elementary schools participate in this food drive to help families in the Oshkosh community, reaching 14,000 families, collecting between 4 to 5 tons of food each year. This is the 48th year of this partnership! We are excited to help once again, and we have a goal to collect 1,000 items.
We are pairing the grade levels for the competition! The pairings are following the lunch period schedule: K & 2, 1 & 4, and 3 & 5 grades. The K-Kids worked on incentives for when the lunch period brings in the following number of items:
- 100 items - Spirit Day - Wear Traeger Colors
- 200 items - PJ/Comfy Day
- 400 items - Creative Hair/Hat Day
4K - We have incentives for you too!
- 100 items - Stuffed Animal Day
- 200 items - PJ/Comfy Day
Non-Perishable Food items only - please NO GLASS.
Easy donation opportunities:
November 20th Kick Off Night at K-2 Music Concert (boxes will be by the auditorium entrances).
December 1st Family Night at Traeger (boxes will be in the entrance).
School Days, please look for the labeled boxes for your grade level pairing in the cafeteria.
Last day to bring in items is December 11th.
If you have any questions about the food drive, please contact Alicia Alsberg, K-Kids Advisor at
~Mrs. Alsberg and Mrs. G.
Welcome to the Pack!
Amanda Zeinert - Cross Categorical Special Education Teacher
Hello, My name is Amanda Zeinert, and I am happy to be back at Carl Traeger Elementary as a Cross Categorical Special Education teacher. This is my tenth year in education. Previously, I was a paraprofessional at Carl Traeger. Then, I taught in the autism program at Oakwood, and recently, I was a Cross Categorical Special Education teacher at Read Elementary. My husband, Eric, and I recently celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. We are both from the very small town of Wittenberg, WI. We moved to Oshkosh 19 years ago. Growing up in a small town has made me appreciate the many activities Oshkosh has to offer. Eric and I have 2 daughters who both attended Traeger from Kindergarten through eighth grade. My oldest daughter, Melana, is a sophomore at UW Madison. My youngest, Samara, is a junior at Oshkosh West High School. Samara just completed her high school swim season at West and broke 3 school records! She also swims for the Oshkosh YMCA. I have a labradoodle named Maggie who is the best dog! My husband and I enjoy taking her for walks and cuddling with her.In my free time, I love watching Samara swim and going to Madison to have brunch with Melana. I also enjoy reading biographies and books about history. Coming back to Traeger has felt like coming home. I appreciate everyone's warm welcome and I look forward to being a part of the Traeger School Family!
'Tis the season of giving!
Once again, the Carl Traeger Elementary community is coming together to support Traeger families during this holiday season, with the gift giving program, Brighten Someone's Holiday.
How can you help and how does it work?
- Select an item(s) from the Brighten Someone's Holiday list below.
- Purchase the item(s) you've selected below. Be sure to include the code with the item (i.e.; TA:1). This is necessary to make sure the requested gift(s) is given to the correct child.
- Please do not wrap the gifts.
- Please turn your gift(s) in to the school office no later than Friday, December 1st.
The families of Carl Traeger Elementary have been very generous in the past and we look forward to continue to spread the Christmas cheer again this year. Along with the gift requests, there are options to donate cash or online donation, which will be used to purchase any gifts that were not donated.
We have 29 Traeger Families with a total of 80 children needing gifts this year, any support will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
If you have any questions, please contact Kaelee Heideman (424-0221) or kaelee.heideman@oshkosh.k12.
To sign up for a gift item, please visit our PTBoard Website at the following LINK.
Thank you Traeger Families!
Dear Families,
We are thankful for you!
As we prepare to take time off from school November 22-26 for the Thanksgiving break, we are grateful for everyone who has helped to restore a routine for showing up to school while supporting students and families.
Daily routines are essential for reducing stress and creating a sense of security, especially after the chaotic transitions experienced over the last two years.
As long as your child is healthy, please encourage showing up to class when school is in session. Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as connect to peers and their teachers.
We thank:
· Our students and their families who do their best to show up to class every day even when it isn’t easy.
· Our teachers who have gone above and beyond to help make school a welcoming learning environment where students can thrive.
· Our administrators who help us work together to ensure we are healthy and safe, feel a sense of community and experience the excitement of an engaging learning environment.
· Our many, many healers and helpers - the support staff and community volunteers who provide the extra hands and attention our children need.
May these days off be restful and healing.
● If your family or your child needs support, please reach out to our school social worker Heather Wolters or school counselor Kaelee Heideman for help.
● We look forward to seeing you again when school resumes on November 27 .
Thank you for partnering with us!
Mrs. G. and the Traeger staff
Traeger Kindergarten-2nd Grade COLOR Concert
“Live Life in Color!”
Mark your calendars...MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th!!!
(6pm at Alberta Kimball Auditorium-West High School).
You are NOT going to want to miss this year’s Fall Concert brought to you by the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Students. We have created an amazing show for you. This COLOR concert will feature songs about all different colors. The concert will not only feature our Traeger students sharing their amazing voices but will also include a wide variety of talents such as dancing, solos, duets, baton twirling, rocking guitars and some super kids having a fantastic time on stage!
We cannot wait to perform for everyone and we are again expecting a full auditorium. We will feature bright COLOR songs and the students are really going to be ROCKING the stage. We want the students to light up the stage and are encouraged to wear ANY bright color. Students will meet their classroom teachers and sit with their class at 5:45 pm. The concert starts promptly at 6:00 pm and will last approximately one hour.
We sincerely hope you join us and enjoy this wonderful night of fun and great music!!!
See you Monday, November 20, 2023!
Mrs. Schmidt (Music Teacher)
There will not be a new issue of Traeger Tales next week due to the short week.
- November 19
- PSC Herd Night 7:00pm
- November 20
- K-2 Concert at Alberta Kimball 6:00pm
- November 22-26
- No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
- November 29
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 1
- PSC Paint Night 5-7pm
- December 5
- Grade 2 to Grand Opera House
- December 6
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 8
- No School for Students
- December 11
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- December 12
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- December 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 14
- Treb to Paine Art Center
- December 15
- Branson to Paine Art Center
- December 19
- Gustafson to Paine Art Center
- December 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 22-January 1
- Winter Break
- January 2
- School Resumes
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - November 9, 2023
TRAEGER TALESNovember 9, 2023: Issue 11
Reducing the family's carbon footprint at home and school is easy, and can save you money at the same time.
Low-waste lunch tips
• Try doing a lunch box audit with your kids to see how much packaging you use such as plastic wrap, plastic throw-away spoons, straws and plastic bags, along with prepackaged foods.
• Lunch boxes with their special compartments for sandwiches, fruit, nuts and snacks are the best way to reduce wrapping or packaging of individual items.
• Chilled or frozen juice or water keeps lunch cool and fresh.
• Reusable drink containers reduce packaging waste even further.
Digital stuff
The family's music players, mobile phones and laptops all burn energy, adding to your household's carbon footprint. Simply by recharging the family's digital gadgets at night means your electricity bill will be less and it can reduce peak load on power stations.
Many of the smart ideas kids are learning at school about being energy efficient can be applied at home too. Ask your child to:
• Switch off appliances at the wall
• Look for high energy star ratings on appliances when you buy new ones
• Take shorter showers
• Use natural light during the day.
Getting to and from school
Safe walking or cycling or active travel (any journey which relies more on walking or cycling and less on the car) are great ways to reduce the family's carbon footprint. You can plan the route to school for your child with neighbors, friends, and their parents to share the supervision.
When driving the kids to school, planning journeys to combine trips to work, the shops or appointments also saves on fuel. Try parking a short distance from the school to reduce congestion in school zones at peak times and give you all a few minutes of extra exercise.
~Mrs. G. 😃
Cough Drops/Medication & Treatment Policies
Just a friendly reminder: over-the-counter medications (INCLUDING COUGH DROPS) intended for occasional use (10 consecutive days or less) will NOT be given to your child unless a Medication/Treatment Request form is signed by the parent and turned into the office. The medication also needs to be in it's original packaging. If the medication is to be given longer than 10 consecutive days, a healthcare provider’s signature is required.
As a school and district, we have set rigorous goals for literacy achievement. In order to achieve those goals and support the individual needs of each student in our classrooms, it is important to engage our families with the work we are doing. Attached is a SURVEY that has been created to gather input from our families on your current knowledge of literacy instruction and support. We will use this information to reflect on our current state and create a plan to support growth in this area. We will leave the survey open until Nov. 17. Thank you in advance for your feedback!
Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only can affect achievement for the absent student, but also can disrupt learning for the entire class. ~Attendance Works
Traeger Elementary has taken advantage of TerraCycle’s Tom’s of Maine and Colgate Recycling Programs over the last couple of years. TerraCycle is a global leader in recycling the hard to recycle waste.
We no longer have the opportunity to earn money for the items we send to Terracycle for this program. We are discontinuing the collection box at Traeger.
Our last day to collect will be Thursday November 16th.
If you have any of the below items please collect them in a small plastic film bag (like the dentist bag or a bread bag), your student can drop in the box just outside the office!
ANY BRAND of toothpaste tubes and caps
ANY BRAND of toothbrushes
ANY BRAND of toothpaste cartons
ANY BRAND toothbrush packaging
ANY BRAND of floss containers
ANY BRAND of deodorant (no aerosol)
Questions please contact: Alicia Alsberg, K-Kids Advisor,
Traeger Kindergarten-2nd Grade COLOR Concert
“Live Life in Color!”
Mark your calendars...MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th!!!
(6pm at Alberta Kimball Auditorium-West High School).
You are NOT going to want to miss this year’s Fall Concert brought to you by the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Students. We have created an amazing show for you. This COLOR concert will feature songs about all different colors. The concert will not only feature our Traeger students sharing their amazing voices but will also include a wide variety of talents such as dancing, solos, duets, baton twirling, rocking guitars and some super kids having a fantastic time on stage!
We cannot wait to perform for everyone and we are again expecting a full auditorium. We will feature bright COLOR songs and the students are really going to be ROCKING the stage. We want the students to light up the stage and are encouraged to wear ANY bright color. Students will meet their classroom teachers and sit with their class at 5:45 pm. The concert starts promptly at 6:00 pm and will last approximately one hour.
We sincerely hope you join us and enjoy this wonderful night of fun and great music!!!
See you Monday, November 20, 2023!
Mrs. Schmidt (Music Teacher)
PSC Minutes
11/7/23, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurer: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
- Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
Ice breaker - Make cards for teachers. Please bring supplies to create homemade cards
Volunteer Opportunities
Conference- feed the teachers
K2 Concert- Need volunteers
Fundraiser Updates
Craft Fair - Nichole
Admissions 1042 ppl attended $2,084.94
Booth sales $4,925
Concessions $558.30
Food trucks $33.20
Bake sale $631.49
Total Profit $6424.18
Next year’s craft fair will be 10/19 already booking booth sales for next year
Treasurer Update
Funds left over from last year-cash donations.
Picture Fundraiser $1,050
Upcoming Events/Fundraisers
Veterans day event - Nov 9th- Have majority of food. Needing coffee yet.
Brighten Someone's Holiday $460 already for this
Family Paint Night - Dec. 1st
Friday, 5-7pm
Need two volunteers: 4:30-5:30 and 5:30-6:30
Rocky’s Fundraiser-Dec 21st (20% of sales to Traeger)
Next meeting date, time, and location: January 9th, 6pm in library media center (LMC)
Reviewed school supplies from new vendor for future decision
Timber Rattlers reading program - discuss with Mrs. Runde
Funset vs. Mini golf - majority voted to do both events
Motion to close - Kelly; Second - Kendall
Brighten Someone's Holiday
Dear Families,
Each year the PSC of Carl Traeger Elementary and I lead our “Brighten Someone’s Holiday” campaign to provide gifts for children from families who may be struggling financially.
This program provides at least one clothing item and one toy to each child in the family. I will call you to let you know when gifts are ready to be picked up, usually in the middle of December. Should you choose to participate, your family’s identity will remain completely confidential.
To participate, please email Kaelee Heideman, school counselor, at for a paper copy of the registration or complete the LINKED form and return it to Kaelee. Please complete or return the form by November 9th to ensure gifts are ready by the holidays.
All of us at Carl Traeger Elementary want to wish you and your family an absolutely wonderful, safe, healthy, and festive holiday season.
Kaelee Heideman, School Counselor
K-Kids is fundraising with Fun Pasta Fundraising starting November 4th!
We are raising money to purchase fleece material for making blankets to donate and for additional K-Kid projects. We need your help in reaching our fundraising goal. We’ll earn 40% profit from every sale. Order is simple and fun!
What is Fun Pasta? Fun Pasta is healthy fun pasta shaped like the holidays, sports, collegiate team logos, and more. The colorful online catalog shows a wide variety of products that will appeal to everyone!
How can you help? Purchase from and share our Fundraiser!
Go to our Carl Traeger Elementary shopping link:
Share our shopping link with family and friends in an email and Facebook.
There is FREE SHIPPING on orders over $65, flat rate shipping of $8.95 on orders under $65. Minimum online order of $20. Fundraiser closes November 13th.
The next K-Kids meeting is December 12th at 6 pm in the Media Center.
ALL are welcome to participate in K-Kids -
Come check out K-Kids at any time, no sign-up required!
Please reach out with any questions:
Alicia Alsberg, K-Kids Advisor,
- November 10
- No School for Students
- November 14
- Grade 4 to Full Steam Ahead
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:45pm
- November 15
- Walk to School Wednesday
- November 19
- PSC Herd Night 7:00pm
- November 20
- K-2 Concert at Alberta Kimball 6:00pm
- November 22-26
- No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
- November 29
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 1
- PSC Paint Night 5-7pm
- December 5
- Grade 2 to Grand Opera House
- December 6
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 8
- No School for Students
- December 11
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- December 12
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- December 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 14
- Treb to Paine Art Center
- December 15
- Branson to Paine Art Center
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - November 3, 2023
TRAEGER TALESNovember 3, 2023: Issue 10
As we reflect on all of our success from the first quarter, we are grateful for the fabulous partnerships we have with our Traeger families! You probably know that a student’s academic success is affected by many factors and this year caregivers have an even greater impact! When it comes to achievement, activities outside the virtual classroom, especially at home, can be just as influential as what happens inside the classroom.
The following are five important areas to emphasize to ensure the success of your children:
• Establish a daily routine by providing a quiet time and place for your children to study. Be firm about bedtimes so the child is well-rested and alert in the classroom. Having dinner together as a family is also important because it gives you an opportunity to talk about your children’s daily school activities, projects, and expectations. Encourage communications through conversation and questioning.
• Monitor your children’s extracurricular activities closely. Whenever possible, arrange specific after school activities or supervised care, always monitor television watching, and install computer software to block inappropriate websites. Also be mindful of video game content. If you can’t be home right after school, call or email frequently to check in with your children, or have a trusted neighbor, relative, or friend stop by. Search out after-school programs and association activities that could serve as alternatives for children going home alone after school.
• Reading books, magazines, and newspapers and talking about what is learned from them is another important aspect to pursue at home. Discussing current events and/or the day’s activities is a good habit to develop. Tell stories, share problems, and write letters, notes, and messages to one another. These types of communication bring families closer together, especially today, when everyone is busy with his or her own individual activities and commitments.
• Stay in touch with teachers and school staff, and express sincere interest in your children’s progress at school. Work together with your children’s teachers to set age-appropriate goals and standards, and to recognize and promote special talents. Compliment your children and share school success stories with family and friends.
• Be a positive role model. Demonstrate ways that achievement relates to hard work and dedication. Discuss the value of a good education to possible career options, and explore ways your children can turn their true interests into satisfying career possibilities.
We are looking forward to our parent teacher conferences on November 10 and 15 to further enhance our home-school partnerships!
~Mrs. G. 😃
Traeger Kindergarten-2nd Grade COLOR Concert
“Live Life in Color!”
Mark your calendars...MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20th!!!
(6pm at Alberta Kimball Auditorium-West High School).
You are NOT going to want to miss this year’s Fall Concert brought to you by the Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Students. We have created an amazing show for you. This COLOR concert will feature songs about all different colors. The concert will not only feature our Traeger students sharing their amazing voices but will also include a wide variety of talents such as dancing, solos, duets, baton twirling, rocking guitars and some super kids having a fantastic time on stage!
We cannot wait to perform for everyone and we are again expecting a full auditorium. We will feature bright COLOR songs and the students are really going to be ROCKING the stage. We want the students to light up the stage and are encouraged to wear ANY bright color. Students will meet their classroom teachers and sit with their class at 5:45 pm. The concert starts promptly at 6:00 pm and will last approximately one hour.
We sincerely hope you join us and enjoy this wonderful night of fun and great music!!!
See you Monday, November 20, 2023!
Mrs. Schmidt (Music Teacher)
Brighten Someone's Holiday
Dear Families,
Each year the PSC of Carl Traeger Elementary and I lead our “Brighten Someone’s Holiday” campaign to provide gifts for children from families who may be struggling financially.
This program provides at least one clothing item and one toy to each child in the family. I will call you to let you know when gifts are ready to be picked up, usually in the middle of December. Should you choose to participate, your family’s identity will remain completely confidential.
To participate, please email Kaelee Heideman, school counselor, at for a paper copy of the registration or complete the LINKED form and return it to Kaelee. Please complete or return the form by November 9th to ensure gifts are ready by the holidays.
All of us at Carl Traeger Elementary want to wish you and your family an absolutely wonderful, safe, healthy, and festive holiday season.
Kaelee Heideman, School Counselor
Dear Traeger Families,
On November 9 and 14 we will be holding Parent-Teacher Conferences for Carl Traeger K-5 students. The focus of this conference will be your child’s progress this year and how we can work together as a team to make your child's educational experiences successful. Families will be given the choice to meet in person or virtually. Teachers will be in touch to find out family preference for their conference.
Once again, this year you will be signing up for Parent Teacher Conferences Online. Conference registration will open at 4:00pm on October 26.
Due to limited slots, one slot per family per child. Dates available will be on a first come, first serve basis. So, please sign-up early for a 15 minute conference slot for your child.
To pick a slot, enter this link in your internet browser:
Registration Deadline: November 3 at 3:00pm - Parents who do not sign up will be scheduled and sent an appointment.
If you have any questions or need assistance scheduling your conference, please contact Carl Traeger Elementary at 920-424-0221.
We can't educate kids who are not present! Getting kids to attend school is one of the most important things parents can do! Here are some points to ponder...
- Absences add up. Even if your child misses just a few days here and there, his/her grades, and most importantly learning, are likely to suffer.
- Elementary attendance impacts reading. Frequent absences in elementary school have been shown to significantly affect a student’s reading skills.
- Elementary attendance problems can negatively impact a student’s future. Research shows that by sixth grade, attendance problems become a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
- Attendance affects social growth. At school, students learn to interact with others, make friends, and build relationships with adults outside their family.
Tips to Improve Attendance
- Develop routines. Get everything your child needs for school ready the night before. Set out (or have your child set out) clothes, shoes, socks, coat, and backpack.
- Be informed. Know bus pick up times, parent drop off times, and school bell times. Determine what time your child needs to be “out the door” to get to school on time.
- Get support. If you have difficulty getting your child to and from school, or if your child doesn’t seem to want to go to school for any reason, talk to your child’s teacher, school counselor, or an administrator.
Thank you for all you are doing to help your child engage in learning!
K-Kids is fundraising with Fun Pasta Fundraising starting November 4th!
We are raising money to purchase fleece material for making blankets to donate and for additional K-Kid projects. We need your help in reaching our fundraising goal. We’ll earn 40% profit from every sale. Order is simple and fun!
What is Fun Pasta? Fun Pasta is healthy fun pasta shaped like the holidays, sports, collegiate team logos, and more. The colorful online catalog shows a wide variety of products that will appeal to everyone!
How can you help? Purchase from and share our Fundraiser!
Go to our Carl Traeger Elementary shopping link:
Share our shopping link with family and friends in an email and Facebook.
There is FREE SHIPPING on orders over $65, flat rate shipping of $8.95 on orders under $65. Minimum online order of $20. Fundraiser closes November 13th.
The next K-Kids meeting is December 12th at 6 pm in the Media Center.
ALL are welcome to participate in K-Kids -
Come check out K-Kids at any time, no sign-up required!
Please reach out with any questions:
Alicia Alsberg, K-Kids Advisor,
PSC Agenda11/7/23, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurer: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
- Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
Ice breaker - Make cards for teachers. Please bring supplies to create homemade cards
Volunteer Opportunities
Conference- feed the teachers
Fundraiser Updates
Craft Fair - Nichole
Booth sales
Food trucks
Bake sale
Next year’s craft fair will be 10/19
Treasurer Update
Upcoming Events/Fundraisers
Veterans day event - Nov 9th
Brighten Someone's Holiday
Family Paint Night - Dec. 1st
Friday, 5-7pm
Need two volunteers: 4:30-5:30 and 5:30-6:30
Eatons Pizza-Dec 21st
Next meeting date, time, and location: January 9th, 6pm in library media center (LMC)
Traeger celebrates each child’s birthday by wishing students a happy birthday over the morning announcements, and for students with summer birthdays, we announce half birthdays. Each child receives a birthday book courtesy of the PSC and classrooms also have birthday traditions. Per board of education guidelines, birthday treats are not allowed. If you send a treat we will not be able to serve it. Should you feel the need to send something, a gift to benefit the class is always welcome. This could include a book with an inscription written by your child or perhaps a favorite game for indoor recess. If you choose to celebrate your child’s birthday outside of school, the invitations may not be given out in the classroom, building or playground. We do not want hurt feelings if a student does not receive an invite.
- November 7
- PSC in LMC 6:00
- November 8
- Walk to School Wednesday
- November 9
- Patriotic Theme Day
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:45pm
- November 10
- No School for Students
- November 14
- Grade 4 to Full Steam Ahead
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:45pm
- November 15
- Walk to School Wednesday
- November 20
- K-2 Concert at Alberta Kimball 6:00pm
- November 22-26
- No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
- November 29
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 4
- Grade 2 to Grand Opera House
- December 6
- Walk to School Wednesday
- December 8
- No School for Students
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - October 26, 2023
TRAEGER TALESOctober 26, 2023: Issue 9
You can make a difference in your child’s life by training your child’s brain so that your child will successfully function on social, emotional, and academic levels. Here is how:
1. Don’t be afraid to set the limits. Kids need limits to grow happy and healthy!
Make a schedule for meal times, sleep times, technology time.
Think of what is GOOD for them- not what they WANT/DON’T WANT. They are going to thank you for that later on in life. Parenting is a hard job. You need to be creative to make them do what is good for them because, most of the time, that is the exact opposite of what they want.
Kids need breakfast and nutritious food. They need to spend time outdoors and go to bed at a consistent time in order to come to school available for learning the next day!
Convert things that they don’t like doing/trying into fun, emotionally stimulating games.
2. Limit technology, and reconnect with your kids emotionally.
Surprise them with flowers, share a smile, tickle them, put a love note in their backpack or under their pillow, surprise them by taking them out for lunch on a school day, dance together, crawl together, have pillow fights.
Have family dinners, board game nights, go biking, go on outdoor walks with a flashlight in the evening.
3. Train delayed gratification.
Make them wait! It is ok to have “I am bored“ time – this is the first step to creativity.
Gradually increase the waiting time between “I want” and “I get.”
Avoid technology use in cars and restaurants, and instead teach them waiting while talking and playing games.
Limit constant snacking.
4. Teach your child to do monotonous work from early years as it is the foundation for future “workability.”
Folding laundry, tidying up toys, hanging clothes, unpacking groceries, setting the table, making lunch, unpacking their lunch box, making their bed.
Be creative. Initially make it stimulating and fun so that their brain associates it with something positive.
5. Teach social skills.
Teach them turn taking, sharing, losing/winning, compromising, complimenting others, using “please and thank you.”
Help your kids succeed in life by training and strengthening their brain sooner rather than later! This story was originally written by Victoria Prooday, a registered Occupational Therapist, Psychotherapist, founder and clinical director of a multidisciplinary clinic for children and parents and was adapted by Deep Roots at Home. ~Mrs. G. 😃
Even though elementary-aged children may learn rules and understand the importance of following them, they often have trouble with self-control. They sometimes make choices that are disruptive, harmful, or disrespectful, even when they know they shouldn’t.
Here’s how you can help your child develop better self-control and make smarter choices.
Talk about it. Have your child verbalize what he/she should and shouldn’t do in a given situation. (“When I’m mad, I can’t throw things. I should sit down and count to ten.“)
Reward good self-control. When your child exhibits good self-control, compliment him/her. Be specific. (“I can tell you wanted to yell at your brother when he messed up your room, but you didn’t. I’m proud of you.”)
Model good behavior. Adults sometimes do things they know they shouldn’t. For ex- ample, if you’ve taught your child to always be kind to others and never yell, it can be confus- ing to see parents get angry while driving or yell at others when they’re frustrated.
Use the same calming strategies you teach your child (e.g., breathing, walking away, and counting to ten).
Halloween/Fall Celebrations
Halloween/Fall Celebrations will take place in classrooms on October 31. Thank you for following our Halloween costume guidelines!
No full face masks are allowed. Our younger students have been scared by many masks and we want to see the children’s faces as they parade.
Students will only be given 5 minutes to get “dressed” in costumes and will not be excused to the bathroom. Please plan for easy items to add to their regular outfits.
Make up should not be worn all day as it is a disruption to the classroom.
Violent themed costumes are not appropriate for school.
Board policy clearly prohibits look alike weapons such as toy guns, knives, swords, or other threatening objects. These items are not allowed at school for any reason, and Halloween is no exception.
Each classroom will be notifying parents if they need any help with the celebration. Please remember that all fruit, vegetable, and cheese trays must be purchased already assembled from a grocery store. All dry items such as cookies, cupcakes and crackers must be store purchased.
Dear Traeger Families,
On November 9 and 14 we will be holding Parent-Teacher Conferences for Carl Traeger K-5 students. The focus of this conference will be your child’s progress this year and how we can work together as a team to make your child's educational experiences successful. Families will be given the choice to meet in person or virtually. Teachers will be in touch to find out family preference for their conference.
Once again, this year you will be signing up for Parent Teacher Conferences Online. Conference registration will open at 4:00pm on October 26.
Due to limited slots, one slot per family per child. Dates available will be on a first come, first serve basis. So, please sign-up early for a 15 minute conference slot for your child.
To pick a slot, enter this link in your internet browser:
Registration Deadline: November 3 at 3:00pm - Parents who do not sign up will be scheduled and sent an appointment.
If you have any questions or need assistance scheduling your conference, please contact Carl Traeger Elementary at 920-424-0221.
Brighten Someone's Holiday
Dear Families,
Each year the PSC of Carl Traeger Elementary and I lead our “Brighten Someone’s Holiday” campaign to provide gifts for children from families who may be struggling financially.
This program provides at least one clothing item and one toy to each child in the family. I will call you to let you know when gifts are ready to be picked up, usually in the middle of December. Should you choose to participate, your family’s identity will remain completely confidential.
To participate, please email Kaelee Heideman, school counselor, at for a paper copy of the registration or complete the LINKED form and return it to Kaelee. Please complete or return the form by November 9th to ensure gifts are ready by the holidays.
All of us at Carl Traeger Elementary want to wish you and your family an absolutely wonderful, safe, healthy, and festive holiday season.
Kaelee Heideman, School Counselor
Children in grades 1-5 recently participated in the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment for math and reading. This is a computer-based assessment done three times each school year across the district. This is the first time our 1st through 3rd grade students have done a computer-based assessment and that can impact student performance. Therefore, it is only one measure of progress used by our teachers. Parent reports are in the process of being mailed to all students who completed the assessment. Our upcoming conferences would be a great opportunity for you to talk with your child’s teacher about how you can best support your child at home with continued growth. Mrs. Runde will also be available during conferences to answer any specific questions regarding the assessment reports or your child’s results. All students will take the assessment in January and May. We look forward to seeing the growth of our students at these times!
- October 26
- Conference Scheduling Opens at 4:00pm
- PSC Trunk or Treat 5-6:30pm
- October 27
- No School for Students
- October 31
- Fall Fest Classroom Celebrations
- November 1
- Walk to School Wednesday
- End of First Quarter
- November 7
- PSC in LMC 6:00
- November 8
- Walk to School Wednesday
- November 9
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:45pm
- November 10
- No School for Students
- November 14
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:45pm
- November 20
- K-2 Concert at Alberta Kimball 6:00pm
- November 22-26
- No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - October 20, 2023
TRAEGER TALESOctober 20, 2023: Issue 8
Mean, Rude or Bullying?
Signe Whitson, a child and adolescent therapist and author of 8 Keys to End Bullying and The 8 Keys to End Bullying Activity Book for Kids & Tweens, has a timely message for parents and educators: “there is a real need to draw a distinction between behavior that is rude, behavior that is mean and behavior that is characteristic of bullying.” In Psychology Today, she clarifies the way she identifies the difference and asks adults to remember that distinguishing between them allows “teachers, school administrators, police, youth workers, parents and kids all know what to pay attention to and when to intervene.”
Whitson’s article was prompted by an encounter with a parent, who told her, “Last week, my daughter was bullied really badly after school!" and then went on to describe what Whitson characterized as a benign encounter between playful children throwing leaves. She writes, “While I always want to be careful not to minimize anyone's experience... if kids and parents improperly classify rudeness and mean behavior as bullying — whether to simply make conversation or to bring attention to their short-term discomfort — we all run the risk of becoming so sick and tired of hearing the word that this actual life-and-death issue among young people loses its urgency as quickly as it rose to prominence."
So how does Whitson define the differences? Rude, she says, is “inadvertently saying or doing something that hurts someone else.” In children this takes the form of social errors like “burping in someone's face, jumping ahead in line, bragging about achieving the highest grade or even throwing a crushed up pile of leaves in someone's face.” The critical factor? “Incidents of rudeness are usually spontaneous, unplanned inconsideration, based on thoughtlessness, poor manners or narcissism, but not meant to actually hurt someone.”
Being mean involves “purposefully saying or doing something to hurt someone once (or maybe twice).” Unlike unthinking rudeness, “mean behavior very much aims to hurt or depreciate someone.... Very often, mean behavior in kids is motivated by angry feelings and/or the misguided goal of propping themselves up in comparison to the person they are putting down.” And while Whitson agrees that both rudeness and mean behavior require correction, they are “different from bullying in important ways that should be understood and differentiated when it comes to intervention.”
Bullying is “intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power.... Kids who bully say or do something intentionally hurtful to others and they keep doing it, with no sense of regret or remorse — even when targets of bullying show or express their hurt or tell the aggressors to stop.” Whitson gives examples of multiple kinds of bullying, including physical and verbal aggression, relational aggression (like social exclusion, hazing, or rumor spreading), and cyberbullying. The key aspect to all of them is the ongoing nature of the behavior, which leaves the victims feeling powerless and fearful.
Whitson is pleased that, in the past few years, “Americans have collectively paid attention to the issue of bullying like never before; millions of school children have been given a voice, 49 states in the U.S. have passed anti-bullying legislation, and thousands of adults have been trained in important strategies to keep kids safe and dignified in schools and communities.” As we continue to improve our response to bullying, she asks all adults who interact with children to remember that “a child's future may depend on a non-jaded adult's ability to discern between rudeness at the bus stop and life-altering bullying.”
~Mrs. G. 😃 (Source: A Mighty Girl)
Halloween/Fall Celebrations
Halloween/Fall Celebrations will take place in classrooms on October 31. Thank you for following our Halloween costume guidelines!
No full face masks are allowed. Our younger students have been scared by many masks and we want to see the children’s faces as they parade.
Students will only be given 5 minutes to get “dressed” in costumes and will not be excused to the bathroom. Please plan for easy items to add to their regular outfits.
Make up should not be worn all day as it is a disruption to the classroom.
Violent themed costumes are not appropriate for school.
Board policy clearly prohibits look alike weapons such as toy guns, knives, swords, or other threatening objects. These items are not allowed at school for any reason, and Halloween is no exception.
Each classroom will be notifying parents if they need any help with the celebration. Please remember that all fruit, vegetable, and cheese trays must be purchased already assembled from a grocery store. All dry items such as cookies, cupcakes and crackers must be store purchased.
Dear Traeger Families,
On November 9 and 14 we will be holding Parent-Teacher Conferences for Carl Traeger K-5 students. The focus of this conference will be your child’s progress this year and how we can work together as a team to make your child's educational experiences successful. Families will be given the choice to meet in person or virtually. Teachers will be in touch to find out family preference for their conference.
Once again, this year you will be signing up for Parent Teacher Conferences Online. Conference registration will open at 4:00pm on October 26.
Due to limited slots, one slot per family per child. Dates available will be on a first come, first serve basis. So, please sign-up early for a 15 minute conference slot for your child.
To pick a slot, enter this link in your internet browser:
Registration Deadline: November 3 at 3:00pm - Parents who do not sign up will be scheduled and sent an appointment.
If you have any questions or need assistance scheduling your conference, please contact Carl Traeger Elementary at 920-424-0221.
Our school's Lost and Found is overflowing with treasures waiting to be reclaimed! It's incredible how many items have been left behind – from cozy jackets to water bottles and beyond. The lost and found bins are brimming with goodies just waiting for their owners to come back and claim them. If your child is missing anything, please encourage them to check out the lost and found. Don't wait too long, as we'll be donating unclaimed items to charity in the coming weeks to help those in need.
Kendall Sander - secretary
Hello Traeger Families! My name is Kendall Sander and I am your new School Secretary. When we moved to Oshkosh a few years ago, I began subbing and then worked in Student Services at Oshkosh West. I am a Traeger Mommy of two students here so of course I was excited to join the Traeger Pack. My family and I spend most of our time outdoors. We work in our yard, go camping, and check out Wisconsin trails with our new puppy, Bear. When it's cold or wet weather, we enjoy crafting and playing Legos inside with our fluffy white cat. I look forward to working with and meeting all the wonderful families here and I am excited for a fun first year!
Bonnie Barkelar - Cross Categorical guest teacher
Hi! My name is Mrs. Bonnie Barkelar. I am a Cross Categorical guest teacher at Traeger. I have taught in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and Kansas. Mr. Barkelar and I have been married for 45 years , and we have 2 sons. We also have 4 grandchildren. After being away from Oshkosh for 30 years, my husband and I have moved back to Oshkosh. I look forward to working with you and your child.
- October 21
- PSC Craft Fair 9-am-2pm
- October 25
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Clark/Toppins to 1000 Islands
- October 26
- PSC Trunk or Treat 5-6:30pm
- Nyman/Purtell to 1000 Islands
- October 27
- No School for Students
- October 31
- Fall Fest Classroom Celebrations
- November 1
- Walk to School Wednesday
- End of First Quarter
- November 7
- PSC in LMC 6:00
- November 9
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:45pm
- November 10
- No School for Students
- November 14
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:45pm
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - October 12, 2023
TRAEGER TALESOctober 12, 2023: Issue 7
Halloween is fast approaching. The Halloween/Fall Fest Celebration will take place on Tuesday, October 31.
Your child’s teacher will communicate any needs for donations and volunteers that day. Students in grades K-5 should come to school in normal clothes on October 31. They are welcome to put on a simple costume for a student parade late in the afternoon. We do have some Halloween guidelines to keep the day educational and fun for all students, so please review them as your child selects a costume for the event.
• No full face masks are allowed. Our younger students have been scared by many masks and we want to see all the children’s faces as they parade.
• Students will only be given 5 minutes to get “dressed” in costumes and will not be excused to the bathroom. Please plan for easy items to add to their regular outfits.
• Makeup should not be worn all day as it is a disruption to the classroom.
• Violent themed costumes are not appropriate for school.
• Board policy clearly prohibits look alike weapons such as toy guns, knives, swords, or other threatening objects. These items are not allowed at school for any reason, and Halloween is no exception.
We look forward to a fun season of celebration. Enjoy the colors of autumn!
~Mrs. G. 😃
Dear Traeger Families,
On November 9 and 14 we will be holding Parent-Teacher Conferences for Carl Traeger K-5 students. The focus of this conference will be your child’s progress this year and how we can work together as a team to make your child's educational experiences successful. Families will be given the choice to meet in person or virtually. Teachers will be in touch to find out family preference for their conference.
Once again, this year you will be signing up for Parent Teacher Conferences Online. Conference registration will open at 4:00pm on October 26.
Due to limited slots, one slot per family per child. Dates available will be on a first come, first serve basis. So, please sign-up early for a 15 minute conference slot for your child.
To pick a slot, enter this link in your internet browser:
Registration Deadline: November 3 at 3:00pm - Parents who do not sign up will be scheduled and sent an appointment.
If you have any questions or need assistance scheduling your conference, please contact Carl Traeger Elementary at 920-424-0221.
Let's Do Lunch
Carl Traeger and Food Service invite you to have lunch with your child any school day. If you want to have a school lunch, please call the office at least two days in advance so a lunch may be ordered for you. We have a special table for parents who want to have lunch with their child. This table is for parents and their own children. We don't have the capacity for students to invite friends.
Wear It Forward Traeger WearDo you have some gently used, clean Traeger school apparel that your child has outgrown? We would love to have you contribute it to our Wear it Forward program! Just send any gently used Traeger clothing to school and we will help it find a new home. If you are interested in receiving Traeger school apparel for your child fill out the form at the LINK.
PSC Minutes
10/10/23, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurer: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
- Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
Icebreaker - Favorite Halloween Costume (self or kiddos) 🦇🕷
Volunteer opportunities: See highlighted areas BELOW
Craft Fair setup & Bake Sale (Nichole) - 10/20
Anyone that wants to help can! The more help the better.
Setup on Friday 5-7pm.
Craft Fair day of volunteers needed 6am-3pm
Bake Sale drop off Friday during school hours or 5-7pm
Trunk or Treat - 10/26 5-6:30 - Volunteers needed or we have to cancel the event.
Decorate your trunk
Spots available; signup on PTBoard!
Candy collection
Dropoff candy in the monster bin located by the PSC bulletin board in the entryway. Individually wrapped candy only
Conferences - 11/9 & 14 (Chair needed!)
Coordinate and provide food for teachers by 3pm each day
Feed the Teachers - $150 budget each day
Looking for donations of desserts and drinks
45 teachers
Post-Concert Social - 11/20 (Chair needed!)
Money raised is for the playground fund
$2.50 per person for presales
Purchase food
Purchase concert flowers
Budget - $15
Treasurer Update (Jolene & Nick)
Fundraiser Updates
Restaurant Day at Red Robin (Kelly) - $156.79 Profit
Book Fair (Kenlin/Megan) - Record Sales $12,336 (not including online sales!)
Upcoming Events
Photo Fundraiser - 10/8, 11, & 13 (Kelly)
Restaurant Day at Buffalo Wild Wings - 10/13 (Jolene)
Veterans Day Assembly - 11/10 (Nichole)
Provide food (danishes, hot dishes, and coffee) for the assembly. Signup on PTBoard!
Herd Game - 11/18 (Another game on 3/4/24) (Nichole)
Tickets available at
T-Shirts available at
Brighten Someone's Holiday (Katie) Signup on PTBoard!
Glow Mini-Golf - Opportunity in January. Move Funset BLVD fundraiser or cancel it. Will find out more information and discuss it at the next meeting.
Next meeting date, time, and location: Tuesday, November 7th, 6pm in the Library Media Center (LMC)
Olivia gruss - 4k teacher
Hello! My name is Olivia Gruss (students call me Ms. Olivia), and I will be teaching 4K this year. This will be my first year teaching! I am a UW-Whitewater grad. I completed my student teaching in a kindergarten class and alongside a special education teacher. I learned a lot and had so much fun! I can’t wait to enter the crazy tornado of year one, learn so much more, and have even more fun. In my free time, I love to travel, playing on my Switch, and chill with my pets. I look forward to meeting and working with all of you here at Traeger.
Jenny horsch - 4K Teacher
Hello! My name is Ms. Horsch and I will be teaching 4K this year. This is my first year teaching at Traeger, but my fifth year teaching for Oshkosh Early Learning. Before Oshkosh, I taught in the Appleton School District for five years and Head Start before that. Teaching has always been a passion of mine and I am excited to get to share that with you as our adventure begins! I currently live in Oshkosh with my boyfriend and our English Bulldog, Maggie. I love being an aunt to my three nieces and four nephews. I enjoy playing volleyball, golf, hiking, and traveling. I believe in open communication and by working together, we will be able to provide the best experience for children; making this year a successful one!
cheryl jirschele - 4K paraprofessional
Hi to the Traeger Family. My name is Cheryl Jirschele. I have been in the district for 18 years all of which have been with Early Learning. I have two grown boys who now are owners of a bowling alley here in Oshkosh. My favorite things to do are bowling and playing softball. When I am not doing those things I am teaching bowling to kiddos of all ages and coaching softball to special needs adults. I look forward to getting to know the friendly faces of Traeger.
- October 16
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- October 18
- Walk to School Wednesday
- October 21
- PSC Craft Fair 9-am-2pm
- October 25
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Clark/Toppins to 1000 Islands
- October 26
- PSC Trunk or Treat 5-6:30pm
- Nyman/Purtell to 1000 Islands
- October 27
- No School for Students
- October 31
- Fall Fest Classroom Celebrations
- November 1
- Walk to School Wednesday
- End of First Quarter
- November 7
- PSC in LMC 6:00
- November 9
- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:45pm
- November 10
- No School for Students
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - October 6, 2023
TRAEGER TALESOctober 6, 2023: Issue 6
PBIS Home-School Connection
Schools that implement PBIS utilize school-wide behavior expectations to communicate how students should behave in all areas of the building. When students demonstrate the expected behavior, they are recognized for “doing the right thing.” At Traeger we do this with our blue/pink Pride Prints that are given to individual students. When a whole class is following the Traeger Way they will receive a class Pride Print.
When students demonstrate inappropriate behavior, they are re-taught the behavior expected from them. For serious misbehavior, an office discipline referral is initiated. Each school’s behavior expectations are unique because the expectations are determined by the building staff.
Many parents have found that using the same expectations as their child’s school has also supported behavior at home. When home and school have the same behavior expectations and use the same language it is easier for children to make good decisions.
Working Together
Parents can support positive behavior for their child by:
1. Requesting a copy of the School and/or Classroom Expectations Matrix.
2. Placing a copy on the refrigerator for easy reference.
3. Discussing the expectations with their child.
4. When contacted regarding problem behavior, refer to the Matrix and discuss the correct choice their child could have made.
Thank you for your support! Mrs. G. 😃
The health office staff will be performing the following screenings.
- Vision
- Hearing
If our screening identifies a concern you will be notified via US mail. We would encourage you to follow up with your physician at that time. If you do not receive anything that means your child passed his/her screening and requires no further action.
If you would like to opt out of these free screenings, please notify your health office as soon as possible.
Elizabeth Lynch, BSN, RN email: elizabeth.lynch@oshkosh.k12.
920-424-0065 ext 1324
Stuffed Animal Sleepover!!!
The media center has a group of wolves who live in the media center and are lonely! They want to share their fun adventures with other stuffed animal friends from our families! Right now we are only going to invite our kindergarten and first grade friends to bring in 1 stuffed animal friend on Thursday, October 12th. This animal friend will be invited to spend the whole 3 day weekend at school in the media center! We have some fun activities planned for them during their stay. If your family is interested, send 1 stuffed animal friend to school on Thursday, October 12th with your kindergartener or 1st grader. Classes will drop off their friends in the media center before the end of the day and will pick up on Monday, October 16th. Thanks for considering!
~ Mrs. Miller, Ms. Gill & wolves
Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Children's literature is a great springboard for learning and talking about this important issue. Below are great titles followed by conversation starters on the topic of bullying.
Books About Bullying for Children
-Junkyard Wonders by Patricia Polacco
-Bully by Patricia Polacco
-I Walk With Vanessa: A Story About a Simple Act of Kindness by Kerascoët
-Chick-O-Saurus Rex by Lenore and Daniel Jennewein
-Arnie and the New Kid by Nancy Carlson
-Red by Jan De Kinder
-The Juice Box Bully by Maria Dismondy
-My Friend Maggie by Hannah E. Harrison
-First Day in Grapes by L. King Perez
-The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade by Justin Roberts
-Spirit Day by Joy Yang
-The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes
-Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks
Conversation Starters About Bullying
-Have you ever witnessed someone being bullied? How did it make you feel? What did you do?
-How did the main character in the story deal with bullying?
-What can you do to stop bullying?
-What do you want others to know about bullying?
-Why do you think some people choose to bully?
-Have you ever been bullied?
Madison Plate - Paraprofessional Intern
Hello! I'm Madison Plate, I'm an intern from UWO working with the 1st grade class this semester. I'm going to UWO for both Special Education and Elementary Education, this is my fourth year of school, but I will be in school for a fifth year next year due to the double major. I look forward to working with the students and helping them learn! I live with my boyfriend in Beaver Dam currently, but originally am from a small town by Appleton. I spend my free time reading and watching movies based on historical events, mostly World War II, I love learning more about history and has happened and the cause behind certain events. I want to thank everyone for welcoming me to Traeger and helping me figure everything out as I go!
morgan rau - paraprofessional intern
Hello everyone! My name is Morgan Rau and I am a student clinician from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. I am double majoring in Elementary and Special Education. Our university has worked with the Oshkosh School District to get student clinicians paid as a paraprofessional which has been a super fun learning experience. I have also done work at Perry Tipler Middle School in their EBD classroom. I am from Downers Grove, IL, and came to Oshkosh to play softball at the university. I have been playing for 16 years and really enjoy all kinds of sports. I have two sisters one is my twin sister, we are fraternal and both go to UWO. My older sister is 8 years older and is a mother to my two nieces who are 1 and almost 3! I am really eager to learn and grow through Carl Traeger Elementary and thank you for welcoming me with open arms!
TREE-mendous Traeger Students!
Every month each class recognizes a student who consistently follows the Traeger Way! Congratulations to our September students who are also featured on the bulletin board in the cafeteria!
PSC Agenda
10/10/23, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President: Megan Paulik
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Treasurer: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
- Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
Volunteer opportunities
Craft Fair setup & Bake Sale (Nichole) - 10/20
Setup on Friday 5-7pm
Craft Fair day of volunteers needed 6am-3pm
Bake Sale drop off Friday during school hours or 5-7pm
Trunk or Treat - 10/26
Decorate your trunk
Spots available; signup on PTBoard!
Candy collection
Dropoff candy in the monster bin located by the PSC bulletin board in the entryway. Individually wrapped candy only
Conferences - 11/9 & 14 (Chair needed!)
Coordinate and provide food for teachers by 3pm each day
Feed the Teachers - $150 budget each day
Looking for donations of desserts and drinks
45 teachers
Post-Concert Social - 11/20 (Chair needed!)
Money raised is for the playground fund
$2.50 per person for presales
Purchase food
Purchase concert flowers
Budget - $15
Treasurer Update (Jolene & Nick)
Fundraiser Updates
Restaurant Day at Red Robin (Kelly)
Book Fair (Kenlin/Megan)
Upcoming Events
Photo Fundraiser - 10/8, 11, & 13 (Kelly)
Restaurant Day at Buffalo Wild Wings - 10/13 (Jolene)
Veterans Day Assembly - 11/10 (Nichole)
Provide food (danishes, hot dishes, and coffee) for the assembly. Signup on PTBoard!
Herd Game - 11/18 (Another game on 3/4/24) (Nichole)
Tickets at
T-Shirts available at
Brighten Someone's Holiday (Katie) Signup on PTBoard!
Next meeting date, time, and location: Tuesday, November 7th, 6pm in the Library Media Center (LMC)
- October 9
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- October 10
- PSC Meeting 6:00pm in LMC
- October 11
- Walk to School Day
- October 13
- No School for Students
- October 16
- K-Kids 6:00pm
- October 18
- Walk to School Wednesday
- October 21
- PSC Craft Fair 9-am-2pm
- October 25
- Walk to School Wednesday
- October 26
- PSC Trunk or Treat 5-6:30pm
- October 27
- No School for Students
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - September 29, 2023
TRAEGER TALESSeptember 29, 2023: Issue 5
Join us at the Book Fair and Popcorn Social tonight! From 5:30 to 7:00 PM. Families can join us for book shopping at the fair and free popcorn and mix ins!
By Friday I will have had the pleasure of visiting all classrooms this week and doing book talks. Ask your child about my visit! The book fair is a fundraiser to support the PSC birthday book program. Each Traeger student gets a free book in the month of their birthday or half birthday. Thank you for your support of reading and birthday books! We hope you can join us Friday night! Remember, all purchases benefit our school! Thank you for your support!
~Mrs G. 😃
International Walk to School Day - October 4
Walking to school is an excellent way to incorporate regular activity into your child’s day. Each year Traeger celebrates International Walk to School day to promote an active, healthy lifestyle. Each year, our goal is to get as many children to walk to school as possible by participating in a school-wide walk to school using guided routes. We will have three routes that will travel through various neighborhoods in the Traeger area. Each route has several pick-up locations as well as approximate pick up times. We have several celebrity adults with each group to ensure that the children will arrive at school safely.
- Route 1 - Superintendent, Dr. Davis and Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Ms. Conrad
- Route 2 - OASD Board member Chris Wright and Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, Dr. Coleman
- Route 3 - Elementary Director, Mrs. Kohl and Mrs. G.
If possible, we encourage you to participate in the walk to school with your child. All you have to do to participate is have your child and/or yourself at the pick up spot at the designated time. If you do not live close to one of the nearby routes, feel free to drop your child off at one of the route stops before the designated time so he/she can join the walk.
Click on the link to view the routes. Students who use non-motorized transportation will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win prizes donated by Safe Routes to Schools. Students will also receive a punch on their Frequent Walker/Cyclist card. Cards are available at the doors for students who do not have one. Students who are not able to walk to school can walk during lunch recess to be eligible for the drawing. We will also have a Be Bright, Be Bold, Be Seen theme day. Mrs. Wara & Mrs. G. 😃
Sara toppins - grade 5 teacher
Hello! My name is Sara Toppins, and I will be teaching fifth grade this year. My journey into elementary education began as a substitute teacher for the district in 2018. I previously worked at Traeger as a building substitute for two and a half years. This is my first year as a classroom teacher! I have a degree in Child Psychology and Sociology from the University of Minnesota and I am wrapping up my coursework for licensure with CESA 6 this year. I am excited to start this next chapter in my teaching career with the wonderful community at Traeger Elementary! My husband and I have been married for 16 years and we live in Oshkosh with our two boys (15 and 11 years old) and our Boston Terrier named Homer. When I am not at school I enjoy traveling, going up north, being the only snowboarder on family ski trips, eating pizza, reading, crossword puzzles, gardening, and running.
samantha freimund - physical education teacher
Hello everyone. I have been an educator for 29 years. I began my career at Oshkosh North High School then working at Winneconne and North Fond du Lac. I am excited to return to Oshkosh. I am teaching 5th grade physical education and then am at Jefferson for the rest of the day. I have a twelve year old son who is in 6th grade at Traeger. He plays hockey so that is where a lot of my free time goes. I enjoy being outside, going for bike rides , traveling and time with friends and family. I look forward to meeting and working with everyone at Traeger!
mason ehret - kindergarten paraprofessional
Hello, my name is Mason Ehret and I am now a para here at Treagor helping out in all three kindergarten classrooms! I’m 20 years old and this is my second year being a paraprofessional. I was a para in the Janesville WI school district last year in a first grade classroom at a school called Wilson Elementary. There I made lifetime memories and relationships that I hold near and dear to me to this day.
I was studying to be an Elementary teacher at UWO for 3 semesters until I took a semester off to see if the classroom is really what I wanted to do, so I went to work as a para. Now I know after that time that this is what I love doing and what I’m passionate about. I’m currently taking classes through U-Rock online which is through UWW to finish any generals I missed during my semester off and am working towards my elementary education degree.
Outside of work, I am very passionate about weight lifting. It’s something I do every day after work and it’s something that helps me unwind from potential stressful days.
My mother, father, and my younger brother live in Janesville WI. My brother is a senior in high school who is committed to play football at UWEC. My mother works for Mercy Health in the nursing field and my father is a fire inspector for Rock County WI.
My biggest inspiration in my life is my two grandmothers. My grandma Barb was a para for 21 years in the Janesville school district and my grandma Mary Sue who is no longer with us, taught me what unconditional love is. I am forever grateful for those two women in my life and I’m inspired daily by them.
I can’t wait to get to know everyone better here and I’m so grateful for this opportunity to help and learn!
This fall all Oshkosh Area School District Elementary Schools will be reviewing and practicing ALICE Drills. ALICE is a program used by school districts to enhance current best practices related to addressing crisis situations. Each classroom will review the components of ALICE and practice scenarios that will include barricading, locking down or evacuating. Each building principal will lead a drill for the entire school walking through a scenario that includes an unsafe person in the building and each classroom will decide what option to pursue. Our drill will take place on October 6 and will include an evacuation to the YMCA.
All students will go through the ALICE training with their classmates. The focus of the training/presentation will be empowering our students to understand the options they have in order to make important decisions in a time of crisis. Similar to doing fire drills, ALICE training is designed to take students and staff through situations and allow them to “drill” various scenarios and how they would respond. If a student does not feel comfortable before, or any time during the training, that student should let his/her teacher know. If you have any questions regarding ALICE and/or the training, please feel free to contact Mrs. G. at 920-424-0221. The safety and security of our students is our top priority!
You can learn more about the ALICE framework by viewing the following
- September 29
- Book Fair and Popcorn Social 5:30-7:00pm
- October 2
- Picture Retake Day
- October 3
- Witt to YMCA
- October 5
- Sopata/Alsberg to YMCA
- October 4
- International Walk to School Day
- Be Bright, Be Bold, Be Seen Theme Day
- October 9
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- October 11
- Walk to School Day
- October 13
- No School for Students
- October 18
- Walk to School Wednesday
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - September 21, 2023
TRAEGER TALESSeptember 21, 2023: Issue 4
Students have reviewed our grade level policy talk videos featuring Ms. Heideman and me. We shared that while we have many jobs at Traeger, our most important job is to ensure that school is safe. We also explained that as students, it is their job to help keep it safe. We reviewed several board policies as requested by the district and talked about how these rules are in place to keep students safe so they can learn.
Parents also received information about how the discipline process is used when a child struggles to make a good choice at school in the annual discipline letter. In addition to this information, we also shared that on rare occasions, students making unsafe or highly disruptive choices can be suspended, which means they are not able to be in their classroom for a short time in order to keep everyone safe and learning. We feel it is important that children know what consequences can occur for poor choices at school.
Thank you for your continued focus on safety and learning at Traeger!
~Mrs G. 😃
WELCOME TO the pack!
Amy Roggenbauer - Instructional Support Teacher - Literacy
Hello! My name is Amy Roggenbauer (Mrs. R) and I am an Instructional Support Teacher for Literacy this school year. It is my first year teaching at Carl Traeger and my 3rd year in the Oshkosh Area School District; however, I have been teaching since 1999. I have been a classroom teacher as well as a Reading Recovery teacher and Reading Specialist. My husband, Buddy and I have been married for 24 years and we have an 18-year-old daughter, Kristen, who is in her first year at UW La Crosse. In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing board games, and watching the Brewers! I am excited to work with both students and staff here at Traeger this year!
heather wolters - school social worker
Hello! My name is Heather Wolters and I am excited to be a part of the Traeger team. I am the school social worker for Traeger Middle, Traeger El, Oaklawn and Read. I have had the privilege of working in pupil service roles in the Oshkosh Area School district for 20 years. I live in Menasha with my husband Brian and we have two daughters. One who is a sophomore at UWO and our youngest is a junior in high school. In my free time I enjoy traveling, concerts and spending time with family and friends. I am looking forward to being a part of the Traeger school family.
alicia alsberg - grade 2 teacher
Hello! My name is Alicia Alsberg, and I will be teaching second grade this year. This will be my first 'official' year teaching! I have substitute taught for two years. I completed the RITE Program through CESA6. I had the privilege of student teaching at both Traeger Elementary in 4th Grade and Traeger Middle 6th/8th Grade Literacy. The RITE program was an intense program but I learned so much and I am eager to apply all my knowledge and skills in the classroom. My family loves spending time at Road America, exploring the state and national parks, and going on different adventures. I enjoy anything and everything outside during the summer: gardening, live music, watching the Webfooters, exploring nature, and AirVenture. I am excited to be part of the Traeger Family and I look forward to working with everyone!
aiden Thull-rost - Teacher associate
Hello! I am Aiden Thull-Rost, the students call me Miss Thull. I am going to be all over the building, helping fill in in the classrooms that need it. Although this is my first year at Carl Traeger, I have been within the district for the last year and a half at Jefferson running their Lighted School House program (after school). I love to be outdoors and travel. I like to paint and bake when I need to wind down or if I have some free time. I look forward to meeting everyone and getting to know Carl Traeger.
Orange shirt day celebration!
On September 29 we will wear orange to acknowledge the healing journey for those survivors of Indigenous residential schools across the United States and Canada. What is a federal holiday in Canada, is now celebrated by many first nation communities across the United states. "Wearing an orange shirt and promoting the slogan, Every Child Matters, is an affirmation of our commitment to raise awareness of the residential school experience and to ensure that every child matters as we focus on our hope for a better future in which children are empowered to help each other." ( date was chosen because it is the time of year that children were taken from their homes to residential schools, and because it is an opportunity to set the stage for anti-racism and anti-bullying policies for the coming school year. Orange Shirt Day is also an opportunity for First Nations, local governments, schools and communities to come together in the spirit of reconciliation and hope for generations of children to come. (
Have you been bullied? Chances are you have.
According to Stomp Out Bullying, a national anti-bullying program website, one in every four children is bullied. Indeed, it is estimated that 160,000 students nationwide miss school each day because they fear a bully.
On October 2, the Carl Traeger Elementary Community would like to bring awareness to the issue of bullying by participating in a world day of bullying prevention known as “Blue Shirt Day”. On Monday, October 2, we invite all members of the Carl Traeger Elementary Staff, students, parents, and visitors to join us in wearing blue to bring awareness to the issue of bullying. We further invite you to discuss bullying in your homes with your children, as well as ways to maintain healthy friendships at home and at school. Only when children feel safe are they able to learn.
For more information about Blue Shirt Day, the world wide day of bullying prevention, please visit
We are looking for 3-4 volunteers to walk to school on October 4 for International Walk to School Day. Routes will be determined by the number of volunteers/location, but in the past, we have had locations a little further out so that students can join the group along the way.
Let Mrs. Wara know no later than September 28 if you are able to help out with a route. Info with starting locations for our routes will go home in Traeger Tales on September 29. Since not all kids are able to walk, we will also offer a walking option at lunch recess. If any parents would like to volunteer to come in and walk with students during lunch recess (K/2nd: 10:35-10:55, 1st/4th: 11:00-11:20, 3rd/5th: 11:25-11:45), please let Mrs. Wara know by September 27.
All volunteers that are helping out with the walk to school routes and recess walking, will need to complete the district background check process. Please follow the link to complete the background check:
Note-there is a new process this year! If you have questions, please call the office.
Traeger Way Leadership Team
We are looking for a parent representative for our Traeger Way Leadership Team. Families are important members of the school communities. When schools and families work together toward their common goal of helping all children to be successful, it is much more likely to happen. Families have valuable insights and information about how their children learn best and what types of environmental supports are helpful to them. Can you commit to one hour a month to our leadership team? We meet from 3:00-4:00 on the second Monday of the month in the media center. Children are welcome! Contact Mrs. G. if you are interested,
The Carl Traeger Elementary PSC is looking for volunteers to help work the in-person book fair. Students and families can kick-off the school year by purchasing Scholastic books to add to their at-home library and/or to donate books to any of our CTE classrooms. Every purchase at the book fair fundraises Scholastic dollars that we can use to purchase books throughout the school year.
The weeklong event will cap off with a build your own popcorn social on Friday, September 29th 5:30pm - 7:00pm, so you and your family can grab a snack and grab any last minute books on your list.
Book Fair Hours:
Monday, September 25th Student & Teacher Previews Only (No shopping on this day)
Tuesday, September 26th 10:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday, September 27th 10:30am - 4:00pm
Thursday, September 28th 10:30am - 4:00pm
Friday, September 29th 10:30am - 2:30pm & Popcorn Social 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Any help is much appreciated and truly is what makes this book fair possible. Please
visit to sign-up where you can give your time and then more
information will follow closer to the event.
- September 25-29
- Book Fair Week!
- September 25
- K-Kids 6:00 in LMC
- September 27
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 28
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- September 29
- Book Fair and Popcorn Social 5:30-7:00pm
- October 2
- Picture Retake Day
- October 3
- Witt to YMCA
- October 5
- Sopata/Alsberg to YMCA
- October 4
- International Walk to School Day
- October 9
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- October 11
- Walk to School Day
- October 13
- No School for Students
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - September 15, 2023
TRAEGER TALESSeptember 15, 2023: Issue 3
Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success. Dr. Dweck identified two mindsets people can have: a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like intelligence or talent, are fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them, and believe that talent alone creates success, which is wrong. In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all people who achieved top performance had these qualities. Research shows that people with this view reach higher levels of success than people with fixed mindset beliefs. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. It enhances relationships, and increases achievement.
No parent thinks, “I wonder what I can do today to undermine my children, subvert their effort, turn them off of learning, and limit their achievement.” Of course not. We think, “I would do anything, give anything, to make my children successful.” Yet many of the things we do boomerang. Our best intentioned judgments and our motivational techniques often unintentionally send the wrong message. In fact, every word and action sends a message. It tells children – or students or athletes – how to think about themselves. It can be a fixed mindset message that says: “You have permanent traits and I’m judging them,” or it can be a growth mindset message that says: “You are a developing person and I’m interested in your development.” The most important thing you can do to help your child develop a growth mindset is to praise them for effort rather than for talent. Messages like “You learned that so quickly! You’re so smart!” teach the child that they either are or aren’t smart, and that effort is a sign of weakness. When they encounter difficulty in the future, they tend to then feel not smart and retreat. Instead, messages such as “I like the way you approached that problem”, or “Good job to hang in there and find a different strategy that did work,” or “Sorry, that seemed to be too easy for you, let’s do something more challenging,” teaches kids that effort is something we can all benefit from to reach our full potential, and that they need to be working purposefully and taking on challenges in order to grow.
You can visit the Mindset Works website,, read Dr. Carol Dweck’s book Mindset, or visit the Mindset Works Parenting pages at to learn about ways to infuse the growth mindset into your parenting. (Source: Mindset Works) ~Mrs G. 😃
- September 18
- Red Robin Restaurant Day 11:00am-10:00pm
- September 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Wonderful Wisconsin Theme Day - Wear Red
- Aronson/Kordus Sailing Field Trip
- September 22
- No School for Students
- September 25-29
- Book Fair Week!
- September 25
- K-Kids 6:00 in LMC
- September 27
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 28
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- September 29
- Orange Shirt Day
- Book Fair and Popcorn Social 5:30-7:00pm
- October 2
- Blue Shirt Day for Anti-bullying
- Picture Retake Day
- October 4
- International Walk to School Day
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Welcome to the Pack!
Melissa Harmon - Art Teacher Grades K-4
Hello! I am Mrs. Harmon and it is my pleasure to teach Art at Traeger this year. This year I teach Kindergarten through fourth grade, as well as two resource classes. I LOVE teaching Art (especially at the elementary level) and have done so in Oshkosh for the last 25 years. I have even taught some CTE parents and teachers! What an honor! I am originally from Green Bay and went to UW Oshkosh for both my bachelors and masters degrees. I live in Winneconne with my husband, high school-aged son and our beloved dog. Besides keeping busy with our son’s school and sporting events, we enjoy being outdoors, enjoying live music and Packer games. I personally love to paint, draw, read, build, sew and write- but even more I love to share these experiences with my students! Thank you for being such a warm and welcoming school. I have loved being a part of the Carl Traeger family already.
Makayla Keefe - Grade 5 Art Teacher
Hello! My name is Makayla Keefe, and I will be teaching fifth grade art this year. This will be my first full year of teaching. Last year I only taught for half of the year at Jefferson Elementary and Lakeside Elementary, and was student teaching the other half at North High School and here at Carl Traeger Elementary. I am a UW Oshkosh graduate, and also attended UW Stevens Point my first 2 years. In my free time, I love to hike, cook, and make art. I have always loved art and I am so excited to spread that love of art to the students!
Breana Egan - Speech Language Pathologist
Hi! My name is Breana Egan (students call me Mrs. Bre) and this is my 4th year as a speech language pathologist (SLP). I completed my undergrad and graduate degrees at UW-Stevens Point and have been in the OASD since then. This year, I will be servicing students in Kim Rost's room at CTE. I also provide services to students in the Ready 4 Learning programs at CTE and Shapiro, CTMS, and TRIO Academy. My hubby, Tyler, and I have been married for two years, have loved on our dog Winnie for one year, and have our first bundle of joy on the way! In my free time, I love to read, go camping, enjoy time at our cabin in the Northwoods, go fishing, and spend time with my family and friends! I look forward to working with CTE staff and students this year!
Traeger Way Leadership Team
We are looking for a parent representative for our Traeger Way Leadership Team. Families are important members of the school communities. When schools and families work together toward their common goal of helping all children to be successful, it is much more likely to happen. Families have valuable insights and information about how their children learn best and what types of environmental supports are helpful to them. Can you commit to one hour a month to our leadership team? We meet from 3:00-4:00 on the second Monday of the month in the media center. Children are welcome! Contact Mrs. G. if you are interested,
Walk and Roll Wednesdays
Each Wednesday is Walk/Bike to School Day at Traeger! Students who use non-motorized transportation can receive a punch on their frequent walker/biker card. When a card is filled with ten punches it can be turned into the office for a prize drawing. Staff will punch cards on Wednesdays when students enter the building.
Happy Birthday! Traeger celebrates each child’s birthday. We wish students a happy birthday over the morning announcements, and for students with summer birthdays, we announce half birthdays. Each child receives a birthday book courtesy of the PSC. Classrooms also have birthday traditions. Per board of education guidelines, birthday treats are not allowed. If you send a treat we will not be able to serve it. Should you feel the need to send something, a gift to benefit the class is always welcome. This could include a book with an inscription written by your child or perhaps a favorite game for indoor recess. If you choose to celebrate your child’s birthday outside of school, the invitations may not be given out in the classroom, building or grounds. We do not want hurt feelings if a student does not receive an invite. Mailing them or delivering them on your own are great options.
PSC Minutes
9/12/23, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers:
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President: Megan Paulik
- Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Communication & Outreach Coordinator: Kelly Zanders
- Co-Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Co-Secretaries: Mandy Stein & Heather Swenson
Welcome new families & little about the PSC - Nichole
Calendar of events
New this year, Restaurant Days - Adding one each month because it’s a simple way to make money with little effort on our end
Concert socials
Change from ice cream to something else
Funds are solely designated for the playground
Why to volunteer
5 PRIDE PRINTS - Students can purchase staff time or goodies
Event chairs get reserved seating at concert or Bingo nights
Support the school - Books, field trips, staff appreciation, Field Day, classroom supplies, PBIS, SOAR, etc.
PTBoard - One stop location for event and volunteer sign
Upcoming Fundraisers & Events
Red Robin - Megan
9/18 - Time TBD due to changes in fundraising requirements
Book Fair & Popcorn Social - Kenlin
Book Fair: September 25th-29th
Popcorn Social: Friday, the 29th
Budget: $100
Need Book Fair volunteers for 1-4 pm and one evening and need some for popcorn social
Book fair packets go home next week
Supports birthday books - handed out on each child’s birthday (or half birthday if actual birthday is in the summer)
Photography Fundraiser - Kelly
October 8th, 11th, & 13th
Local photographer - 15 min sessions
$125 for a session and $50 comes back to school
Craft Fair - Nichole
Setup: Friday, October 20th
Bake Sale/Event: Saturday, October 21st
80 vendors
Looking for someone to shadow concessions because chair will not be doing it next year
Donation for Conferences
$300 to feed 48 teachers for two dates
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Book Fair
Popcorn Social
Craft Fair
Trunk or Treat
Thursday, Oct 26th
Hot chocolate
Brewing Futures came last year but we’re looking to sell our own hot chocolate this year so need volunteers (budget: $100)
Or looking for donation from a business
Create candy donation box
Needed by September 18th
Box will be placed in vestibule for candy donations (must be individually wrapped)
Teacher Appreciation Monthly
Sign up to sponsor a month
Treasurer Report - Jolene
Budget is planned in April so it can be voted on in May
Restaurant Days - share with friends & family
Coca Cola days - bring them in if you don’t want to enter
Future Agenda
PSC Meeting: October 12th
Book Fair update - Megan
Trunk or Treat: Thursday, October 26th - Nichole
In need of individually wrapped candy donations
Herd game - Nichole
Looking for volunteers for the Social after the K-2 Concert on Monday, November 20th
Brighten Someone’s Holiday - Katie
Motion to adjourn: Megan; Second: Jolene
We're excited to announce Carl Traeger Elementary PSC's Restaurant Days. Each month, CTE is partnering with a different local restaurant who will provide our school with a kickback of their proceeds on a designated date and this month, we're thrilled to kickstart it with Red Robin Gourmet Burgers! All you have to do is grab a bite to eat between 11:00am - 10:00pm on Monday, September 18th and mention Traeger/this fundraiser, then we can 20% of the sale. Easy and beneficial for our school! So don't worry about meal prep or making something for the family come Monday, and stop by RR all for a good cause!
The Carl Traeger Elementary PSC is looking for volunteers to help work the in-person book fair. Students and families can kick-off the school year by purchasing Scholastic books to add to their at-home library and/or to donate books to any of our CTE classrooms. Every purchase at the book fair fundraises Scholastic dollars that we can use to purchase books throughout the school year.
The weeklong event will cap off with a build your own popcorn social on Friday, September 29th 5:30pm - 7:00pm, so you and your family can grab a snack and grab any last minute books on your list.
Book Fair Hours:
Monday, September 25th Student & Teacher Previews Only (No shopping on this day)
Tuesday, September 26th 10:30am - 6:00pm
Wednesday, September 27th 10:30am - 4:00pm
Thursday, September 28th 10:30am - 4:00pm
Friday, September 29th 10:30am - 2:30pm & Popcorn Social 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Any help is much appreciated and truly is what makes this book fair possible. Please visit to sign-up where you can give your time and then more information will follow closer to the event.
- September 18
- Red Robin Restaurant Day 11:00am-10:00pm
- September 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Wonderful Wisconsin Theme Day - Wear Red
- Aronson/Kordus Sailing Field Trip
- September 22
- No School for Students
- September 25-29
- Book Fair Week!
- September 25
- K-Kids 6:00 in LMC
- September 27
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 28
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- September 29
- Book Fair and Popcorn Social 5:30-7:00pm
- October 2
- Picture Retake Day
- October 4
- International Walk to School Day
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - September 8, 2023
TRAEGER TALESSeptember 8, 2023: Issue 3
Fulfilled, happy, confident, responsible, kind, and loving. We have learned that these are goals families want for their children, and as teachers, what we want for our students.
We recognize that as a family member, you are our students’ first teacher and we want to partner with you to help our children become tolerant, compassionate, and caring adults. To support achieving these goals and to help our students build their social and emotional skills, we are pleased to share that we are implementing Harmony SEL in our school community.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) helps children by promoting their health and emotional well-being and contributing to the prevention of violence, truancy, bullying, and substance abuse. In addition, SEL is associated with significant gains on academic achievement tests.
Harmony is designed to build healthy relationships among students by having them engage in activities that promote understanding and respect. Over the course of the five units listed below, students will enhance their abilities to learn, work, and spend time together.
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Critical Thinking
- Communication
- Problem Solving
- Peer Relationships
Information will be sent home periodically, sharing activities in each unit. You will find out more about Harmony Goals, Meet Up, Buddy Up, and other fun strategies being used in the classroom. We welcome your feedback. To learn more about Harmony please visit
Thank you for your support! ~Mrs. G. 😃
Hello, Traeger Families - We are excited to announce an improved field trip process for families. Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, all field trip permission slips will be electronic and we are moving to cashless payments for field trips. This is a new process for our entire district and is meant to streamline and improve our service to families.
Additional information will be shared by teachers as they plan for field trips. However, we want to highlight the following features:
Our new online field trip process must be completed via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
All online transaction fees have been waived, including payments made by credit card, debit card, and checking/savings account.
If a field trip is sponsored by the district, the cost of the trip is waived for families who are eligible and approved to receive free and reduced priced meals. (This will be communicated to impacted families.)
Our school secretary will be available to assist families as needed and if a parent/guardian is unable to complete the online field trip process, we can provide support in-person or over the phone.
We look forward to providing your child(ren) with enriching field trip experiences that contribute to their educational journey. We appreciate your continued partnership and engagement!
Children may arrive at 7:30 and enter their assigned door to go to their classroom. The staff work day begins at 7:30 therefore children should not be be at school prior to that time and should not play on the playground! All children should be entering school from the playground in the morning. 4K parents need to accompany their child to the their meeting spot. Please ensure that your child is dropped off in time to enter the building through their assigned door. Should you need an earlier drop off time, the YMCA does offer before school childcare services. More information can be found at the LINK.
Safety and Security at Carl Traeger Elementary
The Oshkosh Area School District is deeply committed to keeping students, staff, and school communities safe, secure, and focused on teaching and learning. The District’s Emergency Preparedness Collaborative Operations Team (EPCOT) is continually reviewing current and past safety events, along with proactive strategies to address the ongoing and ever-changing needs of school safety. Additionally, each school has an extensive emergency management plan that is reviewed regularly. Please see below for a few important safety and security reminders specific to Carl Traeger Elementary.
Carl Traeger Elementary, along with all schools in the district, provides a secure entrance. Upon arrival, visitors must ring the doorbell to gain access to the building. Visitors who are dropping off items such as lunches, boots, etc. will be asked to leave the item on the table in the vestibule. Office staff will retrieve the items and arrange for students to pick them up. The door between the vestibule and the office will remain locked at all times.
If visitors need access beyond the vestibule, the door will be unlocked and visitors will enter the office. All visitors who enter the building, need to sign in through our kiosk system. A visitor badge will be issued and must be worn and visible while in the building. Visitors must check out at the office when leaving.
IMPORTANT: EVERY visitor must gain access to the vestibule via the office screening process. Visitors should NOT let other people into the building who are behind them or when they are exiting the building.
REMINDER: Review and update your Emergency Contact Settings in IC! In an emergency, District staff will work with school staff to notify families of the situation as quickly as possible. To ensure that you receive emergency communications from the District please check your Contact Preferences within Infinite Campus (IC). You can choose how you are notified in an emergency situation, and update your phone number(s) and email addresses if needed.
Instructions - Updating Emergency Notification Settings in IC
November 9 and November 14 3:30-6:45 pm--This will be your opportunity to meet individually with your child’s teacher and discuss your child’s progress and goals.
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we prioritize the well-being and academic success of our students. To create an optimal learning environment, we have adopted a "Water-Only" policy for beverages in the classroom. We believe that staying hydrated is crucial for young minds to stay focused, alert, and engaged throughout the school day. Therefore, we kindly ask that students bring only water to sip on during class time. Water not only supports cognitive function but also fosters healthy habits that can last a lifetime. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us provide a refreshing and productive space for our students to learn and thrive.
We have a Carl Traeger Elementary school spirit wear that is always available for ordering!
Just order online, pay and have it sent directly to your students' classroom.
Here is the link below:
School Day Snacks
Carl Traeger Elementary will again be offering milk as a snack this year. With normal breakfast and lunch consumption, school age children should need nothing more than one mid-morning/mid- afternoon snack milk during the school day. Keep in mind, many children go home after school and have a snack. A good definition of a healthy snack is one that is low in added sugars and sodium, and provides important nutrients like fiber, protein, and heart healthy fats, such as those found in nuts. Parents may elect to send a snack to school with their child. Please consult the suggestions the Traeger Family Handbook. Snacks should be sent daily in single serving portions.
Communication with Staff
We are so fortunate to have a staff full of dedicated professionals at Carl Traeger Elementary who have chosen education for their careers. Although we know our staff are superheroes, they are not superhuman. Like all of us, they require downtime to dedicate to themselves and their loved ones in order to rest and recharge so they can be at their best for your children each day.
In order to be mindful of their need for downtime, teachers are not expected to respond to contacts after their contract hours. In addition, we live in an age of instant access. However, our teachers are busy throughout the day providing our students with the love and attention they need to learn and grow. Therefore, it is not always possible to respond to communication immediately.
It IS an expectation that our staff:
Respond to all communication within 36 hours
Staff will not respond to emails between the hours of 6:00pm and 6:00am or on weekends/holidays
Provide consistent communication and keep families informed
Respect the privacy of all students and maintain professionalism in all communication
We also know that school is not our students’ whole lives. Your children need down time, play time and family time so they are able to come to school each day prepared to put forth their best. Therefore, any homework that is assigned is intended to reinforce the skills we are working on at school.
We look forward to partnering with you as we support learning and growth this year!
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. These rights are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day a written request is received.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.
3. The right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
4. The right to know that school districts can disclose education records to each other without parent consent if student is enrolling or transferring to another district.
5. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by a school to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202
Note: for a review of additional details for each of the above items, please go to the following website:
Recently, the Wisconsin RtI Center recognized our school in BEHAVIOR at the SILVER level for our work toward fully implementing a school-wide system that, according to national research, leads to improved student outcomes.
By establishing our equitable, multi-level system of supports, we increase consistency of effective instruction, build staff knowledge and skills to equitably support all learners, use data to proactively identify and provide support for students, and create a positive culture that nurtures relationships with students and their families, and communities. This strong foundation helps learners gain the skills needed to graduate ready for college or a career!
News From the Office
Student hours for 2022-2023 are 7:45am-2:45pm. All K-5 students should enter the building through door 21 from the playground.
Sometimes parents are surprised to see their child has been marked tardy. This can happen if children dilly dally in the hallway. Please remind your child about the importance of being in the classroom when the bell rings. You can access your child’s attendance information in Infinite Campus.
When calling your child in for the day you can reach our voicemail 24 hours a day. It does ring several times before going to voicemail, so please stay on the line.
Reminder! There is no school on September 22.
Dear Carl Traeger Elementary Families,
We are excited to announce that Girls on the Run will return to Carl Traeger Elementary this fall! Girls on the Run will meet twice a week for 90 minutes starting the week of September 12th. Practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00pm-4:30pm starting on the school playground. There will be a celebration 5k run Saturday, November 11th at Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton. The season ends on November 16th with our final practice.
You can register online at The full program fee is $160.00; however financial assistance is available. GIRLS ON THE RUN IS FOR EVERY GIRL. No one is ever denied access to the program based on financial circumstances. Pay what you can! Simply check the box requesting financial assistance when you register. The program fee includes 20 lessons, handouts and supplies, registration for the 5k event, a program shirt, 5k run shirt, water bottle, healthy snacks at each practice, finisher’s medal, a 5k goody bag, and trained Girls on the Run coaches.
What is Girls on the Run? Utilizing a fun, research based, experience-based curriculum, the program creatively integrates running to inspire 3rd through 5th grade girls to be joyful, healthy and confident. Meeting two times per week in small teams, we teach life skills through dynamic, conversation-based lessons and running games. The 20-lesson curriculum is delivered by certified Girls on the Run® coaches and includes three parts: understanding ourselves, valuing teamwork and understanding how we connect with and shape the world at large.
We believe that life-changing experiences can be fun too—for everyone—the girls, coaches, families and other volunteers. A typical Girls on the Run practice will include laughter along with self-reflection, beaming smiles and radiant faces. Here, girls learn that there are no limits and no constraints. Only opportunities to be remarkable. At Girls on the Run, running is not just a metaphor. We use this activity to inspire and motivate girls, encourage lifelong health and fitness, and build confidence through accomplishment. We invite you to learn more about Girls on the Run by visiting us at
Please contact me at with any questions!
Kaelee Heideman, School Counselor and Girls on the Run Coach
PSC Photo Fundraiser
October is the perfect time to get in gorgeous photos with your loved ones. We're excited to work with local photographer, Alicia Jennerjohn and her business, Jenali, to offer this incredible deal for our CTE families! $125 includes a 15-minute photo session at the beautiful Sheldon Nature Preserve. You will receive all edited photos plus $50 from each session will go to our PSC in order to support our year-round events for the school. Upon registering, please pay for your session in full via Venmo at @jenali2020. If payment has not been received within 48 hours of signing up, Alicia will reach out with a reminder. If payment has not been paid within 24 hours of your reminder, your name will be removed from your session and the timeslot will become available for another family. We know things happen. In the event you need to cancel, you will be refunded $75 of the $125 purchase. The remaining $50 will be donated to the PSC. Please review the available spots at and click on the signup button to get your spot!
PSC Agenda
9/12/23, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Library Media Center or LINK to join virtually
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
Who are we? PSC Officers:
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President: Megan Paulik
- Events & Volunteer Coordinator: Megan Paulik
- Communication & Outreach Coordinator: Kelly Zanders
- Co-Treasurers: Jolene Halbach & Nick Zanders
- Co-Secretaries: Mandy Stein & Heather Swenson
Welcome new families & little about the PSC - Nichole
Upcoming Fundraisers & Events
Red Robin - Megan
Book Fair & Popcorn Social: September 25th-29th - Megan
Popcorn Social: Friday, the 29th
Photography Fundraiser: October 8th, 11th, & 13th - Kelly
Craft Fair: Saturday, October 21st - Nichole
Setup: Friday, October 20th
Bake Sale
Donation for Conferences
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Book Fair
Popcorn Social
Craft Fair
Treasurer Report
Future Agenda
October 12th PSC meeting
Book Fair update - Megan
Trunk or Treat: Thursday, October 26th - Nichole
Create monster box
In need of individually wrapped candy donations
Herd game - Nichole
Looking for volunteers for the Ice Cream Social after the K-2 Concert on Monday, November 20th
Brighten Someone’s Holiday - Katie
- September 12
- 6:00pm PSC mtg. in LMC
- September 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 15
- Amel Sailing Field Trip
- September 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Wonderful Wisconsin Theme Day - Wear Red
- Aronson/Kordus Sailing Field Trip
- September 22
- No School for Students
- September 25-29
- Book Fair Week!
- September 25
- K-Kids 6:00 in LMC
- September 27
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 28
- Green Bay Packer Theme Day
- September 29
- Book Fair and Popcorn Social 5:30-7:00pm
- October 2
- Picture Retake Day
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - August 2023
TRAEGER TALESAugust 2023: Issue 1
Carl Traeger Elementary is gearing up for the 2023-2024 school year! Classroom and building preparations are underway as we anxiously await the arrival of students! The first day of school will be here before you know it! Students in grades 1-5 will begin on September 1. The district is doing a staggered start schedule for kindergarten, with some students starting on September 1 and others starting on September 5. Families have been notified of their kindergartener's start date. ALL kindergarteners will attend school on September 6.
Our K-5 Open House and Get to Know You Conferences will once again be held before the start of the school year. Kindergarten families with a September 1 start date are invited to a parent information session at 4:30pm on August 24 in the media center. Families will be able to visit their child's classroom from 5:00-6:00pm. Kindergarten families with a September 5 start date will have their parent information session and classroom visit on August 29 with the same timeframe. Each grade 1-5 family will schedule a 15 minute appointment on August 24 or August 29 to bring in school supplies and meet the teacher. We are excited to offer this one-on-one time before the school year starts. Get to Know You Conference sign up for first-fifth graders begins August 15 at 8:00am. Families will receive information about class placement via email on August 14.
We are excited to be able to offer school pictures on August 24 and 29 as well. Please have your child’s picture taken AFTER your conference so that we can stay on schedule. You can prepay for your pictures at the LINK. Yearbook sales will take place second semester.
Teachers are anxious to meet families and welcome students to their classrooms! Everyone gets a little nervous before the first day of school, so hopefully this visit will help calm those nerves.
The beginning of the year is a wonderful time to celebrate and reinforce the essential link between school and home. Throughout the year please feel free to contact any of the Traeger staff, myself included, to make your child’s learning experience more positive and productive! Welcome Back! ~Brenna Garrison-Bruden 😃 (AKA Mrs. G.)
Meet Mrs. G.
This is my 24th year as a member of the Oshkosh Area School District. I grew up in Fond du Lac and graduated from UW Oshkosh. I have a Master's Degree in Educational Administration from Marian University. For nearly eight years I had the privilege of team teaching second and third grades at Webster Stanley Elementary. In February 2008 I began my three and one half year principalship at Webster. I am very excited to begin my thirteenth year at Carl Traeger Elementary. Our school staff has a reputation for being on the cutting edge of teaching and learning and for doing whatever it takes to meet the needs of students and families. I look forward to reconnecting with children and families and welcoming new members to our school family.
My husband, Chris, and I have been married 37 years. Our son, CJ, is 34 and our daughter, Emma, is 32. It seems like just yesterday our children were starting their elementary careers. I can’t believe our kids are all grown up and living on their own. Now that we are empty nesters, Chris and I enjoy doting on our “fur baby,” Nutmeg and we are expecting a puppy in December. In my free time I enjoy gardening, reading, traveling, decorating for the holidays, knitting, home projects, cooking and strumming my ukulele.
Remember that I am here for you and your family. Sometimes just someone to listen, some words of advice or an extra pair of hands is just what you might need to help you through those challenges we all face as families in our society, today. Don't ever hesitate to call me here at school (424-0221) or at home (921-6322) - that is what I am here for - to help you and your child. Here's to a successful launching of another great school year! Brenna 😃
Carl Traeger Elementary Classroom Teachers 2023-2024
Mrs. Gorski, Ms. Gruss & Ms. Horsch
Mrs. Ballard, Mrs. Minten & Mrs. VanHeuklon
First Grade
Mr. Demeny, Mrs. Martin & Ms. Weiss
Second Grade
Mrs. Alsberg, Mrs. Sopata & Mrs. Witt
Third Grade
Mrs. Branson, Mrs. Gustafson, & Mrs. Trebiatowski
Fourth Grade
Mr. Amel, Ms. Aronson, & Mrs. Kordus
Fifth Grade
Mr. Clark, Mrs. Nyman, Mrs. Purtell, & Mrs. Toppins
Special Education
Ms. Hartwig, Mrs. Rost & Mrs. Walsh
Please welcome our new staff:
- Mrs. Alsberg - Second Grade Teacher
- Ms. Gruss - 4K Teacher
- Mrs. Harmon - Art Teacher
- Ms. Horsch - 4K Teacher
- Ms. Jirschele - 4K Para
- Ms. Keefe - Art Teacher
- Ms. Lange - PE Teacher
- Mrs. Roggenbauer - Literacy Resource Teacher
- Mrs. Sander - School Secretary
- Mrs. Toppins - Fifth Grade Teacher
- Ms. Wolters - Social Worker
Due to the number of sections this year, we again have additional support for art (Makayla Keefe), music (Maria Cibula) and physical education (Taylor Lange). First hour each day will be taught to fifth graders by these traveling staff members.
News From the Office
Watch for a separate communication with arrival and dismissal procedures. in an effort to enhance our security, all K-5 students will use door 21 to enter school in the morning.
Student hours for 2023-2024 are 7:45-2:45. If students arrive in the classroom after 7:45 they are marked tardy.
In an effort to provide safety and security, the doors remain locked before, during and after the school day.
Breakfast will be served in the classroom. We do NOT have early arrival time for breakfast.
Students may arrive at 7:30am-no earlier. The YMCA provides before school childcare for families who may need it. Students should NOT be playing on the playground before school. More specific information will be provided closer to the start of school.
Carl Traeger and Food Service invite you to have lunch with your child any school day. If you wish to order a school lunch, please call the office at least two days in advance so a lunch will be ready for you.
Please read the attendance procedures in the Family Handbook. Students are only allowed to miss part or all of 10 school days for any reason the entire year. This includes illness, vacation, weddings, funerals, ...anything. Any vacation days taken after 10 absences will be unexcused.
Oshkosh Transit System provides service to Traeger. The cost is FREE! Maps and detailed information are in the school office and the Family Handbook. Please contact Oshkosh Transit System at 232-5340 for more information on this service.
If your child requires medication to be administered during the school day, please drop off completed Medication/Treatment Request forms and medications in the originally labeled containers to the school office, preferably before school starts.
The YMCA offers child care at our school site before and after school hours. Please contact them for more information, as the program fills up quickly! More information about enrollment can be found at the LINK.
As you review supply lists for the school year, please note teachers may have additional supplies requested in their teacher letter. Teachers may also have additional requests of supplies for the classroom after school begins.
Middle school students are dismissed almost an hour after elementary dismissal. We are not able to provide supervision for students to wait for middle school siblings. Please make alternative arrangements if this impacts your family. The YMCA does provide on sight after school child care. Children age 8 and up who are YMCA members are able to walk to the YMCA after school.
Thanks to our custodial crew for all their hard work in preparing for another school year! It is great to start the year with shiny floors, clean rooms and tidy hallways!
The Value of an After-School Conversation
Asking your kids about their school day is a good idea, according to Vanderbilt University researchers.
Why? The researchers say they already knew that children learned best with their mothers or a peer, but it wasn’t clear whether this was because the children were getting feedback and help, or merely because they were explaining their solutions to someone. In the study, the researchers had mothers simply listen to their children without providing any assistance.
“The basic idea is that it is really effective to try to get kids to explain things themselves instead of just telling them the answer,” says Bethany Rittle-Johnson, professor of psychology at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College of Education. “Explaining their reasoning, to a parent or perhaps to other people they know, will help them understand the problem and apply what they have learned to other situations.”
- August 24
- 4:00-7:15pm Get to Know You Conferences by appointment/Kindergarten Family Meeting 4:30pm
- August 29
- 4:00-7:15pm Get to Know You Conferences by appointment/Kindergarten Family Meeting 4:30pm
- August 31
- Chalk the Walk
- Kindergarten Play Date 4:00-6:00pm
- September 1
- Grades 1-5 First Day of School; select kindergarten students
- September 4
- Labor Day - No School
- September 5
- First day of school for select kindergarten students
- September 6
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 12
- 6:00pm PSC mtg. in LMC
- September 13
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 20
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 22
- No School for Students
- September 25-29
- Book Fair Week!
- September 27
- Walk to School Wednesday
- September 29
- Book Fair and Popcorn Social 5:30-7:00pm
- October 2
- Picture Retake Day
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - June 2, 2023
TRAEGER TALESJune 2, 2023: Issue 37
Thank you for another wonderful year at Traeger Elementary! The children have done so much wonderful learning throughout the year. It is hard to believe the year is coming to an end!
Thank you for sharing your children with us each day. Traeger has a community of families that is generous, giving, and supportive. We appreciate you all!
Thank you for ALL your support as we continued to navigate education during a pandemic. Caregiver support is one of our greatest assets at Traeger. We appreciate your time and care!
Thank you for sharing your ideas, concerns, and successes with us throughout the year. The partnership with our families is so beneficial in educating the children, and we appreciate the feedback!
Thank you for continuing to encourage learning over the summer! Keep your child reading, writing, and computing throughout the summer. Children are curious and love to learn new things, and learning with their family over summer is a great extension to the classroom!
Thank you for sharing your children with us. We will see you at Get to Know You Conferences August 24 and 29, and on the first day of school on September 1.
~ Mrs. G. 🙂
While we wrap up one terrific school year, we are also preparing for the upcoming year. The district has reviewed the status of the budget and enrollment numbers. Staffing is based on district guidelines which include kindergarten through third grades at 24 students and grades four and five at 27 students. Based on these guidelines we have some shifting. We will continue with three sections K-2, go down a section at third grade, have three sections at fourth grade and increase a section at fifth grade. Ms. Aronson will be moving from fourth to fifth grade. We will also be welcoming another 4K classroom.
We have several staffing changes. Ms. Jensema, Ms. Moucha, Mrs. Schiltz and Mrs. Terzynski are retiring-see their messages below. Our art position has been filled by Melissa Harmon, who is joining us from Oaklawn. Mrs. Hellmer is moving to Berlin to teach 4K. Mrs. Larscheid has been reassigned to Shaprio/Lakeside and Breana Eagan will be taking over her caseload. Mrs. Lepper has accepted a second grade position at Oaklawn. Ms. Moon is relocating to Milwaukee and will be teaching at her former elementary school! Ms. Larson will be at the Merrill/Webster site next year and Mrs. Zerbe will be at Tipler. Our extra art and PE sections will be taught by the Jefferson staff - Taylor Lange and Makayla Keefe. Ms. Cibula transferred to Jefferson so she will be staying with us for music. Watch for further updates next fall.
We wish everyone well as they embark on new adventures and look forward to getting to know our new school family members! We are looking forward to continuing the Traeger tradition of excellence in education for 2023-2024!
chari Jensema - school social worker
How long have you been in the OASD? What positions have you held and what buildings have you been in?
I have worked for OASD for 10 years. I have worked as a school social worker. I have worked at CTE, CTM, Washington, Jefferson, Read, Merrill El,, Merrill M. and Oaklawn Elementary schools.
What is the largest change you have seen in education over the span of your career?
Public schools have become wrap-around services for many students and families, providing many services such as mental health treatment, teaming with local agencies to provide support within the school setting.
What advice do you have for students?
Always believe in yourself no matter what obstacles you face. Follow your passion and explore your career path with something you love to do
What big plans do you have for the future?
My plans for the future are to travel, spend as much time in the winter at my Florida home and spend time with my family.
Teresa Moucha - Art Teacher
How long have you been in the OASD? What positions have you held and what buildings have you been in?
I taught Art part-time in Chippewa Falls for 3 years and then I moved to Oshkosh where I have taught for 28 years. I have taught art at Jefferson, Oaklawn, Lakeside, Franklin, Smith, Oakwood, Traeger Middle and South Park Middle. I was on the original Traeger Elementary opening team 26 years ago.
What is the largest change you have seen in education over the span of your career?
The biggest change in education is in the area of technology! Some of the changes in content delivery are so amazing as with our BenQ boards and Google Drive. Covid took our new skills with technology to a new level when we taught virtually.
What advice do you have for students?
For my students, "Always follow your intuition fearlessly and keep making amazing art from your heart!"
What big plans do you have for the future?
I have started a business, HeArt Center Studios LLC. and look forward to making art, practicing Yoga, and sharing my love of both with others. I am retiring full of gratitude for having been given my career here in Oshkosh and at Carl Traeger Elementary.
Sharon Schiltz - Autism Paraprofessional
How long have you been in the OASD? What positions have you held and what buildings have you been in?
I have worked for Oasd for 12 years. I have worked as a teacher assistant at Shapiro elementary. I then worked at Carl Traeger Middle as an assistant. My final 4 years have been at Carl Traeger Elementary.
What is the largest change you have seen in education over the span of your career?
The largest change I have seen is,more of a focus on working as a team with students and staff, being a school family.
What advice do you have for students?
My advise to students is to keep working hard like you are and know you are valuable and loved.
What big plans do you have for the future?
To start my retirement off, I will be have the pleasure of seeing my son get married. My family will being going on a mission trip to help at an orphanage in Nicaragua in August. I have been blessed to work with such wonderful staff and students and will miss you all.
Ann Terzynski - Literacy Instructional Support Teacher
How long have you been in the OASD? What positions have you held and what buildings have you been in?
I have had a great career in the OASD for the past 26 years! I have worked at Jefferson Elementary for 11 years as a Teacher of Students with Learning Disabilities. I moved to Merrill Elementary and worked a a literacy coach and interventionist for around 5 years. During this time at Merrill, I also provided qualifying students at Lourdes, Trinity Lutheran, Martin Luther, Grace Lutheran and Valley Christian Schools literacy intervention. In 2013, I moved to Carl Traeger Elementary as a Literacy Interventionist and continued my teaching at the Oshkosh private schools.
What is the largest change you have seen in education over the span of your career?
The greatest change I have seen in education over the past 26 years is the use of technology to help students and staff access resources to help learning and have new ways to express themselves.
What advice do you have for students?
After much thought, I would remind students to be curious about the world around you. Learn about people, ideas, and places by reading and talking with people. Being curious can help you stay positive about yourself, make connections with people and help you grow personally.
What big plans do you have for the future?
My plans for retirement include travel to Australia to visit family and friends. My husband and I are also planning on relocating to Houston to be closer to my 3 adult children. I want to thank the Carl Traeger School and Parent community for providing many opportunities for me to teach in my chose speciality area and help children grow academically and personally. Over the past 10 years, I have worked with many excellent and caring educators. I have also been fortunate to have the guidance and leadership of our principal, Mrs. G. I have had a very satisfying career. Thank you to all.
We are in need of volunteers to weed and water our school garden beds! So far only one family has signed up!
If you are interested, please click on this LINK and sign up for a week to water.
Note: A watering “key” is needed to turn on the outdoor watering spout. The key will need to be passed from one family to another. Please include your contact info on the sign up document so you can plan how to hand off the key to the next person/family.
Tips to Make Summer Reading Happen
by Mrs. Runde
1. CHOICE: Let your kids choose the books that they read. Kids Need to Pick Out Books.
2. BOUNTY: Fill your house with lots of books. More books = more chances for your children to find a fantastic, amazing, very good book that they can’t put down.
Recently, we set a new money spent record at the bookstore. Gulp. I shouldn’t even tell you but it was well over $300. There’s something magical about mom taking you to the bookstore where you can pick all the books you want to read. (Magically expensive. But worth it.)
Of course, we do visit the library weekly, and it’s much more economical.
3. LIBRARY: Use your library. Let your kids go WILD and check out lots of books!
4. TIME: Kids need opportunities for reading. So, make sure they’re not filling all their time with TV, video games, and iPad time.
5. TECHNOLOGY: Don’t forget about audiobooks, Kindles, iPads, and Nook reading. Ebooks and audiobooks count as reading, too. (See: audiobooks for tweens & audiobooks for teens.)
6. READABILITY: Make sure your child is reading books that he or she can actually comprehend. When choosing a book, use the 5 finger test to decide if it’s a just-right book. During and after reading, ask your child to tell you a little bit about the story. If you haven’t read the story, read the back and ask questions pertaining to that summary. Make sure your child is understanding what he reads — and that he KNOWS IF HE DOESN’T. For more clarity about reading comprehension, visit this post.
7. COZY READING SPACE: Kids LOVE a Cozy Book Nook. It doesn’t have to be fancy but it does need to involve the kids. Find a corner – those work best. Let your child add pillows, lamps, books, stuffed animals, a headlamp or flashlight, and create a special space.
Read more tips on how to make an enticing book nook.
8. DOWNTIME: Kids Need Margins Just Like We Do. We all need unscheduled time to rest and relax. Kids especially. Remember to make time during the day for rest and reading.
- June 27
- Sparty's Water Games 1:00pm on the playground
- July 31
- Sparty's Birthday Bash 1:00pm on the playground
- August 14
- Sparty's Dog Days of Summer Fun 1:00pm on the playground
- August 24
- Get to Know You Conferences/School Pictures 4-7:15pm
- Kindergarten Parent Meeting Time TBD
- August 29
- Get to Know You Conferences/School Pictures 4-7:15pm
- Kindergarten Parent Meeting Time TBD
- September 1
- First Day of School!
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
This is the final edition of Traeger Tales for 2022-2023!
Newsletter - May 26, 2023
TRAEGER TALESMay 26, 2023: Issue 36
With the end of this school year in sight, do what you can to make sure your child finishes strong and feels good about the end of the school year—and excited about what’s to come!
- Ask your child about his/her experiences this year. What were the best parts of the year? What were the hardest parts? Is there anything you wish you would have done differently? What new friends did you make?
- Talk about next year. If your child is transitioning to a new school, talk about what the school will be like, and what your child can expect. Check out the school’s website and visit the school if possible.
- Ask your child to start thinking about what he/she would like to accomplish this summer, perhaps read a certain number of books or learn a new skill (e.g., rollerblade, draw on the computer, play tennis).
Toward the end of the school year, student engagement in class (paying attention and participating) can diminish. This can make classes frustrating and unproductive. Here’s how you can help.
- Talk to your child about the importance of finishing the year strong. If you see your child starting to slack off, monitor his/her homework and grades more closely.
- As a way to encourage your child to stay focused on learning, each night at dinner, challenge your child to share two things he/she learned in school that day.
- Remind your child to stay engaged and to ask and answer questions in class. Students are much more engaged when they raise their hands often and participate in class discussions. They also find that the time goes a lot faster.
Talk to your child about how he/she feels about this year coming to a close. Some kids feel excited, nervous, and sad—sometimes all at once. Make sure your child knows that all these feelings are normal.
~Mrs. G. 😃
As school days wind down and the amount of free time your child has sky rockets, many parents find that an increase in screen time (using a tablet, computer, phone, or TV) sky rockets as well. Here are some tips for making sure your child has a healthy relationship with technology over the summer.
Keep it about learning. Your child likely enjoys using technology for entertainment and learning, but without direction from teachers, the learning often falls by the wayside. Look for opportunities to keep it educational, such as restricting technology use to educational games and apps only, or allowing your child to practice writing skills by exchanging emails (with your supervision) with friends and family.
Encourage activity and creativity.
Rather than passively sitting and watching videos for hours, encourage your child to make his/her own videos on a topic of his/her choice. Your child might narrate instructional videos about building LEGO sets, how to do a particular dance, or do a craft. Send the videos to family and friends, or watch them all together.
Old PE shoes that you no longer have a need for? Mrs. Wara will have a shoe donation bucket outside the gym door for gently used gym shoes to be donated!
Last Day of School Dismissal traffic on the last day of school is typically VERY heavy. It is often difficult to get in or out of the driveway on that day. Please plan ahead and consider walking or biking to school next week. If you do drive to school on the last day, please be prepared for long traffic lines upon departure. Thank you!
End-of-Year Celebration
The countdown to the last day of school has begun!
To celebrate and say goodbye for the summer, all Traeger students, staff and parents are invited to attend the end-of-year celebration and dance. This will be held on the playground from 1:30-2:30 pm on Friday, June 2. Ed Eaton from Sound Sensations Entertainment will be our DJ and each student will receive a popsicle during the event.
At 2:30 pm all students must go back inside with their teachers for final wrap-up and goodbyes. Students will be dismissed at 2:45 pm.
Volunteers are needed to help with this event. Please head to to see what volunteer opportunities are available and how you can help.
- What: 5th Grade Advancement/DARE Graduation
- Who: Parents and Family of 5th Grade Students
- When: Thursday, June 1 at 1:30 PM (Gallery Walk at 1:15)
- Where: Carl Traeger Elementary School Gym
We hope you can join us as we celebrate elementary school and bid our 5th graders farewell!
The fifth grade celebration is Thursday, June 1 at 1:30. Parents are invited to come watch their fifth graders be recognized for successful completion of the elementary years and the DARE curriculum!
This year students will be participating in one of many ways: greeting guests, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the school song, sharing a favorite memory, presenting the class gift, or participating in a gallery walk of their favorite projects. Students are encouraged to dress nicely for this event.
Parents will have the opportunity to enjoy the gallery walk from 1:15 to 1:30 or immediately after the ceremony. The gallery walk will be set up in the elementary school gym. After the ceremony we will have a reception in the cafeteria with with cookies and lemonade. Students and families can mingle and reminisce about all the great times we have had together.
Join us in the elementary school gym as we honor our fifth grade students and send them off to middle school!
We are in need of volunteers to weed and water our school garden beds!
If you are interested, please click on this LINK and sign up for a week to water.
Note: A watering “key” is needed to turn on the outdoor watering spout. The key will need to be passed from one family to another. Please include your contact info on the sign up document so you can plan how to hand off the key to the next person/family.
- May 29
- No School - Memorial Day
- May 31
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Third Grade to Bubolz
- June 1
- Second Grade to Green Bay Botanical Gardens
- 5th Grade Advancement/DARE Graduation 1:30pm
- June 2
- Last Day of School!
- Dance Party on the Playground 1:30pm
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - May 19, 2023
TRAEGER TALESMay 19, 2023: Issue 35
It’s normal to get anxious in a new situation. When your child has to face something new, here are some concrete steps you can take as a parent to help ease them in.
1. Validate, validate, validate.
Tell your child that what they’re feeling is normal. It is perfectly okay for a child to feel their feelings, even if those emotions aren’t comfortable. Gently commenting on those feelings won’t make them worse—it will actually help your child feel understood. Try something like, “It’s okay to feel worried,” or “It’s hard to try new things sometimes.”
2. Keep a “You can do it!” attitude.
Express full confidence in your child’s ability to manage the situation they are in. Let them know that you believe they can handle the new challenge (even if it is hard). You can say statements like, “You’ve got this,” or “I know you can handle this.”
This confidence will work really well with your validation to show your child that you understand what they’re going through but still know they can do it. It might sound like, “I know you’re worried about going to the birthday party, AND I know you can do it.”
3. Take small steps toward a goal.
Some situations are harder for kids than others. Before you put your child in a new environment, think about whether you believe they can handle it right now. If it is too difficult, set them up for success by breaking up the task beforehand. Then start with a mini-step instead. For example, instead of just dropping your child off at soccer practice, let them know you will stay and watch. For the next week, make a plan to stay for only half of practice and then build toward dropping off and leaving. Make sure to tell the truth — no sneaking off if they seem more comfortable than you expected!
4. Practice makes progress.
For some kids, it’s going to take more than one time to warm up to a new situation. Give your kids time and don’t give up on something just because the first time was a little rough. Most things take a couple tries to get good at. Think of a skill you’ve been working on for yourself and compare it to the first time you tried it. I’d imagine you’re better now than when you first started. Putting kids in a new environment is the same—the more they do it, the easier it will get. If they quit piano after just one lesson, they’re probably never going to learn that it gets easier with time. Set a specific number of practices or lessons in advance and stick to it so your child can learn what happens to their worries when they keep trying.
5. Praise goes a long way.
It feels great when someone tells you they notice your hard work, doesn’t it? Let your child know they are doing an awesome job just by trying something new. Say something like, “I’m so proud of you for going to a new school even though you were worried,” or “Awesome job walking to the bus stop by yourself. I know that was a hard one.” You can praise effort toward a goal, even if your child hasn’t fully gotten to the end goal yet.
6. Check yourself.
As caregivers, it can be tough to see a child worrying. Children are emotional sponges; they pick up on what the adults in their lives are feeling. Make a plan to manage your emotions so that you can help your child through a new situation. Remind yourself that your child is safe—you wouldn’t put them in a dangerous situation. We can’t protect children from their feelings because feelings are natural, but we can help them through their feelings by supporting, validating, and giving them confidence.
Mrs. G. 😃 ~Source Read Brightly
TREE-mendous Traeger Students!
Every month each class recognizes a student who consistently follows the Traeger Way! Congratulations to our April students who are also featured on the bulletin board in the cafeteria!
End-of-Year Celebration
The countdown to the last day of school has begun!
To celebrate and say goodbye for the summer, all Traeger students, staff and parents are invited to attend the end-of-year celebration and dance. This will be held on the playground from 1:30-2:30 pm on Friday, June 2. Ed Eaton from Sound Sensations Entertainment will be our DJ and each student will receive a popsicle during the event.
At 2:30 pm all students must go back inside with their teachers for final wrap-up and goodbyes. Students will be dismissed at 2:45 pm.
Volunteers are needed to help with this event. Please head to to see what volunteer opportunities are available and how you can help.
- What: 5th Grade Advancement/DARE Graduation
- Who: Parents and Family of 5th Grade Students
- When: Thursday, June 1 at 1:30 PM (Gallery Walk at 1:15)
- Where: Carl Traeger Elementary School Gym
We hope you can join us as we celebrate elementary school and bid our 5th graders farewell!
The fifth grade celebration is Thursday, June 1 at 1:30. Parents are invited to come watch their fifth graders be recognized for successful completion of the elementary years and the DARE curriculum!
This year students will be participating in one of many ways: greeting guests, saying the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the school song, sharing a favorite memory, presenting the class gift, or participating in a gallery walk of their favorite projects. Students are encouraged to dress nicely for this event.
Parents will have the opportunity to enjoy the gallery walk from 1:15 to 1:30 or immediately after the ceremony. The gallery walk will be set up in the elementary school gym. After the ceremony we will have a reception in the cafeteria with with cookies and lemonade. Students and families can mingle and reminisce about all the great times we have had together.
Join us in the elementary school gym as we honor our fifth grade students and send them off to middle school!
Celebrate Our Local Author
Our very own, Ms. Gill, will be at Caramel Crisp Corner on Sunday celebrating her newly published books! We are so lucky to have a local author and illustrator in our Carl Traeger Family! Be sure to attend and support all our local authors, especially Ms. Gill, on Sunday from 1-4pm!
PSC Meeting: Thursday, May 11th, 2023
PSC Mission Statement: The purpose of the Carl Traeger Elementary Parents and Staff for Children (PSC) organization is to serve in a voluntary, supportive and cooperative role bringing home, school and the community together; to make all children, parents and staff feel important, special, capable and a part of the community, to support Carl Traeger Elementary school by providing necessary resources for childrens’ educational benefit.
PSC Officers:
- President: Nichole Casper
- Vice President: Megan Paulik
- Communication & Outreach: Kelly Zanders
- Co-Secretaries: Heather Swenson & Mandy Stein
- Co-Treasurers: Nick Zanders & Jolene Halbach
Bingo update
Total profit - $3600
50/50 raffle - $464 profit (ran out of tickets)
Pick of the Pack - $450 profit (need to precount tickets next year)
Registration - 448 participants (Max was 450) - $896
Ideas for next year:
Ice cream treats/dessert time
Silent auction with items donated by staff that are free (baking with Branson, extra recess for class, etc.) - let the staff know by January
Volunteer instruction sheet
Participant instruction sheet in envelope and hang signs (include color of tickets and what they are for)
Need basket for kids heads/tails winner
Have ready-made form with the prize baskets to easily write the winners
Use cellophane instead of saran wrap
Treasurer Update
Private donations from Bingo
Unused teacher appreciation donations need to be allocated for next year’s teacher appreciation; use for spa activity suggestion
If work at a bank, look for company matches
Proposed budget for 2023-2024 school year
Special Budget Note: We had to take out a lot of the budget that we normally pay for. At our budget meeting we had to balance the budget. Estimates were conservative. Our hope is to put things back in that we do help out with if we make more from our fundraisers next year. Ideas AND help for fundraisers are welcome!
Motion to Approve by Mandy Stein
Second the Motion by Jenny Hunt
Upcoming Event Volunteers Needed
Golf Outing - May 21st (Kelly)
Still looking for volunteers to run hole games
End of Year Dance – June 2nd (Mandy)
One volunteer spot open to monitor doors from 1:50-2:10
Upcoming Fundraisers
Golf Outing – May 21st
Registration open until May 18th
17 teams registered so far
5th Grade Gift – stuffed animal day to support donation
Purchasing Tree(s) to replace trees that were taken down
Planting on May 25th in front of building
Received through City of Oshkosh at a discount; they will come plant but 5th graders can help
Fire Escape created thumbprint tree picture
Plaque - added 4 years back
Book Fair
Next year’s dates 9/25-9/29
Volunteer opportunities for upcoming school year
Kindergarten Playdate
Thursday August 31st (First day is Friday Sept. 1st).
Parents and kids can play on the playground. Kelly Zanders will help.
Teacher Meals for Get to Know You (GTKY) Conferences
August 24 and 29 4:00pm - 7:15pm each night.
Grab and go items they can eat quickly.
PSC Table at GTKYC – Shifts to hand out flyers/magnets.
We will add PSC meeting dates to the flyer:
9/12, 10/10, 11/7, 1/9, 2/13, 3/ 5, 4/9, 5/14
Need help in 30-60 minute shifts.
Open Discussion
Bowling date is not set in stone because Revs doesn’t set 2024 calendar until August
Photo fundraiser
Not offering with prior photographer but have a new photographer looking to donate time and doesn’t have timing conflict
Kelly will look into dates
Next Meeting - Tuesday, September 12, 2023 in Library/Media Center (LMC)
Each month our students have the opportunity to exchange their Pride Prints for a variety of incentives ranging from school supplies to books to time with staff. After the last Pride Print Cart visit, we want to be able to provide motivation for students to continue to follow the Traeger Way. We are looking for donations that can be used for drawings on the last day of school at the dance party. Students can place their Pride Prints in the containers of the items they would love to win. We are hoping parents can help out with donations. Our theme is Summer Fun! We can put smaller items together – all donations are appreciated!
Hello Traeger Families!
Several years ago Growing Oshkosh, a non-profit urban farm, partnered with OASD to bring raised bed gardens to our schools. While Growing Oshkosh is no longer in existence, we continue to plant and maintain our garden beds for our school community. Again, this year, our Empower Academy class will be planting our beds. We need help from our families to maintain the beds throughout the summer.
All families are welcome to enjoy and work with the school gardens throughout the spring, summer, and fall. The school gardens will require some watering and light weeding throughout the growing season.
Families are encouraged to bring their children to the gardens throughout the summer to see how the plants are progressing and take home any produce that is ready. All the produce grown in the gardens is free and can be harvested by anyone at any time!
We invite families to sign up for one week over the summer months to water the gardens if needed.
If you are interested, please click on this LINK and sign up for a week to water.
Note: A watering “key” is needed to turn on the outdoor watering spout. The key will need to be passed from one family to another. Please include your contact info on the sign up document so you can plan how to hand off the key to the next person/family.
- May 23
- K-Kids 6:00pm in LMC
- May 24
- Walk to School Wednesday
- May 26
- Field Day
- May 29
- No School - Memorial Day
- May 31
- Walk to School Wednesday
- Third Grade to Bubolz
- June 1
- Second Grade to Green Bay Botanical Gardens
- 5th Grade Advancement/DARE Graduation 1:30pm
- June 2
- Last Day of School!
- Dance Party on the Playground 1:30pm
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions
At Carl Traeger Elementary, we are dedicated to providing the best educational program possible for our children. Should something occur that you have a question about or are unhappy with, please give your child's teacher a call first and then your child's principal so that they can work together with you to address your need. Brenna Garrison-Bruden can be reached at 424-0221. If you have a concern that you have been unable to resolve with a staff member or the principal, you may call the district office at 424-0395 and they will help you address your concern and/or connect you with others who can help.
Community Flyers and Events
The Oshkosh Area School District invites families to explore all that Oshkosh has to offer. A variety of community events, activities, and resources are available on the District's Community Links webpage. This listing is updated in real-time so please check back often to stay in the know!
Newsletter - May 11, 2023
TRAEGER TALESMay 11, 2023: Issue 34
How did Barack Obama become president? Why is Serena Williams such a good tennis player? We often look at the end of the story – the A+ or the star athlete – and think that success came without effort. Instead, success often takes great effort and planning. Parents and teachers build children’s goal setting and problem solving skills by talking about the little steps needed to reach large goals. Here’s how to do it.
Teach children how to think rather than what to think by asking questions and offering choices.
What We Know:
You can help your child move from “what do I want to be?” to “how can I be that?” by helping them identify simple steps that can lead to their long-term goal. Even young children are capable of thinking about the steps to solving a problem. As early as age 4, children can offer many solutions to a problem. And, by age 8, children can think of the steps needed to reach a goal and the problems they might have along the way.
Parents can teach children how to think rather than what to think by asking questions and offering choices. For very young children the questions are simple: “Would you like the door open or closed?” “Would you like one book or two books?” By elementary school, the questions can be more complicated: “What could you do differently?” “How did that make you feel?” “What can you try next?”
Try This:
Help your child set and achieve big personal goals by reading picture books that show how lots of little steps are needed to reach a goal. (The We Are Teachers website has a list of 12 books about reaching goals to check out from your library.) While you are reading, ask questions about how the character becomes successful like: “Was she always good at playing the violin?” “How did he become a better runner?” “What happened when she made a mistake?”
For Fun:
Watch Dr. Becky Bailey’s TedX Talk “Wiring the Brain for Success” for an entertaining look at the brain science behind how our mental state prepares us to reach goals. (Source: UW Extension)
Mrs. G. 😃
Each month our students have the opportunity to exchange their Pride Prints for a variety of incentives ranging from school supplies to books to time with staff. After the last Pride Print Cart visit, we want to be able to provide motivation for students to continue to follow the Traeger Way. We are looking for donations that can be used for drawings on the last day of school at the dance party. Students can place their Pride Prints in the containers of the items they would love to win. We are hoping parents can help out with donations. Our theme is Summer Fun! We can put smaller items together – all donations are appreciated!
Hello Traeger Families!
Several years ago Growing Oshkosh, a non-profit urban farm, partnered with OASD to bring raised bed gardens to our schools. While Growing Oshkosh is no longer in existence, we continue to plant and maintain our garden beds for our school community. Again, this year, our Empower Academy class will be planting our beds. We need help from our families to maintain the beds throughout the summer.
All families are welcome to enjoy and work with the school gardens throughout the spring, summer, and fall. The school gardens will require some watering and light weeding throughout the growing season.
Families are encouraged to bring their children to the gardens throughout the summer to see how the plants are progressing and take home any produce that is ready. All the produce grown in the gardens is free and can be harvested by anyone at any time!
We invite families to sign up for one week over the summer months to water the gardens if needed.
If you are interested, please click on this LINK and sign up for a week to water.
Note: A watering “key” is needed to turn on the outdoor watering spout. The key will need to be passed from one family to another. Please include your contact info on the sign up document so you can plan how to hand off the key to the next person/family.
Fifth Grade Advancement and DARE Graduation
Thursday, June 1
Elementary Gym
Golf Outing: Sunday, May 21st Our golf outing is back! Join us for the 3rd annual Carl Traeger Elementary PSC Golf Outing scheduled for